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   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Науки про Землю   

Сumberland, B.
A century of sail and steam on the Niagara river [Electronic resource] / B. Сumberland. - Toronto : Musson, 1913. - 204 p
Переклад назви: Століття Парус і пар на річці Ніагара

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Although the book is published about two months after the author s death, it will be gratifying to many readers to know that all the final proofs were passed by Mr. Cumberland himself. Therefore the volume in detail has the author s complete sanction. We have added to the illustrations a portrait of the author.

вода -- історія -- смерть

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Richardson, A. E.
Design in civil architecture [Electronic resource] / A. E. Richardson, H. O. Corfiato. - New York : Philosophical library, 1956. - 219 p.
Переклад назви: Дизайн у цивільній архітектурі


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Иллюстрированное издание по фасадным решениям в гражданском строительстве. Полезно для инженеров-конструкторов, архитекторов и искусствоведов.

фасад -- архітектура -- цивільне будівництво

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Thompson, E. P.
The making of english working class [Electronic resource] / E. P. Thompson. - New York : Vintage, 1966. - 423 p
Переклад назви: Постання англійського робочого класу


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This account of artisan & working-class society in its formative years, 1780-1832, adds an important dimension to our understanding of the 19th century. E.P. Thompson shows how the working class took part in its own making & recreates the whole life experience of people who suffered loss of status & freedom, who underwent degradation & who yet created a culture & political consciousness of great vitality. "Thompson's book has been called controversial, but perhaps only because so many have forgotten how explosive England was during the Regency & the early reign of Victoria. Without any reservation, The Making of the English Working Class is the most important study of those days since the classic work of the Hammonds."--Commentary "Mr Thompson's deeply human imagination & controlled passion help us to recapture the agonies, heroisms & illusions of the working class as it made itself. No one interested in the history of the English people should fail to read his book."--Times Literary Supplement

пролетаріат -- праця -- культура

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Kelsen, H.
Pure Theory of Law [Electronic resource] / H. Kelsen. - Los Angeles : University of California Press, 1967. - 356 p.
Переклад назви: Чиста теорія права


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A landmark in the development of modern jurisprudence, the pure theory of law defines law as a system of coercive norms created by the state that rests on the validity of a generally accepted Grundnorm, or basic norm, such as the supremacy of the Constitution. Entirely self-supporting, it rejects any concept derived from metaphysics, politics, ethics, sociology, or the natural sciences. Beginning with the medieval reception of Roman law, traditional jurisprudence has maintained a dual system of "subjective" law (the rights of a person) and "objective" law (the system of norms). Throughout history this dualism has been a useful tool for putting the law in the service of politics, especially by rulers or dominant political parties. The pure theory of law destroys this dualism by replacing it with a unitary system of objective positive law that is insulated from political manipulation. Possibly the most influential jurisprudent of the twentieth century, Hans Kelsen [1881-1973] was legal adviser to Austria's last emperor and its first republican government, the founder and permanent advisor of the Supreme Constitutional Court of Austria, and the author of Austria's Constitution, which was enacted in 1920, abolished during the Anschluss, and restored in 1945. The author of more than forty books on law and legal philosophy, he is best known for this work and General Theory of Law and State. Also active as a teacher in Europe and the United States, he was Dean of the Law Faculty of the University of Vienna and taught at the universities of Cologne and Prague, the Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Harvard, Wellesley, the University of California at Berkeley, and the Naval War College. Also available in cloth.


   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Suzuki, Daisetz T..
Zen and Japanese culture [Electronic resource] / Daisetz T. Suzuki. - New York : Bollingen, 1970. - 568 p.
Переклад назви: Дзен і японська культура


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One of the leading twentieth-century works on Zen, this book is a valuable source for those wishing to understand Zen concepts in the context of Japanese life and art. In simple, often poetic, language, Daisetz Suzuki describes what Zen is, how it evolved, and how its emphasis on primitive simplicity and self-effacement have helped to shape an aesthetics found throughout Japanese culture. He explores the surprising role of Zen in the philosophy of the samurai, and subtly portrays the relationship between Zen and swordsmanship, haiku, tea ceremonies, and the Japanese love of nature. Suzuki's contemplative discussion is enhanced by anecdotes, poetry, and illustrations showing silk screens, calligraphy, and examples of architecture.

