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   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

100 лучших рецептов горячих закусок [Електронний ресурс] / сост. Г. С. Выдревич. - М. ; СПб. : Эксмо, 2009. - 64 с.


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Закуски — блюда разнообразные, практически универсальные и поэтому очень популярные. Особенно много их в русской кухне. Горячие закуски отличаются еще и тем, что их можно использовать в качестве второго блюда. Они разнообразят меню и служат истинным украшением любого праздничного стола. В этой книге собрано много рецептов из самых разных продуктов — на любой вкус и кошелек. Если вы не обладаете кулинарными навыками; точно следуйте рекомендациям. Если же считаете себя мастером, эти рецепты могут послужить основой, благодаря которой ваша фантазия поможет создать нечто новое и изысканное.

їжа -- кулінарія -- рецепт

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Avery, Alex.
The Truth About Organic Foods [Electronic resource] / Alex Avery. - Chesterfield : Henderson Communications L.L.C, 2006. - 239 p
Переклад назви: Правда про органічні продукти


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First and foremost, 1 thank my father, Dennis Avery, for nurturing my inquisitive nature and encouraging me from an early age to pursue my love of science and the truth. He is the reason 1 have followed this career path and had so much fun in the process. 1 also thank my wife for her unflagging support and patience throughout the writing process, as well as her tough and wonderfully honest opinions as the manuscript progressed. 1 owe Anne and Alice for their editorial advice and administrative support. And finally, for all the wonderful farmers and farm families that 1 have met and gotten to know over the past 12 years, thank you for sharing your lives with me.

органіка -- продукти харчування -- їжа -- ГМО

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Balinska, Maria.
The Bagel [Electronic resource] : the surprising history of a modest bread / M. Balinska. - New Haven : Yale University Press, 2008. - 220 p
Переклад назви: Бублик: дивовижна історія скромного хліба


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If smoked salmon and cream cheese bring only one thing to mind, you can count yourself among the world’s millions of bagel mavens. But few people are aware of the bagel’s provenance, let alone its adventuresome history. This charming book tells the remarkable story of the bagel’s journey from the tables of seventeenth-century Poland to the freezers of middle America today, a story of often surprising connections between a cheap market-day snack and centuries of Polish, Jewish, and American history. Research in international archives and numerous personal interviews uncover the bagel’s links with the defeat of the Turks by Polish King Jan Sobieski in 1683, the Yiddish cultural revival of the late nineteenth century, and Jewish migration across the Atlantic to America. There the story moves from the bakeries of New York’s Lower East Side to the Bagel Bakers’ Local 388 Union of the 1960s, and the attentions of the mob. For all its modest size, the bagel has managed to bridge cultural gaps, rescue kings from obscurity, charge the emotions, and challenge received wisdom. Maria Balinska weaves together a rich, quirky, and evocative history of East European Jewry and the unassuming ring-shaped roll the world has taken to its heart.

історія -- їжа -- культура -- споживання

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Coelho, Alexa.
Why is milk white [Electronic resource] : & 200 Other Curious Chemistry Questions / Alexa Coelho, Simon Quellen Field. - Chicago : Chicago Review Press, 2013. - 286 p
Переклад назви: Чому молоко біле?


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Covering a wide variety of everyday chemistry concepts from the very simple to the more complex, this question-and-answer primer provides straightforward, easy-to-understand explanations for inquisitive young scientists’ questions. A dozen unique experiments to try at home—from lifting latent fingerprints from a “crime scene” using super glue (for smooth surfaces) or iodine (for paper) to hollowing out the zinc interior of a penny using muriatic acid—are interspersed with the answers to such questions as What makes soda so fizzy? and Why do you get cavities when you eat too much sugar? From separating food coloring into its component dyes to using easy-to-find chemicals to create “slime,” Silly Putty, or bouncing balls, this handy guide is the ideal resource for the budding chemist.

