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   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

50 рецептов кофе [Електронний ресурс] / сост. Е.С. Рзаева. - М. : АСТ, 2006. - 29 с.


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В брошюре собраны пятьдесят рецептов кофе – горячего, холодного, с добавлением, алкоголя, сливок, фруктов, меда, приправ. Приготовленный по любому предложенному рецепту, этот древний напиток украсит стол любой российской семьи!


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

ArchiForma. Руководство пользователя [Електронний ресурс] : документация по ArchiCAD. - [Б. м. : б. в.]. - 74 с.


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ArchiForma Это компоненты программного обеспечения, добавляющие в ArchiCAD новые функции в дополнение к стандартному набору. В настоящее время доступны различные расширения, позволяющие осуществлять операции импорта/экспорта, выполненять специальные GDL-операции, поддерживаемые ArchiCAD. Одним из таких расширений является - ArchiForma.

комп'ютерна графіка -- програмне забезпечення -- комп’ютерна програма -- ArchiCAD

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Bennett, W.
The lawyer’s myth: reviving ideals in the legal profession [Electronic resource] / W. Bennett. - Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2001. - 254 p.
Переклад назви: Міф адвоката: відродження ідеалів юридичної професії


Географічні рубрики:

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This book is the culmination of a personal quest that began sixteen years ago when I left law practice and began to cast about for other ways to make a living through my self-bred compulsion to live and think like a lawyer. It has been a meandering journey.

юриспруденція -- адвокатура

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Bingham, Jane.
Popular Culture [Electronic resource] : 1920-1939 / Jane Bingham. - [S. l.] : Raintree, 2013. - 64 p
Переклад назви: Масова культура: 1920-1939


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Who were the flappers? What were talkies? What was the Harlem Renaissance? Covers the effect of prohibition and the newfound freedom of women on the popular culture of the era. The effects of the Great Depression, as well as the rise of communism and fascism is also discussed in terms of their impact on popular culture.

міжвоєнна доба -- інтербелум -- історія повсякденності

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

British philosophy and the age of enlightenment [Electronic resource] / ed. by Stuart Brown. - London ; New York : Routledge, 2004. - 336 p.. - (Routledge History of Philosophy ; vol. V)
Переклад назви: Британська філософія та доба просвітництва


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This fifth volume covers many of the most important philosophers and movements of the nineteenth century, including utilitarianism, positivism and pragmatism.

просвітництво у Франції -- політична філософія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Bryce, Trevor.
Life and society in the Hittite world [Electronic resource] / Trevor Bryce. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2004. - 327 p
Переклад назви: Життя і суспільство в Хетському світі


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In dealing with a wide range of aspects of the life, activities, and customs of the Late Bronze Age Hittite world, this book complements the treatment of Hittite military and political history presented by the author in The Kingdom of the Hittites (O.U.P., 1998). Through quotations from the original sources and through the word pictures to which these give rise, the book aims at recreating, as far as is possible, the daily lives and experiences of a people who for a time became the supreme political and military power in the ancient Near East.

бронзова доба -- первісне суспільство -- Близький Схід

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Dick van Lente
The nuclear age in popular media [Electronic resource] : a transnational history, 1945-1965 / Dick van Lente. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. - 293 p
Переклад назви: Ядерна доба в популярних засобах масової інформації: транснаціональна Історія, 1945-1965


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Among the many technical innovations that were introduced after World War II, none left as strong an impression on the public as the atom bombs that destroyed two Japanese cities in August 1945. People spoke of the "atomic age" that had now begun, as if this technological innovation would, all by itself, shape a new world. The atomic age was described as one that might soon end in the destruction of human civilization, but from the beginning, utopian images were attached to it as well. Nuclear technology offered the promise of applications in medicine, agriculture, and engineering, and nuclear power could theoretically provide an unlimited supply of energy. This book demonstrates and explains how the popular media represented nuclear power, in its military and non-military forms. It focuses on the first two decades of the "atomic age," when national governments, military strategists, scientists, and the public attempted to come to terms with a technology that so drastically seemed to change the prospects for the future. Popular magazines, comics, newspapers, public exhibitions from across the world are examined to compare representations of nuclear power in different countries and to trace divergences, convergences, and exchanges.

