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   Тип видання:   словник   

Arnold, Guy.
Historical dictionary of civil wars in Africa [Електронний ресурс] / G. Arnold. - 2nd ed.. - Lanham : Scarecrow Press, 2008. - 527 p.. - (Historical dictionaries of war, revolution, and civil unrest ; 34)
Переклад назви: Історичний словник громадянських війн в Африці


Географічні рубрики:

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For over a century, Africa has experienced a violent cycle of warfare. First came the wars of colonial conquest, then the armed struggles for independence, and fi nally a series of civil wars. These civil wars have many causes, including the struggle over artifi cial frontiers inherited from colonialism, friction and rivalry among different ethnic and religious groups, and the crude desire for power of some African leaders. During the Cold War, the situation was further exacerbated by intervention or “aid” from the former colonial powers and new superpowers. Although it has not been easy to prevent or contain these wars, increasingly efforts are being made by the United Nations, other international organizations, and African organizations such as the African Union to provide peacekeeping and provide care for refugees. For a continent that is poorly known and badly misunderstood to begin with, it is often hard to fi nd useful information about underlying situations, groups and people involved, and even the course of wars—which is why this Historical Dictionary of Civil Wars in Africa is such an important book. The chronology tracks when civil wars erupted or were resolved, and which ones still continue; the introduction puts the warfare into historical, political, and geographical context; the dictionary provides a wealth of information on each of the wars, the more prominent leaders involved (both those who make war and those who try to bring peace), liberation movements, and political parties and organizations; and the substantial bibliography presents indispensable information for those who want to know more.

міжусобні війни -- внутрішньополітичний кофлікт -- релігійна нетерпимість -- Африка

   Тип видання:   зб. статей   

Aspects of toleration: philosophical studies [Electronic resource] / ed. J. Horton, S. Mendus. - London : Methuen, 1985. - 194 p.
Переклад назви: Питання толерантності: Філософські дослідження

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терпимість -- мораль

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Bakhtin, M. M.
Toward a philosophy of the act [Electronic resource] / M. M. Bakhtin. - Austin : University of Texas press, 1999. - 106 p
Переклад назви: До філософії вчинку


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Rescued in 1972 from a storeroom in which rats and seeping water had severely damaged the fifty-year-old manuscript, this text is the earliest major work (1919-1921) of the great Russian philosopher M. M. Bakhtin. Toward a Philosophy of the Act contains the first occurrences of themes that occupied Bakhtin throughout his long career. The topics of authoring, responsibility, self and other, the moral significance of "outsideness," participatory thinking, the implications for the individual subject of having "no-alibi in existence," the difference between the world as experienced in actions and the world as represented in discourse—all are broached here in the heat of discovery. This is the "heart of the heart" of Bakhtin, the center of the dialogue between being and language, the world and mind, "the given" and "the created" that forms the core of Bakhtin's distinctive dialogism. A special feature of this work is Bakhtin's struggle with the philosophy of Immanuel Kant. Put very simply, this text is an attempt to go beyond Kant's formulation of the ethical imperative. mci will be important for scholars across the humanities as they grapple with the increasingly vexed relationship between aesthetics and ethics.

філософія -- мислення -- мораль

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Bowen, R. T.
Ethics and the practice of forensic science [Electronic resource] / R. T. Bowen. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2010. - 218 p.
Переклад назви: Мораль та практика судової науки


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While we would like to believe that forensic science professionals are intrinsically ethical by nature, the reality is that these individuals have moral compasses as varied as those of any individual you may know. They confront ethical dilemmas every day, some with clear-cut protocols and others that frequently have no definitive answers. Ethics and the Practice of Forensic Science explores the range of ethical issues facing those who work in the field and highlights the complicated nature of ethical decision-making in this complex arena.