їжа -- біохімія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Dalby, Andrew.
Cheese [Electronic resource] : a global history / Andrew Dalby. - London : Reaktion Books, 2009. - 154 p
Переклад назви: Сир: глобальна історія


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Take a slice of bread. It’s perfectly okay in and of itself. Maybe it has a nice, crisp crust or the scent of sourdough. But really, it’s kind of boring. Now melt some cheese on it—a sharp Vermont cheddar or a flavorful Swiss Gruyere. Mmm, delicious. Cheese—it’s the staple food, the accessory that makes everything better, from the hamburger to the ordinary sandwich to a bowl of macaroni. Despite its many uses and variations, there has never before been a global history of cheese, but here at last is a succinct, authoritative account, revealing how cheese was invented and where, when, and even why.

сир -- їжа -- історія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

DK Publishing
Healing Foods [Electronic resource] / DK Publishing. - New York : DK, 2013. - 352 p
Переклад назви: Лікувальна їжа


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Take control of your life and your health through what you eat with Healing Foods — an indispensable resource that shows you exactly what foods are best, and how to optimize their super-food potential. With more than 200 healing foods, from carrots to clementines, and 150 easy-to-prepare recipes that heal, Healing Foods empowers readers to practice optimum nutrition, and shows how certain foods can be incorporated into daily life to target specific health issues.

лікарські рослини -- харчування -- дієтологія

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of Food and Culture [Electronic resource] : in 3 vol. / S.H. Katz. - New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, 2003
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія їжі та культури


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Vol. 1 : Acceptance - Food Politics. - 720 p.

Vol. 2 : Food Production - Nuts. - 626 p.

Vol. 3 : Obesity - Zoroastrianism. - 712 p.

As the title implies, the encyclopedia discusses food in its relation to society. The 600 articles, arranged alphabetically, cover everything from the significance of Betty Crocker to bioactive food components. Chronological scope encompasses the Paleolithic origins of hunting and current trends such as comfort food and fusion cuisine. Length of the signed articles ranges from less than a page for most biographies (Birdseye, Clarence; Escoffier, Georges-Auguste) to more than 10 pages for Dairy products and Sensation and the senses. Some topics, among them Beer, France, and Fruit, are examined in series of subentries. See also references and current bibliographies are at the end of each entry, with some bibliographies containing Web sites. Interspersed throughout the text are boxes and sidebars on subjects such as genetically modified organisms, a controversial topic that is treated impartially. A box adjacent to the entry on Julia Child provides three quotations by Child. The best one is this advice: "No matter what happens in the kitchen, never apologize." The volumes also include tables with statistical information; for example, production, imports, and exports of butter by country.In addition to the set's 550 black-and-white photos and 50 maps, each volume has a section of color plates, an eclectic mix illustrating relationships between culture and food. A plate in volume 1 offers a detail of a Spanish still-life painting containing biscuits, a page from a Belgium biscuit catalog, and a photograph of a bread vendor in Central Asia. Interesting textual links between culture and food include a discussion of the problem of litter in the U.S. because of fast-food restaurants and the elevation of the chef, making "going to restaurants a combination of high theater and spectator sport." The contributors are listed in the appendix with affiliation and the articles they wrote. They include a number of U.S. academics but also Alan Davidson, the editor of The Oxford Companion to Food; the famous Paris bread baker, Lionel Poilane, who died last fall; Chef Fritz Blank of Deux Cheminees in Philadelphia; and cookbook author Elisabeth Lambert Ortiz. The appendix also has "Dietary Reference Intakes" and a "Systematic Outline of Contents," which is a good finding tool. The index is comprehensive, indexing minor names such as Marjorie Hendrick and the Watergate Inn, which are mentioned in the entry United States: Middle Atlantic. Criticisms are few. A general bibliography would have been useful because sometimes books mentioned in articles are not cited in the accompanying bibliographies. The ice cream entry says nothing about the great variety of flavors that are now in existence. The cookbook article fails to mention the effect of Erma Rombauer's Joy of Cooking on women in the twentieth century. Although this is an expensive resource, it is well worth the money. Recommended for all academic and public libraries that have patrons interested in food and culture.

їжа -- харчова технологія -- культура їжі

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Kalatoite [Електронний ресурс] : рыбные блюда. - Таллин : Eesti Raamat, 1986. - 34 с.


