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   Тип видання:   довідник   

Badiou, A.
Handbook of inaesthetics [Electronic resource] / A. Badiou, A. Toscano. - Stanford : Meridian, 2005. - 152 p.
Переклад назви: Довідник по іншій естетики


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Didacticism, romanticism, and classicism are the possible schemata for the knotting of art and philosophy, the third term in this knot being the education of subjects, youth in particular. What characterizes the century that has just come to a close is that, while it underwent the saturation of these three schemata, it failed to introduce a new one. Today, this predicament tends to produce a kind of unknotting of terms, a desperate dis-relation between art and philosophy, together with the pure and simple collapse of what circulated between them: the theme of education. Whence the thesis of which this book is nothing but a series of variations: faced with such a situation of saturation and closure, we must attempt to propose a new schema, a fourth type of knot between philosophy and art. Among these “inaesthetic” variations, the reader will encounter a sustained debate with contemporary philosophical uses of the poem, bold articulations of the specificity and prospects of theater, cinema, and dance, along with subtle and provocative readings of Fernando Pessoa, Stéphane Mallarmé, and Samuel Beckett.

філософія -- мистецтво

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Barcellos, M. C.
Jamberesu [Electronic resource] : as cantigas de Angola / M. C. Barcellos. - Rio de Janeiro : Pallas, 1998. - 125 с.
Переклад назви: Жамбересу: пісні Анголи


Географічні рубрики:

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   Тип видання:   життєпис   

Barker, Derek.
The songs he didn’t write Bob Dylan Under the influence [Electronic resource] / Derek Barker. - New Malden : Chrome Dreams, 2008. - 513 p
Переклад назви: Пісні, які він не писав. Боб Ділан під впливом

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Encyclopedic and exhaustive, this guide to the more than 500 songs Bob Dylan has covered, in concert or on record, details the history of each song and offers an explanation of how he came to perform them. His masterful interpretations range from the more obvious blues, country, folk, and gospel recordings to contemporary writers such as Warren Zevon and John Hiatt. In addition to the listing of these covered songs, this compendium also includes a lengthy section detailing all of the remaining tracks that Dylan has written for others, but which remain unrecorded by the man himself.

творчість -- музика -- блюз

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Bebey, Francis.
African music [Electronic resource] : a people's art / Francis Bebey. - New York : Lawrence Hill Books, 1975. - 193 p
Переклад назви: Африканська музика: народне мистецтво

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Engaging and enlightening, this guide explores African music's forms, musicians, instruments, and place in the life of the people. A discography classified by country, theme, group, and instrument is also included.

музика -- мистецтво -- африканська культура

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Benzer, Matthias.
The Sociology of Theodor Adorno [Electronic resource] / M. Benzer. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011. - 268 p
Переклад назви: Соціологія Теодора Адорно


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Theodor Adorno is a widely-studied figure, but most often with regard to his work on cultural theory, philosophy and aesthetics. The Sociology of Theodor Adorno provides the first thorough English-language account of Adorno's sociological thinking. Matthias Benzer reads Adorno's sociology through six major themes: the problem of conceptualising capitalist society; empirical research; theoretical analysis; social critique; the sociological text; and the question of the non-social. Benzer explains the methodological and theoretical ideas informing Adorno's reflections on sociology and illustrates Adorno's approach to examining social life, including astrology, sexual taboos and racial prejudice. Benzer clarifies Adorno's sociology in relation to his work in other disciplines and the inspiration his sociology took from social thinkers such as Marx, Weber, Durkheim, Kracauer and Benjamin. The book raises critical questions about the viability of Adorno's sociological mode of procedure and its potential contributions and challenges to current debates in social science.