кримінал -- етика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Casebeer, William D..
Natural ethical facts [Electronic resource] : evolution, connectionism, and moral cognition / William D. Casebeer. - Cambridge : A Bradford Book, 2003. - 227 p
Переклад назви: Природні етичні факти: еволюція, коннекціонізм і моральне пізнання

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In Natural Ethical Facts William Casebeer argues that we can articulate a fully naturalized ethical theory using concepts from evolutionary biology and cognitive science, and that we can study moral cognition just as we study other forms of cognition. His goal is to show that we have "softly fixed" human natures, that these natures are evolved, and that our lives go well or badly depending on how we satisfy the functional demands of these natures. Natural Ethical Facts is a comprehensive examination of what a plausible moral science would look like.Casebeer begins by discussing the nature of ethics and the possible relationship between science and ethics. He then addresses David Hume's naturalistic fallacy and G. E. Moore's open-question argument, drawing on the work of John Dewey and W. V. O. Quine. He then proposes a functional account of ethics, offering corresponding biological and moral descriptions. Discussing in detail the neural correlates of moral cognition, he argues that neural networks can be used to model ethical function. He then discusses the impact his views of moral epistemology and ontology will have on traditional ethical theory and moral education, concluding that there is room for other moral theories as long as they take into consideration the functional aspect of ethics; the pragmatic neo-Aristotelian virtue theory he proposes thus serves as a moral "big tent." Finally, he addresses objections to ethical naturalism that may arise, and calls for a reconciliation of the sciences and the humanities. "Living well," Casebeer writes, "depends upon reweaving our ethical theories into the warp and woof of our scientific heritage, attending to the myriad consequences such a project will have for the way we live our lives and the manner in which we structure our collective moral institutions."

еволюція -- теорія пізнання -- релігійна етика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Coller, Ian.
Arab France [Electronic resource] : islam and the making of modern Europe, 1798-1831 / Ian Coller. - Berkeley : University of California Press, 2011. - 301 p
Переклад назви: Арабська Франція: Іслам і формування сучасної Європи, 1798-1831


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Many think of Muslims in Europe as a twentieth century phenomenon, but this book brings to life a lost community of Arabs who lived through war, revolution, and empire in early nineteenth century France. Ian Coller uncovers the surprising story of the several hundred men, women, and children—Egyptians, Syrians, Greeks, and others—who followed the French army back home after Napoleon’s occupation of Egypt. Based on research in neglected archives, on the rediscovery of forgotten Franco-Arab authors, and on a diverse collection of visual materials, the book builds a rich picture of the first Arab France—its birth, rise, and sudden decline in the age of colonial expansion. As he excavates a community that was nearly erased from the historical record, Coller offers a new account of France itself in this pivotal period, one that transcends the binary framework through which we too often view history by revealing the deep roots of exchange between Europe and the Muslim world, and showing how Arab France was in fact integral to the dawn of modernity.

іслам -- релігійна експансія -- мультикультуралізм

   Тип видання:   довідник   

Copp, David.
The Oxford Handbook of Ethical Theory [Electronic resource] / David Copp. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2006. - 680 p
Переклад назви: Оксфордський довідник з етичної теорії


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The Oxford Handbook of Ethical Theory is a major new reference work in ethical theory consisting of commissioned essays by leading moral philosophers. Ethical theories have always been of central importance to philosophy, and remain so; ethical theory is one of the most active areas of philosophical research and teaching today. Courses in ethics are taught in colleges and universities at all levels, and ethical theory is the organizing principle for all of them. The Handbook is divided into two parts, mirroring the field. The first part treats meta-ethical theory, which deals with theoretical questions about morality and moral judgment, including questions about moral language, the epistemology of moral belief, the truth aptness of moral claims, and so forth. The second part addresses normative theory, which deals with general moral issues, including the plausibility of various ethical theories and abstract principles of behavior. Examples of such theories are consequentialism and virtue theory. As with other Oxford Handbooks, the twenty-five contributors cover the field in a comprehensive and highly accessible way, while achieving three goals: exposition of central ideas, criticism of other approaches, and putting forth a distinct viewpoint.

етика -- мораль -- суспільні норми -- громадська думка

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

da Costa, J. R.
Candomble de Angola [Electronic resource] / J. R. da Costa. - Rio de Janeiro : Pallas, 1996. - 117 с.
Переклад назви: Кандомбле Анголи

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Кандомбле - афро-бразильська релігійна традиція, в основі якої лежить поклоніння духам Оріша, пов'язаним зі стихіями, різними родами людської діяльності і духовними аспектами буття. Широко розповсюджена віра на території Бразилії, особливо в регіонах з великим числом темношкірого населення

традиція -- дух -- езотерика

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Damon, W.
The Moral Advantage [Electronic resource] : how to Succeed in Business by Doing the Right Thing / W. Damon. - San Francisco : Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2004. - 192 p.
Переклад назви: Моральна перевага: Як досягти успіху в бізнесі, робити правильні речі