нація -- духовність -- звичаї

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Smith, B. C.
Procedural Reflection in Programming Languages [Electronic resource] / B. C. Smith. - Cambridge : Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1982. - 761 p.
Переклад назви: Процедурні Відображення в Мові програмування


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We show how a computational system can be constructed to "reason", effectively and consequentially, about its own inferential processes. The analysis proceeds in two parts. First, we consider the general question of computational semantics, rejecting traditional approaches, and arguing that the declarative and procedural aspects of computational symbols (what they stand for, and what behavior they engender) should be analyzed independently, in order that they may be coherently related. Second, we investigate self-referential behavior in computational processes, and show how to embed an effective procedural model of a computational calculus within that calculus (a model not unlike meta-circular interpreter, but connected to the fundamental operations of the machine in such a way as to provide, at any point in a computation, fully articulated descriptions of the state of that computation, for inspection and possible modification). In terms of the theories that result from these investigations, we present a general architecture for procedurally reflective processes, able to shift smoothly between dealing with a given subject domain, and dealing with their own reasoning processes over that domain.


   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Gorz, Andre.
Farewell to the Working Class [Electronic resource] / Andre Gorz. - London : Pluto Press, 1982. - 80 p.
Переклад назви: Прощання з робочим класом


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André Gorz argues that changes in the role of the work and labour process in the closing decades of the twentieth century have, once and for all, weakened the power of skilled industrial workers. Their place has been taken, says Gorz, by social movements such as the women’s movement and the green movement, and all those who refuse to accept the work ethic so fundamental to early capitalist societies. Provocative and heretical, Farewell to the Working Class is a classic study of labour and unemployment in the post-industrial world.

постіндустріальне суспільство -- інтелектуальна праця -- капіталізм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Gellner, Ernest.
Muslim Society [Electronic resource] / Ernest Gellner. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 1983. - 276 p
Переклад назви: Мусульманське суспільство


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Of all the great world religions, Islam appears to have the most powerful political appeal in the twentieth century. It sustains some severely traditional and conservative regimes, but it is also capable of generating intense revolutionary ardour and of blending with extreme social radicalism. As an agent of political mobilisation, it seems to be overtaking Marxism, arid surpassing all other religions. The present book seeks the roots of this situation in the past. The traditional Muslim society of the arid zone has, in the past, displayed remarkable stability and homogeneity, despite great political fragmentation, and the absence of a centralised religious hierarchy. The book explores the mechanisms which have contributed to this result - a civilisation in which (in the main) weak states co-existed with a strong culture, which had a powerful hold over the populations under its sway. A literate Great Tradition, in the keeping of urban scholars, lived side by side with a more emotive, ecstatic folk tradition, ill tile keeping of holy lineages, religious brotherhoods and freelance saints. One tradition was sustained by the urban trading class and periodically swept the rest of the society in waves of revivalist enthusiasm; the other was based on the multiple functions it performed in rural tribal society and amongst the urban poor. The two traditions were intertwined, yet remained in latent tension which from time to time came to tile surface. The book traces the manner in which the impact of the modern world, acting through colonialism arid industrialisation upset the once stable balance, and helped the erstwhile urban Great Tradition to become the pervasive arid dominant one, culminating in the zealous arid radical Islam which is so prominent now. The argument is both formulated in the abstract and illustrated by a series of case studies and examinations of specific aspects, and critical examinations of rival interpretations.

