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Dr. Grymm
1000 Steampunk creations. Neo-Victorian Fashion, Gear, and Art [Electronic resource] / Dr. Grymm. - Bewerly : Quarry Books, 2011. - 321 p.
Переклад назви: 1000 творів Стімпанку. Нео-Вікторіанська мода, Механізм і мистецтво


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Steampunk is a burgeoning counter-cultural movement; a genre, community, and artform. The Steampunk movement seeks to recapture the spirit of invention, adventure, and craftsmanship reminiscent of early-nineteenth century industrialization, in part, to restore a sense of wonder to a technology-jaded world. Packed with 1,000 color photographs, 1,000 Steampunk Creations features a showcase of stunning jewelry, fashion, accessories, headgear, artwork, home decorations, and curious contraptions.

паропанк -- фантастика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Fink, Carole.
1968 [Electronic resource] : the world transformed / Carole Fink, Philipp Gassert, Detle Junker. - Washington : The German Historical Institute ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1998. - 503 p
Переклад назви: 1968: світові перетворення


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This book grew out of a conference organized by the German Historical Institute (GHI) on May 23-5, 1996, iii Berlin. For three days, thirty-five scholars from n\ne countries became acht-und-sechziger (sixty-eighters), not on the streets and barricades but in lively debate over the events and significance of the momentous year 1968. This book consists of revised versions of many of the original papers as well as entirely new essays that complement our overall theme. I thank all of the authors and also those who participated in the conference but whose work could not be included here. I am grateful to Carl-Ludwig Holtfrerich (Free University Berlin), Luisa Passerini (European University Institute, Florence), Keith A. Reader (University of Newcastle), and Dieter Rucht (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin) for chairing the various sessions and for guiding us through spirited discussions. In Berlin, the Wissenschaftszentrum afforded a comfortable setting for three days of intensive debate. I thank Friedheim Neidhardt, the center'sdirector, and his dedicated staff - Birgit Hahn, Britta Heinrich, Ilse Kischlat, Dietmar Kremser, and Burckhard Wiebe - for hosting the conference and helping with its organization. Dieter Senoner of the mayor's office kindly welcomed us to Berlin at a reception at the Rotes Rathaus. Anneke de Rudder, who took us on a "1968 Walking Tour" through the German capital, gave us the opportunity to visit the key sites of that historic year.At the GHI, I thank Barbel Bernhardt, Christa Brown, Dieter Schneider, and Barbel Thomas - all of whom were involved in the organization before, during, and after the conference. Pamela Abraham tracked down the copyrights for the illustrations and assisted in assembling the manuscript. Daniel S. Mattern, the series editor at the Institute, deserves a special note of appreciation for guiding us through the difficult process of publishing this collection and for preparing a readable, clear, and concise manuscript. Frank Smith, the executive editor for social sciences at Cambridge University Press, took great interest in this project from the begin-IX X Preface ning and helped bring about its final shape. Further, I thank the two anonymous readers for their very useful critical evaluations of the manuscript. Finally, I thank my two coeditors. Carole Fink provided the original plan, which she presented to me at another GHI conference, in Berkeley, California, in May 1994. In subsequent discussions, we discovered that "1968" is a particularly well-suited topic for understanding the intellectual challenges that increasing global interdependence poses to historians of the twentieth century. We were later joined by Philipp Gassert, who worked with us to organize the conference and edit the book. I shall miss these last three and a half years of spirited collaboration among three very engaged historians. The topic of this book dovetails nicely with the efforts of the GHI in Washington to promote comparative research. In fact, most of the four to five international conferences the Institute rganizes annually are based on this perspective, comparing events, ideas, and structures in the United States and Europe. At times we have even taken a global perspective, with 1968: The World Traniformed being a case in point. In this age of globalization, historians should also become global players - at least mentally.