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Океан - богатейшая кладовая питательных веществ планеты. По сведениям ученых, вся жизнь на Земле зародилась в океане. В нем имеется все, что необходимо для жизни. По своей питательности рыба, вслед за молоком, стоит на втором месте. Из рыбных блюд наш организм получает все необходимые витамины, минеральные вещества и микроэлементы, которыми бедноваты довольно-таки многие «сухопутные » продукты. В рыбе (скумбрии, карасе и карпе) содержится даже витамин С. По содержанию витамина В2 рыба значительно превосходит мясо всех домашних животных. Витамином А богаты треска, камбала, окунь, скумбрия. И содержание в рыбе железа тоже выше, чем в мясе. Значительным содержанием железа отличаются щука, карп, салака и хек (мерлуза). Холестерина, избыток которого в организме человека нежелателен, в рыбе содержится мало, примерно в четыре раза меньше, чем в яйцах. От рыбьего жира не полнеют, так как содержащиеся в рыбе ненасыщенные жирные кислоты быстро окисляются в организме. Дельфины морские млекопитающие с весьма развитым «интеллектом» — предпочитают именно жирную рыбу, так как она придает больше энергии и богаче витаминами. Содержащиеся в рыбьем жире лецитины регулируют содержание холестерина в организме человека, препятствуют нарушениям обмена веществ и благоприятствуют работе мозга.

кулінарія -- рецепт -- їжа

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Kraig, Bruce.
Hot Dog [Electronic resource] : a global history / B. Kraig. - London : Reaktion Books, 2009. - 128 p.
Переклад назви: Хот-дог : глобальна історія


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Char-grilled or boiled? Sauerkraut or chili? Mustard or ketchup? Vienna Beef or Sabrett? Only these questions could be raised about one of the world’s favorite backyard, picnic, ballgame, and street foods—the hotdog. Though nearly two billion hot dogs are consumed by Americans annually in the month of July alone, there is absolutely no consensus on which is the right way to serve up a hotdog. In Hot Dog, well known food historian Bruce Kraig recounts the history of this popular “tube steak” from the origin of the sausage 20,000 years ago to its central place in American culture today. Kraig discusses the many brands, including Hebrew National, Pearl, Sabrett, and Vienna Beef, and the regional variations that go along with them—like kosher-style New York dogs loaded with mustard and sauerkraut, New England dogs with Boston Baked Beans, and fully-loaded Chicago style hotdogs, complete with mustard, onion, relish, sport peppers, a dill pickle spear, a dash of celery salt, and tomato slices (but never, ever ketchup). Hot Dog covers the other international sausages, like bologna and bockwurst, as well, and explores some of the apocryphal tales of the hotdog in history—like the origin of its name and whether Queen Elizabeth II was truly served hotdogs on a visit to the White House.

їжа -- культура споживання

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Reader, John.
Potato [Electronic resource] : a history of the propitious esculent / J. Reader. - New Haven ; London : Yale University Press, 2009. - 332 p
Переклад назви: Картопля: історія сприятливого їстівного


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The potato—humble, lumpy, bland, familiar—is a decidedly unglamorous staple of the dinner table. Or is it? John Reader’s narrative on the role of the potato in world history suggests we may be underestimating this remarkable tuber. From domestication in Peru 8,000 years ago to its status today as the world’s fourth largest food crop, the potato has played a starring—or at least supporting—role in many chapters of human history. In this witty and engaging book, Reader opens our eyes to the power of the potato. Whether embraced as the solution to hunger or wielded as a weapon of exploitation, blamed for famine and death or recognized for spurring progress, the potato has often changed the course of human events. Reader focuses on sixteenth-century South America, where the indigenous potato enabled Spanish conquerors to feed thousands of conscripted native people; eighteenth-century Europe, where the nutrition-packed potato brought about a population explosion; and today’s global world, where the potato is an essential food source but also the world’s most chemically-dependent crop. Where potatoes have been adopted as a staple food, social change has always followed. It may be “just” a humble vegetable, John Reader shows, yet the history of the potato has been anything but dull.