ЗМІ -- ядерна зброя -- холодна війна -- інформування

   Тип видання:   життєпис   

Godwin, Joscelyn.
Athanasius Kircher [Electronic resource] : a renaissance man and the quest for lost knowledge / J. Godwin. - London : Thames and Hudson, 1979. - 98 p. - (with 125 illustrations)
Переклад назви: Афанасій Кірхер: людина епохи Відродження і пошуку загублених знань.


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Athanasius Kircher (1602–80) stands out as one of the last all-encompassing minds. For this true Renaissance man, the whole world was a glorious appearance of God waiting to be explored. Kircher was a Jesuit and an archaeologist, a phenomenal linguist and an avid collector of scientific instruments. He deciphered archaic languages, experimented with alchemy and music therapy, optics and magnetism. Egyptian mystery wisdom, Greek, Cabbalistic and Christian philosophy met on common ground in his work. Kircher's sumptuous volumes were revered throughout Europe, and his gigantic oeuvre is represented here through striking engravings – most of them reprinted for the first time – together with annotations and an introduction to Kircher's life and work.(less)

ренесанс -- винахідництво -- енциклопедистика

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Hahn, R. W.
Reviving regulatory reform: a global perspective [Electronic resource] / R. W. Hahn. - Washington : AEI-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies, 2000. - 124 p.
Переклад назви: Відродження релуляторної реформи: Глобальна перспектива


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Policymakers are engaged in a continuing, thorough reexamination of how national and state governments regulate areas ranging from telecommunications to the environment. So extensive is the questioning of the familiar, and so daring some of the proposed and actual changes, that the movement deserves the term revolution. In this volume Robert W. Hahn shows how a deeper understanding of the economic and social impacts of regulation is fueling the regulatory revolution. People are becoming more aware that regulations impose costs on individuals, even if those costs are hidden from view, as is the case with most regulation. Changes in the economic benefits and costs of regulation that technology has induced are also driving the revolution. Those technological innovations increase the cost of maintaining the existing regulatory structure and thus create pressure for change. Hahn demonstrates how improvements in monitoring outputs and behavior are propelling the revolution. We need, Hahn asserts, to examine the revolution in regulation not only in terms of its impact on national economies, but also in terms of its potential international effects. For example, stringent regulation of the environment in one country may induce firms to relocate to other countries. In addition, product specifications introduced under the guise of protecting consumers may give domestic producers a competitive advantage. Thus, regulation can dramatically influence the pattern of international trade and investment. The international ramifications of domestic regulation are likely to increase in importance as markets become more global. Hahn points out that just as nations have attempted to coordinate their activities to reduce direct trade barriers such as tariffs, they may also need to coordinate some regulatory activities that distort patterns of trade and investment.

державне регулювання

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Handbook of Minerals as Nutritional Supplements [Electronic resource] / ed. Stacey J. Bell. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2005. - 257 p
Переклад назви: Довідник із мінералів-харчових добавок


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I would like to thank Gordon Wardlaw for reading and giving feedback on every chapter, and Elizabeth Joseph for a great deal of assistance with the reference aspects of the book preparation. I would also like to thank Emily Dy for help with references in the chapter on iron. In addition, I appreciate the help of ach of the following for comments on individual subjects: Michael Bergeron, Priscilla Clarkson, Steve Abrams, Connie Weaver, Greg Miller, and Greg Wiet. I also appreciate my wife, Janet, and children, David, Daniel, and Lisa, for allowing me the enormous amount of time it took to complete this writing. Finally, I want to express great appreciation to Stacey Bell for having the original concept for the book and helping me get it off the ground. I endeavored to present the issues in this book as honestly as I could, without trying to make any product supplier look better or worse than reality dictated. Even so, I do want to note the companies that have supported parts of my own mineral research: Albion Laboratories, Nutrition21, Glanbia, and Purac of America.