студентські заворушення -- сексуальна революція -- зміна культурної парадигми -- лібералізація суспільства

   Тип видання:   фотоальбом   

20th century photography [Electronic resource] / R. Mißelbeck, M. Bieger-Thielemann, G.A.Goodrow. - Köln : TASCHEN, 2001. - 380 p.
Переклад назви: Фотографія 20-го століття


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The history of photography began some 150 years ago, but only relatively recently has it been fully recognised as a medium in its own right. Cologne's Museum Ludwig was the first museum of contemporary art to devote a substantial section to international photography. The L. Fritz Gruber collection, from which this book is drawn, is one of the most important in Germany and one of the most representative anywhere in the world, constituting the core of the museum's holdings. This book provides a fascinating insight into the collection's rich diversity; from conceptual art to abstraction to reportage, all of the major movements and genres are represented via a vast selection of the century's most remarkable photographs. From Ansel Adams to Piet Zwart, over 850 works are presented in alphabetical order by photographer, with descriptive texts and photographers' biographical details, providing a comprehensive and indispensable overview of 20th century photography.

фотомистецтво -- світлина

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Roshan, P.
802.11 wireless LAN fundamentals [Electronic resource] / P. Roshan, J. Leary. - Indianapolis : Cisco Press, 2003. - 312 p.


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802.11 Wireless LAN Fundamentals gives networking engineers and IT professionals the knowledge they need to design, deploy, manage, and troubleshoot their own wireless local-area networks (WLANs). Starting with an overview of the technology and architecture of WLANs, the book goes on to explain services and advanced features that such applications can provide. Most importantly, it provides practical design guidance and deployment recommendations.

бездротова мережа -- локальна мережа

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Trumble, Angus.
A Brief History of the Smile [Electronic resource] / Angus Trumble. - New York : Basic Books, 2005. - 292 p
Переклад назви: Коротка історія посмішки


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It has been said that supreme enlightenment is reflected in the holy smile of the Buddha. Yet, the Victorians thought of open-mouthed smiling as obscene, and nineteenth-century English and American slang equated "smiling" with drinking whisky. Every smile is the product of physical processes common to all humans. But since the dawn of civilization, the upward movement of the muscles of the face has carried a bewildering range of meanings. In A Brief History of the Smile, Angus Trumble deftly weaves art, poetry, history and biology into an intriguing portrait of the many nuances of the human smile. Elegantly illustrating his points with emblematic works of art, from 18th and 19th century European paintings to Japanese woodblock prints, Trumble explores the meanings of smiling in a variety of cultures and contexts. But he also asks key questions about the behavioral and psychological aspects of smiling: When and how in infancy does human smiling become a profound act of communication? Is smiling unique to human beings? How does smiling function to foster our attachments to each other? Effortlessly mingling erudition, wit, and personal anecdote, Trumble weaves a seamless interdisciplinary tapestry.An established talent in the art worlds of Europe, Europe and Australia, Trumble challenges our most deeply held assumptions about smiling. In his analysis of Jusepe de Ribera's Girl Playing a Tambourine, Trumble explores the sinister side of the smile-the leer, the snarl, the lewd grin. And from J.A. Ingres' portrait of the Princesse de Broglie, he extracts the implications of "public" smiling, the tension between decorum and beauty. Trumble brings his expertise as a writer, historian and thinker to bear on the art of smiling in this charming and distinctive work.

семіотика -- емоції -- культурний контекст

   Тип видання:   аналітична доповідь   

A century of international drug control [Electronic resource]. - Vienna : UNODC, 2009. - 104 p.
Переклад назви: Сторіччя міжнародного контролю над наркотиками


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   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Науки про Землю   

Сumberland, B.
A century of sail and steam on the Niagara river [Electronic resource] / B. Сumberland. - Toronto : Musson, 1913. - 204 p
Переклад назви: Століття Парус і пар на річці Ніагара

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Although the book is published about two months after the author s death, it will be gratifying to many readers to know that all the final proofs were passed by Mr. Cumberland himself. Therefore the volume in detail has the author s complete sanction. We have added to the illustrations a portrait of the author.

вода -- історія -- смерть

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Engdahl, F. William.
A century of war [Electronic resource] : anglo-American oil politics and the new world order / F. William Engdahl. - London : Pluto Press, 2004. - 314 p
Переклад назви: Сторіччя війни: англо-американська нафтова політика і новий світовий порядок.