арабські етноси -- іслам -- халіфат -- мусульмани

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Zipperstein, Steven J..
The jews of Odessa [Electronic resource] : a cultural history, 1794-1881 / Steven J. Zipperstein. - Stanford : Stanford University Press, 1985. - 212 p
Переклад назви: Євреї Одеси: культурна історія, 1794-1881


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Founded in 1794 as a frontier city on the Black Sea, Odessa soon grew to be one of Russia's busiest seaports. Settlers of all nationalities went there to seek their fortune, among them Jews who came to form one of the largest, wealthiest, and most culturally fertile Jewish communities in Europe. This history of Jewish Odessa traces the rise of that community from its foundation in 1794 to the pogroms of 1881 that erupted after the assassination of Alexander II. Zipperstein emphasizes Jewish acculturation: changes in behavior, attitude, and ideology as reflected in schools, synagogues, newspapers, and other institutions of the period. The patterns set then affected the community's cultural development well into the second decade of the twentieth century. More a modern metropolis than any other Russian city with a significant Jewish population, Odessa offers a window into the diversity of Russian Jewish experience.

місто -- культура -- історія

   Тип видання:   художня література   

Franko, Ivan.
Selections poems and stories [Electronic resource] : пер. з укр. / Ivan Franko. - К. : Dnipro Publishers, 1986. - 215 p.
Переклад назви: Вибрані вірші та оповідання


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Ivan Franko was a Ukrainian poet, novelist, writer of short stories, playwright, satirist and publicist who lived and worked during the latter half of the 19th and the early years of the present century. His prolific and versatile pen left a great imprint on the people of his day as well as on the generations that followed. That is why today his name is honored and revered wherever Ukrainian people live. As his writings were translated into more and more languages his world stature grew. Today he is recognized as one of the great writers of the past century. Only a few of Ivan Franko’s poems had been translated into English. The present volume of translations is a representative selection of the great writer’s works in the English language. Since Franko’s complete writings fill fifty volumes, gathered here are only a very modest sampling: some of his best known poems, a few of his many short stories and excerpts from novels. A brief biography is also included in the introduction. This book of Ivan Franko’s writings in English translation has been published on the occasion of the 130th anniversary of his birth.

українська література -- поезія -- новелістика

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Schmitt, C.
Political Romanticism [Electronic resource] / C. Schmitt. - Cambridge : The MIT Press, 1986. - 168 p.
Переклад назви: Політичний романтизм


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A pioneer in legal and political theory, Schmitt traces the prehistory of political romanticism by examining its relationship to revolutionary and reactionary tendencies in modern European history. Both the partisans of the French Revolution and its most embittered enemies were numbered among the romantics. During the movement for German national unity at the beginning of the nineteenth century, both revolutionaries and reactionaries counted themselves as romantics. According to Schmitt, the use of the concept to designate opposed political positions results from the character of political romanticism: its unpredictable quality and lack of commitment to any substantive political position. The romantic person acts in such a way that his imagination can be affected. He acts insofar as he is moved. Thus an action is not a performance or something one does, but rather an affect or a mood, something one feels. The product of an action is not a result that can be evaluated according to moral standards, but rather an emotional experience that can be judged only in aesthetic and emotive terms. These observations lead Schmitt to a profound reflection on the shortcomings of liberal politics. Apart from the liberal rule of law and its institution of an autonomous private sphere, the romantic inner sanctum of purely personal experience could not exist. Without the security of the private realm, the romantic imagination would be subject to unpredictable incursions. Only in a bourgeois world can the individual become both absolutely sovereign and thoroughly privatized: a master builder in the cathedral of his personality. An adequate political order cannot be maintained on such a tolerant individualism, concludes Schmitt.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Pocock, J. G. A.
The ancient constitution and the feudal law [Electronic resource] : a study of English historical thought in the seventeenth century / J. G.A. Pocock. - 2th. ed.. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 1987. - 424 p.
Переклад назви: Стародавня конституція та феодальне право: вивчення англійської мови історичної думки в сімнадцятому столітті


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правознавство -- держава -- правова історія

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Parallel computation and computers for artificial intelligence [Electronic resource] / ed. J. S. Kowalik. - Norwell : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988. - 291 p
Переклад назви: Паралельні обчислення та комп'ютери для штучного інтелекту