раціон -- дієтологія -- харчова промисловість

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Levinson, B.
Legal Revision and Religious Renewal in Ancient Israel [Electronic resource] / B. Levinson. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2008. - 206 p.
Переклад назви: Правові зміни і релігійне відродження в Стародавньому Ізраїлі


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This book examines the doctrine of transgenerational punishment found in the Decalogue-that is, the idea that God punishes sinners vicariously and extends the punishment due them to three or four generations of their progeny. Though it was "God-given" law, the unfairness of punishing innocent people merely for being the children or grandchildren of wrongdoers was clearly recognized in ancient Israel. A series of inner-biblical and post-biblical responses to the rule demonstrates that later writers were able to criticize, reject, and replace this problematic doctrine with the alternative notion of individual retribution. From this perspective, the formative canon is the source of its own renewal: it fosters critical reflection upon the textual tradition and sponsors intellectual freedom. To support further study, this book includes a valuable bibliographical essay on the distinctive approach of inner-biblical exegesis showing the contributions of European, Israeli, and North American scholars. An earlier version of the volume appeared in French as L′Herméneutique de l′innovation: Canon et exégèse dans l′Israël biblique. This new Cambridge release represents a major revision and expansion of the French edition, nearly doubling its length with extensive new content. Legal Revision and Religious Renewal in Ancient Israel opens new perspectives on current debates within the humanities about canonicity, textual authority, and authorship. Bernard M. Levinson holds the Berman Family Chair of Jewish Studies and Hebrew Bible at the University of Minnesota. His research focuses on biblical and cuneiform law, textual reinterpretation in the Second Temple period, and the relation of the Bible to Western intellectual history. His book Deuteronomy and the Hermeneutics of Legal Innovation (1997) won the 1999 Salo W. Baron Award for Best First Book in Literature and Thought from the American Academy for Jewish Research. He is also the author of "The Right Chorale" : Studies in Biblical Law and Interpretation (2008), and editor or coeditor of four volumes, most recently, The Pentateuch as Torah: New Models for Understanding Its Promulgation and Acceptance (2007). The interdisciplinary significance of his work has been recognized with appointments to the Institute for Advanced Study (1997); the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin/Berlin Institute for Advanced Study (2007); and, most recently, the National Humanities Center, where he will serve as the Henry Luce Senior Fellow in Religious Studies for the 2010-2011 academic year.

історія -- закон -- релігія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання      фотоальбом   

Magilow, Daniel H..
The photography of crisis [Electronic resource] : the photo essays of Weimar Germany / Daniel H. Magilow. - [S. l.] : Penn State University Press, 2012. - 199 p
Переклад назви: Фотографія кризи: фотонариси Веймарської Німеччини


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The fifteen years in Germany between the end of World War I and the National Socialists’ rise to power in 1933 stand out as one of the twentieth century’s most tumultuous periods. These years of political and economic upheaval famously spawned significant and lasting changes in the arts. However, one noteworthy product of Weimar Germany’s booming cultural life has escaped significant critical attention: the photo essay. The Photography of Crisis examines narrative photography and creates a snapshot of where Germany was after World War I and what it would become with the rise of National Socialism. By reading Weimar photo essays within their historical and literary context, Daniel Magilow shows how German photographers intervened in modernity’s key political and philosophical debates regarding the changing notions of nature, culture, personal identity, and national identity.

фотографія -- міжвоєнна доба -- криза

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. Русская версия. Серия "Шаг за шагом" [Електронний ресурс] / О. Лондер [и др.]. - М. : ЭКОМ Паблишерз, 2007. - 576 с.