їжа -- каропля -- історія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Ridgaway, Dwayne.
The gourmet’s guide to cooking with chocolate [Electronic resource] : how to Use Chocolate to Take Simple Recipes from the Ordinary to the Extraordinary / Dwayne Ridgaway. - Beverly : Quarry Books, 2010. - 244 p.
Переклад назви: Керівництво гурмана зі страв із шоколаду: як використовувати шоколад в якості інгредієнта простих і надзвичайних страв


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We can crave many things—the latest fashions, the newest car, the best wine—but what more powerful craving is there than that for chocolate? The mere sound of the word elicits cravings. Is it simply flavor, hormones, or a chemical in our brain? Perusing the contents of this book might find you with a hankering for a glass of chocolate milk, or a single, decadent truffle. How many times have you found yourself passing by a candy shop, window displays brimming with little confections that pull you in, inevitably causing you to buy something? There are many answers to questions about cravings ranging from the scientifically sound to the philosophical, but this is not a medical journal or a research paper. It is, however, a collection of 150 delicious ways to satisfy the craving. This book aspires to take the mystery out of cooking and baking with chocolate and make it a pleasure. Having attended culinary school, I have seen some remarkable achievements in chocolate, including cakes and candies that are more like sculpture than food. Those are the extremes; here we take a simpler approach to creating with chocolate. We explore the nature of chocolate and why certain types are better for a recipe than others.

шоколад -- їжа -- кулінарія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Sen, Colleen Taylor.
Curry a global history [Electronic resource] / Colleen Taylor Sen. - London : Reaktion Books, 2009. - 143 p. - (The edible series)
Переклад назви: Всесвітня історія каррі


Географічні рубрики:

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Curry is one of the most widely used—and misused—terms in the culinary lexicon. Outside of India, the word curry is often used as a catchall to describe any Indian dish or Indian food in general, yet Indians rarely use it to describe their own cuisine. Curry answers the question, “What is curry?” by giving a lively historical and descriptive account of a dish that has many incarnations. In this global history, food writer Colleen Taylor Sen describes in detail the Anglo-Indian origins of curry and how this widely used spice has been adapted throughout the world. Exploring the curry universe beyond India and Great Britain, her chronicles include the elegant, complex curries of Thailand; the exuberant curry/rotis of the Caribbean; kari/raisu, Japan’s favorite comfort food; Indonesian gulais and rendang; Malaysia’s delicious Nonya cuisine; and exotic Western hybrids such as American curried chicken salad, German currywurst, and Punjabi-Mexican-Hindu pizza. Along the way, Sen unravels common myths about curry and Indian food and illuminates the world of curry with excerpts from popular songs, literary works, historical and modern recipes, and illustrations depicting curry dishes and their preparations.

їжа -- споживання -- культура харчування

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Smith, Andrew F..
Hamburger [Electronic resource] : a global history / Andrew F. Smith. - London : Reaktion Books, 2008. - 154 p. - (The edible series)
Переклад назви: Гамбургер: світова історія.


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McDonald’s founder Ray Kroc once said, “It requires a certain kind of mind to see beauty in a hamburger bun.” The hamburger has been a staple of American culture for the last century, both a source of gluttonous joy and a recurrent obstacle to healthy eating. Now the full beauty of the burger in all its forms is explored inHamburger, a debut title in Reaktion Books’ new Edible series. Andrew F. Smith traces the trajectory of hamburger history, from its humble beginnings as a nineteenth-century street food sold by American vendors, from which it soon spread to the menus of diners and restaurants. The sandwich came into its own with the 1921 opening of the first hamburger chain, White Castle, and subsequent successful food chains such as McDonald’s and Wendy’s ensured the burger’s success in the United States and around the world. The hamburger irrevocably changed American life, Smith argues, as the sandwich propelled the rise of fast food over home-cooked meals in Americans’ eating habits. At the same time, burgers were making inroads in American culture, as well as becoming a rich symbol in paintings, television, and movies. Smith also discusses the darker nutritional, economic, and cultural conflicts raised by the hamburger, such as the “McDonaldization” of international cultures. A juicy and richly illustrated read,Hamburgerwill stimulate the taste buds of carnivores the world over.