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It has been widely recognized that artificial intelligence computations offer large potential for distributed and parallel processing. Unfortunately, not much is known about designing parallel AI algorithms and efficient, easy-to-use parallel computer architectures for AI applications. The field of par allel computation and computers for AI is in its infancy, but some significant ideas have appeared and initial practical experience has become available The purpose ofthis book has been to collect in one volume contributions from several leading researchers and pioneers of AI that represent a sample of these ideas and experiences" This sample does not include all schools of thought nor contributions from all leading researchers, but it covers a relatively wide variety of views and topics and in this sense can be helpful in assessing the state of the art We hope that the book will serve, at least, as a pointer to more specialized literature and that it will stimulate interest in the area of parallel AI processing,. It has been a great pleasure and a privilege to cooperate with all contributors to this volume, They have my warmest thanks and gratitude. Mrs, Birgitta Knapp has assisted me in the editorial task and demonstrated a great deal of skill and patience.

архітектура комп'ютера -- розрахунок -- інтелект

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Fizer, J.
Alexander A. Potebnja's psycholinguistic theory of literature [Electronic resource] : a metacritical inquiry / J. Fizer. - Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1988. - 164 p.
Переклад назви: Психолінгвістична теорія літератури Олександа А. Потебня: метакритичний запит


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The work of Alexander A. Potebnja, a leading Ukrainian linguist of the nineteenth century, has significantly influenced modern literary criticism, particularly Russian formalism and structuralism. Potebnja's theory, known as potebnjanstvo (Potebnjanism), flourished in the Russian Empire and in the Soviet Union during the 1920s. It attracted scores of adherents and gave rise to an influential literary journal and a formal critical school at Kharkiv. Yet despite his remarkable achievements in linguistics and literary theory, Potebnja's work was officially renounced in the Soviet Union in the 1930s, and in the West he remains virtually unknown.

мовознавство -- формалізм -- структуралізм

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Breyer, S.
The german aircraft carrier Graf Zeppelin [Electronic resource] / S. Breyer. - West Chester : Schiffer Publishing, 1989. - 52 p.
Переклад назви: Німецький авіаносець "Граф Цепелін"


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When a new type of warship, the aircraft carrier, came into existence after World War I, it could not yet be suspected that a quarter-century later this type would surpass and finally replace the battleship, which until then had been regarded as the "nucleus" of every high-sea fleet. At that time the aircraft carrier was still regarded as a kind of auxiliary warship, and certainly as a satellite of the battleship, to which it could be assigned for its protection. Only a few far-seeing naval officers considered the possibility of offensive carrier warfare, and they were stationed, as could be said, at indefensible positions. The opposition of those circles who continued to see the battleship as the "non plus ultra" and were willing to concede, at most, reconnaissance service and defensive possibilities to the carrier, was too great. But since the new type of warship was at hand, the great sea powers did not give up on it, but at first they did very little to promote its further development. Meanwhile, time worked in favor of the airplane: with the increase in aircraft performance, the tactical standpoints toward a future sea war changed, and the aircraft carrier gradually gained importance.

військовий корабель -- палубна авіація

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of Literature and Criticism [Electronic resource] / M. Coyle, P. Garside, M. Kelsall, J. Peck.. - Farmington Hills : Gale, 1990. - 1299 p.
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія літератури і критики


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Gale takes literature, history and culture to the next level with its most extensive curated compilation of literary commentary available: Literature Criticism Online. The 10 individual, award-winning Gale series that comprise Literature Criticism Online represent a range of modern and historical views on authors and their works across regions, eras and genres. Imagine centuries of analysis — the scholarly and popular commentary from broadsheets, pamphlets, encyclopedias, books and periodicals — delivered in an easy format that matches the exact look and feel of the print originals. Gale literary references reach back 20 to 30 years and taken together as print, they could easily fill 230 feet of shelf space! Now, hundreds of volumes are digitized and ready to read 24/7 online. The net result is tens of thousands of hard-to-find essays at your fingertips. It's all designed to raise the level of research while providing around-the-clock remote access that today's researchers demand. With its complete and cross-referenced essay content, researchers will need to look no further. Only Literature Criticism Online brings together the most acclaimed literary series from Gale: Contemporary Literary Criticism® Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism® Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism® Shakespearean Criticism Literature Criticism from 1400–1800 Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism Poetry Criticism Short Story Criticism Drama Criticism Children's Literature Review