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В современной деловой среде все более важной становится эффективность совместной работы. Службы SharePoint - компонент Windows Server 2003, бесплатно доступный для скачивания, - помогают в решении этой задачи, предоставляя мощный набор инструментов для организации данных, управления документами, повышения эффективности бизнес-процессов и создания надежной среды взаимодействия. Эта книга научит вас использовать службы Windows SharePoint для организации совместной работы. Вы узнаете, как создавать собственные узлы SharePoint при помощи шаблонов, списки и библиотеки для хранения информации; добавлять электронные доски обсуждений, вики-уэлы и блоги; настраивать рабочие области документов и собраний; использовать календари, контактную информацию и другие данные совместно с программами из пакета Microsoft Office и многое другое, что поможет рабочим группам легко взаимодействовать друг с другом. Для пользователей любого уровня подготовки, желающих самостоятельно освоить Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.

управління файлами -- головне меню -- оформлення тексту

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Petrarch and his readers in the Renaissance [Electronic resource] / ed. by K. A. E. Enenkel, J. Papy. - Leiden ; Chicago : Brill, 2006. - 350 p.
Переклад назви: Петрарка та його читачі у добу Відродження


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It is our hope that this collective volume, starting from the idea of the ‘independent reader’, might inspire a new approach to Petrarch’s reception in the Renaissance and the Early Modern Period. For, if Petrarch already during his lifetime could proudly boast that he was read by a large audience, this book intends to shed a new light on the reading processes from the 14th to the 16th century, its creative re-readings, and its stunning transpositions of Petrarch’s text into new literary and artistic discourses. Even if we know that, again, this new light will be insufficient since ‘Pétrarque continue à nous échapper par le jeu de ses multiples représentations’, we hope that it will inspire fruitful re-readings of the creative Petrarch-readings of the past.

літературознавство -- герменевтика -- поезія -- рецепція

   Тип видання:   альбом      життєпис   

Rembert, Virginia Pitts.
Hieronymus Bosch [Electronic resource] / Virginia Pitts Rembert. - New York : Parkstone international, 2012. - 200 p
Переклад назви: Ієронім Бош

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Long before computer games were invented, Hieronymus Bosch was painting terrifying yet strangely likable monsters, often with a touch of humour. His works are assertive statements about the mental dangers that befall those who abandon the teachings of Christ. With a life that spanned 1450 to 1516, Bosch was born at the height of the Renaissance and witnessed its religious wars. Medieval traditions and values were crumbling, paving the way for a new universe where faith had lost its power and much of its magic. Bosch set out to warn doubters of the perils awaiting all and any who lost their faith in God. Believing that everyone had to make their own moral choices, he focused on themes of hell, heaven and lust, brilliantly exploiting the symbolism of a wide range of fruits and plants which lent his imagery strong sexual overtones.

Відродження -- химерне мистецтво -- художник

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

The age of german idealism [Electronic resource] / ed. by Robert C. Solomon, Kathleen M. Higgins. - London ; New York : Routledge, 2004. - 408 p.. - (Routledge History of Philosophy ; vol. VI)
Переклад назви: Доба німецького ідеалізму


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German Idealism was one of the most fertile and important movements in the history of Western philosophy. This volume includes eleven chapters on all aspects and the period's most influential philosophers, including Kant and Hegel.

кантіанство -- гегельянство

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

The eenaissance [Electronic resource] : an encyclopedia for students: in 4 vol. / P.F. Grendler. - New-York : Charles Scribner's Sons, 2004
Переклад назви: Ренесанс: Енциклопедія для студентів


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Vol. 1 : Academies—Cromwell. - 228 p.

Vol. 2 : Daily Life - Julius II. - 219 p.

Vol. 3 : Kepler - Princes and Princedoms. - 215 p.

Vol. 4 : Printing and Publishing - Writing . - 230 p.

The accomplishments during the Renaissance related to many curriculum areas ranging from the humanities to the sciences. Based on the award-winning Encyclopedia of the Renaissance (Scribner, 2000), editor Paul F. Grendler has put together a comparable work on the subject for high school and middle school students. The Renaissance: An Encyclopedia for Students is equivalent to its academic version in quality of substance with necessary differences in length, layout, language, and added features.