культура -- філософія -- естетика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Beumers, Birgit.
Pop Culture Russia! [Electronic resource] : media, arts, and lifestyle / Birgit Beumers. - Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, 2005. - 433 p. - (Popular Culture in the Contemporary World)
Переклад назви: Поп-культура Росії : медіа, мистецтво і спосіб життя


Географічні рубрики:

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Pop music is only one aspect of contemporary Russian culture that has taken some unexpected turns in the chaotic aftermath of the Soviet Union's collapse. Television and advertising, theater and cinema, athletics and religion, even fashion and food now reflect more exposure to the West, yet remain in essence distinctively Russian. Pop Culture Russia! introduces readers to the fascinating, often surprising, post-Soviet cultural landscape. With chapters on media, the arts, recreation, religion, and consumerism, the book offers an insightful survey of Russian mass culture from the death of Stalin in 1953 to the present, exploring the historical significance of important events and trends, as well as the social and political contexts from which they emerged.

музика -- мистецтво -- культура

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Blaney, John.
Beatles for sale [Electronic resource] : how everything they touched turned to gold / John Blaney. - London : Jawbone Press, 2008. - 295 p
Переклад назви: Бітлз на продаж: як усе, чого вони торкалися, перетворювалося на золото

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Beatles for Sale is a brand new way of looking at a story you may think you know inside out. Author John Blaney shows for the first time how the group and their inner circle invented so much of what we now recognize as the modern business of making and selling rock music. This was certainly not because Lennon, McCartney, Epstein, and the rest had a clear vision of the way things ought to be. Very often it was simply down to making things up as they went along because no one had been there before and no one knew how to do these things. The book details the ups and downs of the group as they promoted, advertised, and sold records, played concerts, sold merchandise, made films, and set up publishing and record companies of their own. It is a story of naivety and greed, inexperience and luck, gullibility and ingenuity. It is the story of every aspect of how the Beatles made money and how virtually every group since then has followed in their footsteps.

музика -- поп-культура -- шоу-бізнес -- мерчендайзинг

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Blues - philosophy for everyone [Electronic resource] : thinking deep about feeling low / ред.: Jesse R. Steinberg , Abrol Fairweather. - London : Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. - 235 p
Переклад назви: Блюз - філософія для всіх: думати глибоко про низькі відчуття

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From B.B. King to Billie Holiday, Blues music not only sounds good, but has an almost universal appeal in its reflection of the trials and tribulations of everyday life. Its ability to powerfully touch on a range of social and emotional issues is philosophically inspiring, and here, a diverse range of thinkers and musicians offer illuminating essays that make important connections between the human condition and the Blues that will appeal to music lovers and philosophers alike.

музика -- філософія -- почуття

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Bockris, Victor.
Transformer [Electronic resource] : the Lou Reed story / Victor Bockris. - New York : Simon and Schuster, 1994. - 464 p
Переклад назви: Трансформатор: історія Лу Ріда

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As cofounder of the Velvet Underground -- regarded as one of the most significant groups of the 1960s -- and solo artist, Lou Reed has influenced a wide range of rock musicians, from David Bowie to the Sex Pistols, from Patti Smith to U2. His innovative skill as a singer and songwriter of over 250 songs, including "Heroin" and "Walk on the Wild Side", and his multiple musical transformations during a twenty-year career have thrust Reed into the forefront of alternative rock, from garage to glitter, punk, disco, and rap. Based on exclusive interviews with Reed and his friends, family, and associates, and including incisive portraits of John Cale, Andy Warhol, Nico, David Bowie, and others, Transformer offers an uncompromising and compelling view of a true rock 'n' roll chameleon.