література -- критика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Henderson, Jeffrey.
The maculate muse [Electronic resource] : obscene language in attic comedy / Jeffrey Henderson. - New York : Oxford University Press, 1991. - 288 p
Переклад назви: Покрита плямами муза: нецензурна лайка у вершинній комедії


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The pervasive and unrestrained use of obscenity has long been acknowledged as a major feature of fifth-century Attic Comedy; no other Western art form relies so heavily on the sexual and scatological dimensions of language. This acclaimed book, now in a new edition, offers both a comprehensive discussion of the dynamics of Greek obscenity and a detailed commentary on the terminology itself. After contrasting the peculiar characteristics of the Greek notion of obscenity to modern-day ideas, Henderson discusses obscenity's role in the development of Attic Comedy, its historical origins, varieties, and dramatic function. His analysis of obscene terminology sheds new light on Greek culture, and his discussion of Greek homosexuality offers a refreshing corrective to the idealized Platonic view. He also looks in detail at the part obscenity plays in each of Aristophanes' eleven surviving plays. The latter part of the book identifies all the obscene terminology found in the extant examples of Attic Comedy, both complete plays and fragments. Although these terminological entries are arranged in numbered paragraphs resembling a glossary, they can also be read as independent essays on the various aspects of comic obscenity. Terms are explained as they occur in each individual context and in relation to typologically similar terminology. With newly corrected and updated philological material, this second edition of Maculate Muse will serve as an invaluable reference work for the study of Greek drama.

обсценна лексика -- комедія -- мова розваг

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Plauger, P. J.
The standard C library [Electronic resource] / P. J. Plauger. - New Jersey : Prentice Hall PTR, 1992. - 514 p.


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This book shows you how to use all the library functions mandated by the ANSI and ISO Standards for the programming language C. I have chosen to focus on the library exclusively, since many other books describe the language proper. The book also shows you how to implement the library. I present about 9,000 lines of tested, working code. I believe that seeing a realistic implementation of the Standard С library can help you better understand how to use it. As much as possible, the code for the library is written in Standard C. The primary design goal is to make the code as readable and as exemplary as possible. A secondary goal is to make the code highly portable across diverse computer architectures. Still another goal is to present code that makes sensible tradeoffs between accuracy, performance, and size. Teaching you how to write С is not a goal of this book. I assume you know enough about С to read straightforward code. Where the code presented is not so straightforward, I explain the trickery involved. The Standard С library is fairly ambitious. It provides considerable power in many different environments. It promises well-defined name spaces for both user and implementor. It imposes fairly strict requirements on the robustness and precision of its mathematical functions. And it pioneers in supporting code that adapts to varied cultures, including those with very large character sets. To benefit from these ambitions, a user should be aware of numerous subtleties. To satisfy these ambitions, an implementor must provide for them. These subtleties are not always addressed in the С Standard proper. It is not the primary purpose of a standard to educate implementors. Nor are many of these subtleties well explained in the Rationale that accompanies the ANSI С Standard. A Rationale must serve several masters, only one of whom is the inquisitive implementor. The pioneering features I mentioned above are not found in traditional implementations of C. An implementation can now support multiple locales. Each locale captures numerous conventions peculiar to a country, language, or profession. А С program can alter and query locales to adapt dynamically to a broad range of cultures. An implementation can also now support very large character sets, such as the Kanji characters used in Japan.