Відродження -- мистецтво -- історія -- побут

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Välimäki, M.
The rise of open source licensing. A challenge to the use of intellectual property in the software industry [Electronic resource] / M. Välimäki. - Helsinki : Tuttle Publishing, 2005. - 263 p.
Переклад назви: Відродження ліцензування відкритого коду: проблема використання інтелектуальної власності в індустрії програмного забезпечення


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Open source software - from Linux to Firefox and MySQL database - has changed software business as we knew it. New start-ups have challenged industry heavyweights from Microsoft to Oracle with innovative copyright licensing strategies and courageous anti-patent policies. Almost every major software company has been forced to react to the commodification trend. Drawing from detailed case studies, historical narrative and the application of economic theory, this book shows how open source licensing is used for strategic advantage. Software developers enter open source to distribute their work more efficiently and increase innovation. Software is no longer property, they say. Interestingly, everything has worked despite - rather than because of - ever-expanding intellectual property rights. Is there a limit? In the United States, the headline cases by SCO against Linux supporters and users opened the surface of intellectual property infringement risks. In Europe, there is ongoing public debate about the impact of software patents on open source. This book goes beyond fear and doubt arguing that such legal risks are in the end just necessary but manageable uncertainties, which always come with a new business model.

відкрите ПЗ -- вільне ПЗ

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

XVII первенство СССР по шахматам [Електронний ресурс] : сборник партий / сост. А.С. Прорвич. - М. : Физкультура и спорт, 1952. - 316 с.


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Финальный турнир XVII первенства СССР проводился в Москве в помещении Центрального дома культуры железнодорожников с 16 октября по 19 ноября 1949 года. К персонально приглашенным гроссмейстерам И.Болеславскому, Д.Бронштейну, П.Кересу, А.Котову, А.Лилиенталю, В.Рагозину, В.Смыслову и С.Флору добавились победители полуфиналов: гроссмейстер Г. Левенфиш и молодые мастера Л.Аронин, Е.Геллер, Г. Гольдберг, Н.Копылов, В.Люблинский, В.Микенас, Т.Петросян, А.Сокольский, М.Тайманов, С.Фурман и Р.Холмов. После 5-ти туров с 4,5 очками уверенно лидировал Смыслов. Скромно начал турнир Бронштейн, после 6-ти туров он, имея всего 3 очка, делил 9-13-е место! Накануне последнего тура у Геллера - 12,5 очков, у Смыслова и Бронштейна - по 12. Поражение Геллера в последнем туре белыми в партии с Холмовым и победы Бронштейна и Смыслова решили спор о победителях соревнования. Читатель найдёт в сборнике все 190 партий финального турнира XVII первенства СССР. 83 из них даются с подробными комментариями. В сборнике также статьи А.С. Прорвича "XVII первенство СССР", М.М. Ботвинника "Лучшие партии XVII первенства СССР", Ю.Л. Авербаха "Дебюты XVII первенства СССР".

турнір -- гросмейстер

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Ємець, В.
Кобза та кобзарі [Електронний ресурс] / В. Ємець. - Берлін : Украинское слово, 1923. -

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Книжка розповідає про походження й побутування українського національного інструменту — кобзи, про життя відомих кобзарів старих часів, про кобзаряькі братства та їх діяльність, а також про відродження й удосконалення кобзи. В кінці додається список літератури про кобзарські думи й кобзарів. Книжка рассказывает про происхождение и современность украинского национального инструмента - кобзы, про жизнь известных кобзарей старых времен, про кобзарскте братства и их деятельность, а так же про возрождение и усовершенствование кобзы. В конце приложен список литературы про кобзарские думы и кобзарей. Здавалося, що зі збільшенням рядів української національно свідомої інтелігенції становище сліпих кобзарів покращав, здавалося, що вона так люблячи кобзарів прийде Тм на поміч, бодай в найтящі хвилі їхнього життя, але, на великий жаль, за винятком окремих осіб загал інтелігенції був до того байдужний, принаймні так було в недалекім минулім. Найкраще се підтверджує отсей невеликий уривок про одного талановитого, не так давно померлого, молодого кобзаря.

Російська імперія -- сучасна історія -- українська література

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