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This book is a gripping account of the murky world of the international oil industry and its role in world politics. Scandals about oil are familiar to most of us. From George W. Bush's election victory to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, US politics and oil enjoy a controversially close relationship. The US economy relies upon the cheap and unlimited supply of this single fuel. William Engdahl takes the reader through a history of the oil industry's grip on the world economy. His revelations are startling.

збройні конфлікти -- енергетична безпека -- біоресурси

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Levitan, Kathrin.
A Cultural History of the British Census [Electronic resource] : envisioning the Multitude in the Nineteenth Century / K. Levitan. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. - 272 p
Переклад назви: Культурна історія британського перепису населення: представлення кількості в дев'ятнадцятому столітті


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The British census plays an unquestioned role in governance today, and the recent digitization of nineteenth century census data has allowed millions of amateur and professional researchers to visualize their national and familial past. This study tells the tangled story of how the census took shape over the early decades of its existence, developing from a simple counting of households during the Napoleonic Wars into a centralized undertaking that involved the governmental and intellectual luminaries of Victorian Britain. Along the way, the census intertwined with the pressing questions of the day, including Malthusianism, industrialization, political representation, Irish immigration, women’s employment, reproduction, and empire. The book explores the hotly disputed process by which the census was created and developed and examines how a wide cast of characters, including statisticians, novelists, national and local officials, political and social reformers, and journalists responded to and used the idea of a census. It shows that the act of describing British society in statistical terms was also an act of contestation.

перепис -- населення -- демографія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Donck, Adriaen van der.
A Description of New Netherland [Electronic resource] / Adriaen van der Donck. - Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, 2010. - 204 p.. - (The Iroquoians and Their World)
Переклад назви: Опис Нових Нідерландів


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This edition of A Description of New Netherland provides the first complete and accurate English-language translation of an essential first-hand account of the lives and world of Dutch colonists and northeastern Native communities in the seventeenth century. Adriaen van der Donck, a graduate of Leiden University in the 1640s, became the law enforcement officer for the Dutch patroonship of Rensselaerswijck, located along the upper Hudson River. His position enabled him to interact extensively with Dutch colonists and the local Algonquians and Iroquoians. An astute observer, detailed recorder, and accessible writer, Van der Donck was ideally situated to write about his experiences and the natural and cultural worlds around him.

колонізація Америки -- американські тубільці -- ірокези

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Grant, Edward.
A History of Natural Philosophy [Electronic resource] : from the ancient world to the nineteenth century / E. Grant. - New York : Cambridge University, 2007. - 377 p.
Переклад назви: Історія натуральної філософії


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Natural philosophy encompassed all natural phenomena of the physical world. It sought to discover the physical causes of all natural effects and was little concerned with mathematics. By contrast, the exact mathematical sciences – such as astronomy, optics, and mechanics – were narrowly confined to various computations that did not involve physical causes. Natural philosophy and the exact sciences functioned independently of each other. Although this began slowly to change in the late Middle Ages, a much more thoroughgoing union of natural philosophy and mathematics occurred in the seventeenth century and thereby made the Scientific Revolution possible. The title of Isaac Newton’s great work, The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, perfectly reflects the new relationship. Natural philosophy became the “Great Mother of the Sciences,” which by the nineteenth century had nourished the manifold chemical, physical, and biological sciences to maturity, thus enabling them to leave the “Great Mother” and emerge as the multiplicity of independent sciences we know today.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

A history of the university in Europe [Electronic resource] : in 4 vol. / ed. Walter Ruegg. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2003
Переклад назви: Історія університетів в Європі


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Т. 3 : Universities in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries (1800–1945). - 2004. - 774 p.

T. 4 : Universities since 1945. - 2011. - 661 p.

This is the first of four volumes that will comprise A History of the University in Europe, covering the development of the university in Europe (East and West) from its origins to the present day. No other up-to-date, comprehensive history of this type exists: its originality lies in focusing on a number of major themes viewed from a European perspective, and in its interdisciplinary, collaborative and transnational character. Volume I, covering the Middle Ages, places the medieval European universities in their social and political context. After explaining the number and types of universities from their origins in the twelfth century to around 1500, it examines the inner workings as an institution and paints a general picture of medieval student life.