рок-музика -- контркультура -- мистецьке середовище

   Тип видання:   життєпис   

Chessa, Luciano.
Luigi Russolo, Futurist [Electronic resource] : noise, Visual Arts, and the Occult / L. Chessa. - Berkeley : University of California Press, 2012. - 284 p
Переклад назви: Луїджі Руссоло, футурист: шум, візуальні мистецтва і окультизм


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Luigi Russolo (1885-1947) - painter, composer, builder of musical instruments, and first-hour member of the Italian Futurist movement--was a crucial figure in the evolution of twentieth-century aesthetics. As creator of the first systematic poetics of noise and inventor of what has been considered the first mechanical sound synthesizer, Russolo looms large in the development of twentieth-century music. In the first English language study of Russolo, Luciano Chessa emphasizes the futurist's interest in the occult, showing it to be a leitmotif for his life and a foundation for his art of noises. Chessa shows that Russolo's aesthetics of noise, and the machines he called the intonarumori, were intended to boost practitioners into higher states of spiritual consciousness. His analysis reveals a multifaceted man in whom the drive to keep up with the latest scientific trends coexisted with an embrace of the irrational, and a critique of materialism and positivism.

мистецтво -- музика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Clayson, Alan.
Led Zeppelin [Electronic resource] : the Origin Of The Species : How, Why And Where It All Began / Alan Clayson. - New Malden : Chrome Dreams, 2006. - 305 p
Переклад назви: Led Zeppelin: Походження видів: як, чому і де все це почалося

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Proving that a band is truly the sum of its parts, this music history traces the influences and experiences that would later converge to form Led Zeppelin. Every recording and live session made by the future band members is traced and woven into a rich and insightful web of influences that contains a complete family tree of their musical and professional colleagues as well as a massive discography and list of live performances. Staggering insight into the workings of this period's big wigs and foot soldiers accompany details on bands and records that were recently discovered to have featured Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, and John Paul Jones. Rare photographs of the bandmates in their pre–Led Zeppelin incarnations are included along with original interviews with their friends and colleagues.

історія -- розвиток -- музика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Clayson, Alan.
The Rolling Stones [Electronic resource] : how, why and where it all began / Alan Clayson. - New Malden : Chrome Dreams, 2007. - 281 p. - (The Origin Of The Species)
Переклад назви: The Rolling Stones: як, чому і де все це почалося

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The early history of the Rolling Stones—long shrouded in myth and confusion as a result of 40 years of the rock and roll lifestyle—is made clear in this concise account. Chronicling the band members from boyhood through the band's first record, cut in 1963, this biography contains rare photographs and never before published interviews with family members as well as every member who played with the band prior to the recognized line-up—including pre-Watts drummers Erky Grant and Mick Avory; Mick Jagger’s cousin, Rick Huxley; early Stones member Dick Taylor; and Phil May, a schoolmate of Jagger and Richards and member of The Pretty Things. Every aspect of the band’s development is explored, from their recording sessions to landing on the music charts, in this myth-shattering musical history.

музика -- музиканти -- історія

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Collins, N.
Handmade electronic music: the art of hardware hacking [Electronic resource] / N. Collins. - New York : Routledge, 2006. - 245 p.
Переклад назви: Саморобна електронна музика: мистецтво злому апаратури

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This book teaches you how to tickle electronics. It is a guide to the creative transformation of consumer electronic technology for alternative use. We live in a cut-and-paste world: CMD-X and CMD-V give us the freedom to rearrange words, pictures, video and sound to transform any old thing into our new thing with tremendous ease. But, by and large, this is also an “off -line” world, whose digital tools, as powerful as they might be, are more suitable to preparing texts, photo albums, movies and CDs in private, rather than on stage. These days “live electronic music” seems to be hibernating, its tranquil countenance only disturbed from time to time by the occasional, discrete click of a mouse.

синтезатор -- електронна музика

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

David, M.
Peer to peer and the music industry. The criminalization of sharing [Electronic resource] / M. David. - Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications, 2010. - 186 p.
Переклад назви: Файлообмінна мережа та музична індустрія: криміналізація обміну

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This penetrating and informative book provides readers with the perfect systematic critical guide to the file-sharing phenomenon. Combining inter-disciplinary resources from sociology, history, media and communication studies and cultural studies, Matthew David unpacks the economics, psychology, and philosophy of file-sharing. It fuses a deep knowledge of the music industry and the new technologies of mass communication with a powerful perspective on how multinational corporations operate to monopolize markets, how international and state agencies defend property, while a global multitude undermine and/or reinvent both.