гамбургер -- їжа -- історія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Weinstein, Bruce.
The Ultimate Frozen Dessert Book [Electronic resource] / Bruce Weinstein, Mark Scarbrough. - New York : HarperCollins, 2005. - 256 p
Переклад назви: Кинга десертів заморожених заготовок


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In the ninth installment of the wildly popular Ultimate series, powerhouse cookbook authors Bruce Weinstein and Mark Scarbrough churn out more than 500 recipes and variations for all kinds of frosty treats, including a wide range of gelato, granita, sherbet, and semifreddo. And there's a whole chapter on cakes, pies, and other treats made with ice cream or gelato, whether home-made or store-bought! Bruce and Mark prove that when it comes to frozen desserts, ice cream is only the tip of the iceberg! Together, these two books make the ultimate compendium on frozen treats.

десерт -- їжа -- солодощі

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Андреев, А. Н.
Хлеб - всему голова [Електронний ресурс] / А. Н. Андреев, И. И. Лазерсон. - М. : Центрполиграф, 2005. - 63 с.. - (Скорая кулинарная помощь)


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Рецепты хлебов и лепешек, пирогов и пирожков, пампушек и пончиков вы найдете в этой небольшой, но интересной книге. Простые советы и рекомендации, оригинальные рецепты и технологии окажут скорую и эффективную кулинарную помощь, как любителям, так и профессионалам.

рецепт -- їжа -- кулінарія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Барулина, Е. И.
Чечевица СССР и других стран [Електронний ресурс] / Е. И. Барулина. - Ленинград : Типография Гидрографического Упр. Управления В.-М. Сил РККА, 1930. - 320 с.


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Ботанико-агрономическая монография с 3 цветными таблицами, 16 картами и 38 рисунками в тексте. Приложение 40-е к "Трудам по прикладной ботанике, генетике и селекции". Издание Института Прикладной Ботаники и Новых Культур.

рослина -- їжа -- селекція

   Тип видання:   довідник   

Блюда из грибов [Електронний ресурс] / сост. Г. М. Похвалина. - Челябинск : Аркаим, [20_ _?]. - 120 с.


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Грибы, обладающие специфическим вкусом и приятным ароматом, пользуются заслуженной славой как деликатесные продукты. Из грибов получаются великолепные закуски, салаты, начинки для пирогов. Грибы также очень хорошо сочетаются с другими продуктами, особенно приятные вкусовые сочетания получаются в блюдах из грибов с мясом, птицей и рыбой. В этой книге собраны иллюстрированные и красочные рецепты приготовления самых разнообразных блюд из грибов.

їжа -- повар -- спеція -- кулінарія

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Блюда из грибов [Електронний ресурс] / сост. И. В. Довбенко. - М. : Эксмо ; СПб. : Терция, 2007. - 64 с.


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Грибы, обладающие специфическим вкусом и приятным ароматом, пользуются заслуженной славой как деликатесные продукты. Из грибов получаются великолепные закуски, салаты, начинки для пирогов. Грибы также очень хорошо сочетаются с другими продуктами, особенно приятные вкусовые сочетания получаются в блюдах из грибов с мясом, птицей и рыбой. В этой книге собраны наиболее интересные рецепты приготовления блюд из грибов.

їжа -- гриб -- рецепт -- кулінарія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Блюда из мяса и птицы [Електронний ресурс] / сост. Т. Воробьева, Т. Гаврилова. - М. : Эксмо-Пресс, 2004. - 81 с.


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

В предлагаемой книге подробно и доступно описаны лучшие рецепты приготовления различных блюд из мяса говядины, свинины, баранины и птицы. Здесь вы также найдете полезные советы, которые помогут узнать тонкости кулинарии. С помощью рецептов этой книги вы сумеете приготовить вкусные и полезные блюда и порадовать ими своих гостей.

їжа -- кулінарія -- рецепт

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Блюда из овощей и грибов в горшочках [Електронний ресурс]. - М. : Эксмо ; СПб. : Терция, 2008. - 64 с.. - (Очень просто)


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Блюда, приготовленные в горшочках, отличаются особым ароматом, сочностью, неповторимым вкусом. Готовить таким способом несложно, а результат непременно порадует вас. Блюда из овощей и грибов готовили в горшочках издревле. Они не только вкусны, но и чрезвычайно полезны. В этой книге вы найдете множество интересных рецептов, которые помогут вам приятно разнообразить меню.

їжа -- овочі -- рецепт -- кулінарія

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