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By showing how to employ rather than compromise moral standards, this timely book provides a roadmap for achieving success by sticking to the high road, and for building a business career that is both personally and materially rewarding.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Den Otter, R. C.
Judicial review in an age of moral pluralism [Electronic resource] / R. C. Den Otter. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2009. - 346 p.
Переклад назви: Конституційний контроль в епоху морального плюралізму


Географічні рубрики:

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Americans cannot live with judicial review, but they cannot live without it. There is something characteristically American about turning the most divisive political questions - like freedom of religion, same-sex marriage, affirmative action, and abortion - into legal questions with the hope that courts can answer them. In Judicial Review in an Age of Moral Pluralism Ronald C. Den Otter addresses how judicial review can be improved to strike the appropriate balance between legislative and judicial power under conditions of moral pluralism. His defense of judicial review is predicated on the imperative of ensuring that the reasons that the state offers on behalf of its most important laws are consistent with the freedom and equality of all persons. Den Otter ties this defense to a theory of constitutional adjudication based on John Rawls's idea of public reason and argues that a law that is not sufficiently publicly justified is unconstitutional, thus addressing when courts should invalidate laws and when they should uphold them even in the midst of reasonable disagreement about the correct outcome in particular constitutional controversies.

правоохоронна діяльність -- конститутція

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Elliott, Dyan.
The Bride of Christ Goes to Hell [Electronic resource] : metaphor and embodiment in the lives of pious women, 200-1500 / Dyan Elliott. - Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011. - 480 p
Переклад назви: Наречена Христа прямує до пекла: метафори та їхнє втілення в життях благочестивих жінок, 200-1500


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The early Christian writer Tertullian first applied the epithet "bride of Christ" to the uppity virgins of Carthage as a means of enforcing female obedience. Henceforth, the virgin as Christ's spouse was expected to manifest matronly modesty and due submission, hobbling virginity's ancient capacity to destabilize gender roles. In the early Middle Ages, the focus on virginity and the attendant anxiety over its possible loss reinforced the emphasis on claustration in female religious communities, while also profoundly disparaging the nonvirginal members of a given community. With the rising importance of intentionality in determining a person's spiritual profile in the high Middle Ages, the title of bride could be applied and appropriated to laywomen who were nonvirgins as well. Such instances of democratization coincided with the rise of bridal mysticism and a progressive somatization of female spirituality. These factors helped cultivate an increasingly literal and eroticized discourse: women began to undergo mystical enactments of their union with Christ, including ecstatic consummations and vivid phantom pregnancies. Female mystics also became increasingly intimate with their confessors and other clerical confidants, who were sometimes represented as stand-ins for the celestial bridegroom. The dramatic merging of the spiritual and physical in female expressions of religiosity made church authorities fearful, an anxiety that would coalesce around the figure of the witch and her carnal induction into the Sabbath.

християнство -- релігійна мораль -- жіноча духовність

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Franklin, Julian H..
Animal rights and moral philosophy [Electronic resource] / Julian H. Franklin. - New York : Columbia University Press, 2007. - 117 p
Переклад назви: Права тварин і моральна філософія


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Animals obviously cannot have a right of free speech or a right to vote because they lack the relevant capacities. But their right to life and to be free of exploitation is no less fundamental than the corresponding right of humans, writes Julian H. Franklin. This theoretically rigorous book will reassure the committed, help the uncertain to decide, and arm the polemicist. Franklin examines all the major arguments for animal rights proposed to date and extends the philosophy in new directions. Animal Rights and Moral Philosophy begins by considering the utilitarian argument of equal respect for animals advocated by Peter Singer and, even more favorably, the rights approach that has been advanced by Tom Regan. Despite their merits, both are found wanting as theoretical foundations for animal rights. Franklin also examines the ecofeminist argument for an ethics of care and several rationalist arguments before concluding that Kant's categorical imperative can be expanded to form a basis for an ethical system that includes all sentient beings. Franklin also discusses compassion as applied to animals, encompassing Albert Schweitzer's ethics of reverence for life. He concludes his analysis by considering conflicts of rights between animals and humans.