історія освіти -- навчальні заклади -- європейська педагогіка

   Тип видання:   підручник   

A Laboratory of Transnational History. Ukraine and Recent Ukrainian Historiography [Electronic resource] / ed. G. Kasianov, P. Ther. - Budapest : Central European University Share Company, 2007. - 310 p.
Переклад назви: Лабораторія транснаціональної історії. Україна і остання українська історіографія


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For almost half a century, Ukrainian history did not exist in Ukraine as an independent field of scholarly research or as a subject of instruction. After the Second World War, the “history of the Ukrainian SSR” was established as a regional subunit of the “History of the USSR.” Outside Ukraine, its history was a subject of scholarly research and ideological interpretation in diaspora historiography and in a few small universitylevel institutions that generally found themselves on the margins of the academic world. After 1991, public demand for accounts of Ukrainian history arose in Ukraine and abroad: in both cases, the motives were purely pragmatic and instrumental. In Ukraine, the overriding concern was to legitimize the state in ideological and “scholarly” terms and provide for the civic education of the nation, which took the form of “creating Ukrainians.” Beyond the borders of the new state, interest in its history was inspired by efforts to understand and explain the current situation: thus, most Western research on Ukraine concentrates on studies in politics, international affairs, economics, and sociology, while historical works are generally either popular outlines or highly specialized investigations.

краєзнавство -- географія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Thomas, P.
A modern approach to Graham and Dodd investing [Electronic resource] / P. Thomas. - New York : John Wiley & Sons, 2004. - 350 p
Переклад назви: Сучасний підхід до інвестування


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An updated approach to classic security analysis The principles of value investing outlined by Graham and Dodd in the 1940s continues to be used today by individuals and companies who face challenging investment decisions. A Modern Approach to Graham and Dodd Investing examines the classic Graham and Dodd approach to valuation and updates it for the twenty-first century. Thomas Au, a credentialed analyst with a leading insurance company and an ex-Value Line analyst, reworks the basics of value investing from net present value, financial statement analysis, and return on capital to return and leverage, asset allocation, and diversification. Through case studies and real-time analysis, A Modern Approach to Graham and Dodd Investing presents readers with examples that will make analysis and portfolio theory more relevant and powerful. Thomas P. Au (Hartford, CT) is a Vice President and Portfolio Manager for the investment arm of a large insurance and healthcare provider. His specialty is emerging and international markets. He received his BA, cum laude, with a double major in economics and history, from Yale University, and an MBA in finance from New York University.

економіка -- інвестиції -- бізнес

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Janson, T.
A natural history of latin [Electronic resource] / T. Janson. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2004. - 305 p.
Переклад назви: Природна історія латини


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Latin is alive and well. Beginning in Rome around 600 BC Latin became the language of the civilized world and remained so for over two millennia. French, Spanish, Italian, and Romanian are among its progeny and it still provides the international vocabulary of law and life science. No known language, including English - itself enriched by Latin words and phrases - has achieved such success and longevity. Tore Janson tells its history from origins to the present. Brilliantly conceived and written with the same light touch as Speak, his bestselling history of languages, A Natural History of Latin is a masterpiece of adroit synthesis. The author charts the expansion in the classical world, its renewed importance in the Middle Ages, and its survival into modern times. He shows its central role in European history and culture and, by judicious quotation of phrases and texts, describes how spoken and written Latin changed and evolved differently in different places. He ends with a summary of Latin grammar and lists of Latin words and of phrases still in common use. Considered elitist and irrelevant in the second half of the twentieth century and often banned from schools, Latin is now enjoying a huge revival of interest and a renaissance in schools across Europe, the UK, and the USA. Tore Janson offers persuasive arguments for its value and direct access to its fascinating worlds, past and present.