обмін файлами -- музика

   Тип видання:   життєпис   

Dettmar, Kevin J. H..
The Cambridge companion to Bob Dylan [Electronic resource] / Kevin J. H. Dettmar. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2009. - 204 p
Переклад назви: Боб Ділан

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A towering figure in American culture and a global twentieth-century icon, Bob Dylan has been at the centre of American life for over forty years. The Cambridge Companion to Bob Dylan brings fresh insights into the imposing range of Dylan's creative output. The first Part approaches Dylan's output thematically, tracing the evolution of Dylan's writing and his engagement with American popular music, religion, politics, fame, and his work as a songwriter and performer. Essays in Part II analyse his landmark albums to examine the consummate artistry of Dylan's most accomplished studio releases. As a writer Dylan has courageously chronicled and interpreted many of the cultural upheavals in America since World War II. This book will be invaluable both as a guide for students of Dylan and twentieth-century culture, and for his fans, providing a set of new perspectives on a much-loved writer and composer.

рок-музика -- блюз -- біографія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

DeVeaux, Scott.
Jazz [Electronic resource] / Scott DeVeaux, Gary Giddins. - New York : W.W. Norton and Company, 2009. - 642 p
Переклад назви: Джаз

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Jazz: Essential Listening provides all the materials students need to listen to, understand, and love jazz. Written by two master storytellers, this new brief text combines a dynamic listening experience with vivid narrative history, must-hear masterworks, and a superior eMedia package to reveal the excitement of America s quintessential music. Authors Scott DeVeaux and Gary Giddins write with intellectual bite, eloquence, and the passion of unabashed fans. They explain what jazz is, where it came from, how it works, and who created it, all within the broader context of American life and culture.

джаз -- імпровізаційна музика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Dopp, Hans-Jurgen.
Music & Eros [Electronic resource] / Hans-Jurgen Dopp. - New York : Parkstone Press Ltd, 2008. - 255 p. - (Temporis)
Переклад назви: Музика й Ерос


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Music is not only a pleasure for the ear, it is the echo of the heartbeat, breath and desire. Professor Dpp revisits music as the catalyst for dance, love and sex. From the music sheet to dance and through instruments, music is the expression of our profound desires and most violent passions. The text revisits the history of music and art from the dances of the first men to pop and electronic music and through belly dance.

музика -- мистецтво -- сублімація

   Тип видання:   монографія   

Eaton, M. L.
Electronic Music [Electronic resource] / M. L. Eaton. - [S. l.] : ORCUS Research, 1971. - 104 p.
Переклад назви: Електронна музика


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This book contains information which will enable the reader to design and evaluate electronic music systems. It is the first authoritative presentation of the basic theories of sound generation and control. The few books and manuals that do exist deal either with various advanced technical problems or are instruction manuals for specific electronic music instruments.

музика -- мистецтво -- культура

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Encyclopedia of African American Music [Electronic resource] / ed. Tammy Kernodle, Horace Maxille, Emmett G. Price III. - Santa Barbara : Greenwood, 2011. - 1267 p
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія афро-американської музики