право -- філософія -- тварини

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Georgakopoulos, N. L.
Principles and methods of law and economics. Enhancing normative analysis [Electronic resource] / N. L. Georgakopoulos. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2005. - 394 p.
Переклад назви: Принципи та методи права та економіки


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This introductory book targets the reader who has the ambition to apply economic analysis but may be missing a technical introduction to its mathematical techniques or seeks a structured elaboration of its philosophical principles. The text juxtaposes economic analysis with moral philosophy, political theory, egalitarianism, and other methodological principles and then progresses to the details of methods such as model-building, derivatives, differential equations, statistical tests, and the use of computer programs.

моральна філософія -- політична теорія

   Тип видання:   монографія   

Gross, M. L.
Moral dilemmas of modern war: torture, assassination, and blackmail in an age of asymmetric conflict [Electronic resource] / M. L. Gross. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2010. - 337 p.
Переклад назви: Моральні дилеми сучасної війни: катування, тероризм та шантаж у вік асиметричних конфліктів


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Asymmetric conflict is changing the way that we practise and think about war. Torture, rendition, assassination, blackmail, extortion, direct attacks on civilians, and chemical weapons are all finding their way to the battlefield despite longstanding international prohibitions. This book offers a practical guide for policy makers, military officers, students, and others who ask such questions as: Do guerillas deserve respect or long jail sentences? Are there grounds to torture guerillas for information or assassinate them on the battlefield? Is there room for nonlethal weapons to subdue militants and safeguard the lives of noncombatants? Who are noncombatants in asymmetric war? What is the status of civilians who shelter and aid guerillas? And, do guerillas have any right to attack civilians, particularly those who aid and shelter members of the stronger army? If one side can expand the scope of civilian vulnerability, then why can't the other? To read and comment on Michael Gross's blog article on the UN Human Rights Council Report on Gaza

збройний конфлікт -- військова агресія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Gruen, L.
Sex, morality, and the law [Electronic resource] / L. Gruen, G. E. Panichas. - New York : Routledge, 1997. - 454 p.
Переклад назви: Секс, мораль та закон


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SEX, MORALITY, AND THE LAW, edited by Lori Gruen and George E. Panichas, is an interesting and innovative contribution to interdisciplinary literature focusing on the intersection of law and society. In this volume, the editors define the topical subject, "sex," to include same-sex activity, commercial sexual encounters, reproductive decisions, and sexual self-determination. Their primary concern is to produce a counterbalance to the irrational, contentious, and contradictory public discourse generated by a society all but saturated by sex. They seek to do by presenting "calmer, more careful assessments of matters of intimate concern".

суспільство -- відносини

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Herzog, Jonathan P..
The spiritual-industrial complex [Electronic resource] : america's religious battle against communism in the early cold war / Jonathan P. Herzog. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2011. - 286 p
Переклад назви: Духовний-промисловий комплекс: релігійна боротьба Америки проти комунізму на початку холодної війни.

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In his farewell address, Dwight D. Eisenhower warned the nation of the perils of the military-industrial complex. But as Jonathan Herzog shows in this insightful history, Eisenhower had spent his presidency contributing to another, lesser known, Cold War collaboration: the spiritual-industrial complex. This fascinating volume shows that American leaders in the early Cold War years considered the conflict to be profoundly religious; they saw Communism not only as godless but also as a sinister form of religion. Fighting faith with faith, they deliberately used religious beliefs and institutions as part of the plan to defeat the Soviet enemy. Herzog offers an illuminating account of the resultant spiritual-industrial complex, chronicling the rhetoric, the programs, and the policies that became its hallmarks. He shows that well-known actions like the addition of the words "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance were a small part of a much larger and relatively unexplored program that promoted religion nationwide. Herzog shows how these efforts played out in areas of American life both predictable and unexpected--from pulpits and presidential appeals to national faith drives, military training barracks, public school classrooms, and Hollywood epics. Millions of Americans were bombarded with the message that the religious could not be Communists, just a short step from the all-too-common conclusion that the irreligious could not be true Americans. Though the spiritual-industrial complex declined in the 1960s, its statutes, monuments, and sentiments live on as bulwarks against secularism and as reminders that the nation rests upon the groundwork of religious faith. They continue to serve as valuable allies for those defending the place of religion in American life.