мова програмування

   Тип видання:   життєпис   

PIetsch, Carl.
Young Nietzsche [Electronic resource] : becoming a genius / Carl PIetsch. - New York : A Division of Macmillan, 1992. - 270 p
Переклад назви: Молодий Ніцше: становлення генія


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I was first attracted to Friedrich Nietzsche as an undergraduate at Brigham Young University. He represented a radical independence of thought to me, and I wrote my senior honors paper on what then seemed the most provocative of his ideas. As a graduate student in intellectual history at the University of Chicago, I decided to write my dissertation about Nietzche as well. By that time, the fog of adolescent enthusiasm had cleared somewhat, and the categories of psychoanalysis came naturally to hand as a means of explaining his unusual manner of thinking. Fortunately, Professor William McNeill, my adviser, countenanced and even encouraged my interest in psychobiography. The psychoanalytic focus of the dissertation also led me to a rewarding association with D r. George Moraitis of the Institute for Psychoanalysis in Chicago, who helped me to appreciate my own psychological involvement with Nietzsche as well asto avoid some of the pitfalls of historical diagnosis. I became dissatisfied with my psychoanalytic treatment of Nietzsche's life as I realized that it did not suffice to illuminate the conjuncture of his ideas. Nietzsche had carefully constructed both his life and his works as monuments of creativity and had cast himself in the role of the genius. I began to explore the theory of genius, which had become, in the nineteenth century, a veritable ideology, a vehicle for conveying the grand aspirations of unusual individuals to the culture at large. Many writers and artists employed it, both to marshal their own energies and to construct themselves and their oeuvres to fit this new archetype of creative life, thus making themselves recognizable to the public. The question of how Nietzsche became a genius, or how he constructed himself as a genius, linked what I knew about his unique personality to the cultural category of genius, a socially constructed role. Nietzsche learned about it from widely revered examx pIes like Goethe and Schiller. With his need fo r fa therly mentors, he fa stened his attention upon these men and emulated them. And after an extended apprenticeship to Schopenhauer and Wagner, he assumed the mantle of genius fo r himself. With th is understanding Nietzsche's development, I was in a position to write a quite dIoolt rent book. In fa ct, I found that the complementary relationShIp of personal psychology and the culture of ge nius provides a strategy fo r investigating many other great and unique creative figures. I had a research agenda that went far beyond Nietzsche. I have a great many fr iends and colleagues to thank fo r th eir confidence in me and my gradually developing project, and for their fri endship. Thanks first to my far-flung fr ends who believed that I could bring this to fru ition; to fo rmer colleagues in the Department of History at the University of North Carol ina; in the Department of German at the University of Pittsburgh; and in the Departments of History at Appalachian State University and the University of North Carolina at Wilmington; and finally to my current colleagues at Miami University in Oxfo rd, Ohio. In the years SInce I began to write this book, I have incurred many other debts too personal to mention here, but no less gratefully re membered. For her sustaining confidence I am particularly grateful to Joyce Seltzer at The Free Press. Without her encouragement during the last several years, this book might not have been published. Without her intellectual advice and editorial criticism, it would bemuch less satisfactory than it is. To my daughter Laura, who can hardly know how uch she has helped with the book, I dedicate it.

філософія -- біографія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Leapman, Michael.
London [Electronic resource] / M. Leapman. - London : Dorling Kindersley, 1993. - 450 p
Переклад назви: Лондон


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Packed with photographs, illustrations, and maps, Eyewitness Travel Guide: London includes in-depth coverage of London's unforgettable sights from the Houses of Parliament and Buckingham Palace to the trendy piazza of Covent Garden. Unearthing the best of the city's stunning architecture, palaces and parks, west-end musicals, world-class art galleries and museums in between, there are 3D aerial views of London's most interesting districts, cutaways and floor-plans of all the major sites, and detailed listings of the best hotels and restaurants in London for all budgets. The guide includes four 'Great Days Out' and extensive practical information including insider tips on where to find London's best shops and markets, traditional pubs and the goldmine of fun to be found for children. Whether you're taking a thrilling 'flight' on the London Eye or gazing at the crown jewels at the Tower of London, there is detailed background on everything from Kings and Queens to where to see Roman, Medieval, Elizabethan and Victorian London as well as several guided walks of varied character.

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