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African Americans' historical roots are encapsulated in the lyrics, melodies, and rhythms of their music. In the 18th and 19th centuries, African slaves, longing for emancipation, expressed their hopes and dreams through spirituals. Inspired by African civilization and culture, as well as religion, art, literature, and social issues, this influential, joyous, tragic, uplifting, challenging, and enduring music evolved into many diverse genres, including jazz, blues, rock and roll, soul, swing, and hip hop. Providing a lyrical history of our nation, this groundbreaking encyclopedia, the first of its kind, showcases all facets of African American music including folk, religious, concert and popular styles. Over 500 in-depth entries by more than 100 scholars on a vast range of topics such as genres, styles, individuals, groups, and collectives as well as historical topics such as music of the Harlem Renaissance, the Black Arts Movement, the Civil Rights Movement, and numerous others. Offering balanced representation of key individuals, groups, and ensembles associated with diverse religious beliefs, political affiliations, and other perspectives not usually approached, this indispensable reference illuminates the profound role that African American music has played in American cultural history. Editors Price, Kernodle, and Maxile provide balanced representation of various individuals, groups and ensembles associated with diverse religious beliefs, political affiliations, and perspectives. Also highlighted are the major record labels, institutions of higher learning, and various cultural venues that have had a tremendous impact on the development and preservation of African American music. Among the featured: Motown Records, Black Swan Records, Fisk University, Gospel Music Workshop of America, The Cotton Club, Center for Black Music Research, and more. With a broad scope, substantial entries, current coverage, and special attention to historical, political, and social contexts, this encyclopedia is designed specifically for high school and undergraduate students. Academic and public libraries will treasure this resource as an incomparable guide to our nation's African American heritage.

музика -- мистецтво -- культура

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of Popular Culture [Electronic resource] : in 5 vol. / T. Pendergast, S. Pendergast. - Farmington Hills : St. James Press, 2000
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія популярної культури


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Vol. 1 : A-D. - 816 p.

Vol. 2 : E-J. - 612 p.

Vol. 3 : K-O. - 613 p.

Vol. 5 : U-Z. - 416 p.

This alphabetically arranged, 2,700-entry encyclopedia treats aspects of U.S. popular culture, defined as "all the experiences in life shared by people in common, generally though not necessarily disseminated by the mass media." In the process of winnowing the 4,000 or so potential topics that were suggested by an advisory group to a manageable number of entries, the editors sought balance, though not necessarily equal coverage. Content breaks down into articles that address social life (23 percent of the articles), music (16 percent), print culture (16 percent), film (15 percent), television and radio (14 percent), sports (10 percent), and art and performance (6 percent). A few entries, such as Currier and Ives and Dime novels, relate to the culture of the nineteenth century, but treatment is purposely slanted toward the twentieth century, and the latter half of the twentieth at that. Articles range from 75-to 150-word introductions to 3,000-word analyses. Each of the 450 contributors, mostly college or university professors and freelance writers, was asked to describe his or her topic and analyze its relevance to American popular culture, a charge successfully carried out in uniformly zesty and interesting prose, accompanied by numerous clear black-and-white illustrations. There are entries covering broad topics (Advertising, Jazz, Radio) and specific activities, comic strips, companies and consumer products, films, foods, individuals, musical groups, publications, social issues, sports teams, television and radio programs, and various other trends and phenomena, such as Advice columns, AARP, Aerobics, Air travel, and Astrology. Reflecting pop culture's inherent inclusiveness, there seems to be almost nothing missing, and an examination of the impact of Sigmund Freud keeps company with entries on Frederick's of Hollywood, Frosty the Snowman, and frozen food. This is one of those rare encyclopedias that is good not only for research but for casual browsing, and readers will find much that is fascinating. Each entry, laid out in an easy-to-read typeface in double-column format, concludes with a list of further readings that includes references to both standard print and online sources. The introduction, list of contributors, and alphabetical list of entries are repeated in each volume. The indexing in volume five is superlative and broad, consisting of three different indexes--one general, one organized by subject, and one organized by decade, creating linkages and widening access to the information available on any given topic. Cross-referencing is limited to see references that refer readers to appropriate headings. The indexing helps make up for the lack of see also references, although these would more easily guide readers between entries for Orson Welles and War of the Worlds, to take one example. Other reference works, such as the Museum of Broadcast Communications Encyclopedia of Television [RBB Ag 97] and The Sixties in America [RBB S 1 99], cover specific aspects of popular culture or specific periods in greater detail, but none can match this set's broad sweep. A superb source for high-school, public, and academic libraries.

поп-музика -- знаменитість -- серіал

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