холодна війна -- антикомунізм -- маккартизм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Hurd, H.
Moral Combat [Electronic resource] : the Dilemma of Legal Perspectivalism / H. Hurd. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 1999. - 348 p.
Переклад назви: Моральний бій: дилема правового перспективізму


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This book explores the thesis that legal roles force people to engage in moral combat, an idea that is implicit in the assumption that citizens may be morally required to disobey unjust laws, while judges may be morally required to punish citizens for civil disobedience. Heidi Hurd advances the surprising argument that the law cannot require us to do what morality forbids. Moral Combat is a sophisticated, well-conceived and carefully argued book on a very important and controversial topic at the junction between legal and political philosophy. It will be of interest to moral, legal, and political philosophers, as well as teachers and students of professional ethics in law.

закон -- мораль

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Huxtable, R.
Euthanasia, ethics and the law: from conflict to compromise [Electronic resource] / R. Huxtable. - Abingdon : Routledge-Cavendish, 2007. - 211 p.. - (Biomedical Law & Ethics Library)
Переклад назви: Евтаназія, мораль та закон: від конфлікту до компромісу


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Euthanasia, Ethics and the Law argues that the law governing the ending of life in England and Wales is unclear, confused and often contradictory. The book shows that the rules are in competition because the ethical principles underlying the rules are also diverse and conflicting. In mounting his case Richard Huxtable considers some familiar and topical debates, including assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia, examining such situations as the Dianne Pretty litigation and Lord Joffe's Assisted Dying for the Terminally Ill Bill. The book also enters some important, but less well-charted areas, looking at the advent of 'death tourism' and the real status of involuntary and passive euthanasia in English law, in addition to clarifying the confusion that surrounds the use of powerful painkillers like morphine. Dealing with both legal and ethical issues, the text concludes that the time has come to more openly adopt a compromise position - one that more honestly recognises and accommodates the competing values, whilst also restoring a measure of coherence to the law.

припинення життя -- легка смерть

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Häyry, M.
Liberal utilitarianism and applied ethics [Electronic resource] / M. Häyry. - London : Routledge, 1994. - 205 p.
Переклад назви: Ліберальний уталітаризм та прикладна етика


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"Liberal Utilitarianism and Applied Ethics" explores the foundations of early utilitarianism as well as the theoretical basis of social ethics and policy in modern Western welfare states. Matti Hayry shows how philosophers have misunderstood the very nature of utilitarianism since the turn of the 19th century and identifies the resulting problems in contemporary utilitarianism. Hayry argues that when the classical utilitarian principles of happiness, hedonism and impartiality are combined, the ensuing ethical theory may demand that we act immorally or unjustly. This is because the scope of the utilitarian theory has been extended too far. Hayry develops a more limited utilitarian theory based on the ethos of early British universal altruism. He argues that a limited version of liberal utilitarianism and the methods of applied ethics should be employed to define our moral duties and rights. This is an important book in current discussions on social ethics and policy. Hayry's accomplished defense of utilitarian morality is certain to provoke debate.

моральність -- соціальна етика

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences [Electronic resource] : in 9 vol. / W.A. Darity Jr.. - Farmington Hills : Gale, 2008
Переклад назви: Міжнародна енциклопедія соціальних дисциплін


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Vol. 1 : Abortion - Cognitive Dissonans. - 756 p.

Vol. 2 : Cohabitation - Ethics in Experimentation. - 632 p.

Vol. 3 : Ethnic Conflict - Inequality, Gender. - 628 p.

Vol. 4 : Inequality, Income - Mrxism, Black. - 644 p.

Vol. 5 : Masculinity - Nyerere, Julius. - 556 p.

Vol. 6 : Oaxaca, Ronald - Quotas, Trade . - 674 p.

Vol. 7 : Rabin, Yitzhak - Sociology, Micro-. - 682 p.

Vol. 8 : Sociology, Parsonian - Vulnerability. - 658 p.

Vol. 9 : Wage and Price Control - Z-Test. - 532 p.

The entirely new International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences covers scholarship and fields that have emerged and matured since the publication of the original international edition. Like its predecessors, the set meets the needs of high school and college students, researchers inside and outside academia, and lay readers in public libraries. The new set highlights the expanding influence of economics in social science research and features nearly 3,000 entirely new articles and important biographies contributed by thousands of scholars (including several Nobel prize winners) from around the world on a wide array of global topics, including: achievement testing, censorship, personality measurement, aging, income distribution, foreign aid (political and economic aspects), food (world problems, consumption patterns), cultural adaptation, comparative health-care systems, terrorism, political correctness, agricultural innovation, legislation of morality, sexual violence and exploitation, white collar crime.

соціологія -- спільнота -- поведінка -- мораль

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