   Тип видання:   підручник   

Hobbs, C.
A practical approach to WBEM/CIM management [Electronic resource] / C. Hobbs. - Boca Raton : Auerbach Publications, 2004. - 325 p.
Переклад назви: Практичний підхід до менеджменту WBEM/CIM


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This text describes in detail WBEM/CIM architecture and explores the standard models developed by the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF). It also explores interfaces your WBEM/CIM code will have to work with and offers examples of models and code.

корпоративна мережа -- управління підприємством

   Тип видання:   альбом      науково-популярне видання   

Carrera, John M..
A visual dictionary of curiosities [Electronic resource] / John M. Carrera. - San Francisco : Chronicle books, 2009. - 503 p. - (Pictorial Webster's)
Переклад назви: Візуальний словник курйозів


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Featuring over 1,500 engravings that originally graced the pages of Webster's dictionaries in the 19th century, this chunky volume is an irresistible treasure trove for art lovers, designers, and anyone with an interest in visual history. Meticulously cleaned and restored by fine-press bookmaker Johnny Carrera, the engravings in Pictorial Webster's have been compiled into an alluring and unusual visual reference guide for the modern day. Images range from the entirely mysterious to the classically iconic. From Acorns to Zebras, Bell Jars to Velocipedes, these alphabetically arranged archetypes and curiosities create enigmatic juxtapositions and illustrate the items deemed important to the Victorian mind. Sure to inspire and delight, Pictorial Webster's is at once a fascinatinghistorical record and a stunning jewel of a book.

алогічність -- парадокси -- метакультура

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Basbanes, Nicholas A..
A world of letters [Electronic resource] / Nicholas A. Basbanes. - London : Yale University Press, 2008. - 238 p
Переклад назви: Світ листів


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For Yale University Press, which celebrates its hundredth birthday in 2008, the century has been an eventful one, punctuated with no few surprises. The Press has published more than 8,000 volumes through the years, scores of bestsellers and award-winners among them, and these books have come to fruition through the efforts of a host of colorful authors, editors, directors, board members, and others of intellectual and literary renown. With an ear always cocked for an interesting tale, one of today’s best storytellers presents an anecdote-rich chronicle of the Press’s first 100 years. Nicholas Basbanes, whom David McCullough has called “the leading authority of books about books,” quickly convinces us that the Press’s history, while bookish, is also lively and fascinating. Basbanes explores the saga behind the acquisition of Eugene O’Neill’s blockbuster play, the all-time Yale bestseller Long Day’s Journey into Night; the controversy sparked in 1965 by publication of The Vinland Map; the origins of the groundbreaking Annals of Communism series, initiated in the wake of the Soviet Union’s demise; and many more highlights from Press annals. Basbanes looks at the reasons behind the publisher’s remarkable financial success, and he completes A World of Letters with a glimpse at the new initiatives that will propel the Press into a second exciting century.

листування -- епістолярії

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Guénoun, Denis.
About Europe [Electronic resource] : philosophical hypotheses / Denis Guénoun. - Stanford : Stanford University Press, 2013. - 350 p
Переклад назви: Про Європу: філософські гіпотези


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The concept of the universal was born in the lands we now call Europe, yet it is precisely the universal that is Europe's undoing. All European politics is caught in a tension: to assert a European identity is to be open to multiplicity, but this very openness could dissolve Europe as such. This book reflects on Europe and its changing boundaries over the span of twenty centuries. A work of philosophy, it consistently draws on concrete events. From ancient Greece and Rome, to Christianity, to the Reformation, to the national revolutions of the twentieth century, what we today call "Europe" has been a succession of projects in the name of ecclesia or community. Empire, Church, and EU: all have been constructed in contrast to an Oriental "other." The stakes of Europe, then, are as much metaphysical as political. Redefining a series of key concepts such as world, place, transportation, and the common, this book sheds light on Europe as process by engaging with the most significant philosophical debates on the subject, including the work of Marx, Husserl, Heidegger, Patocka, and Nancy

філософія -- Європа

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Cane, P.
Administrative Tribunals and Adjudication [Electronic resource] / P. Cane. - Portland : Hart Publishing, 2009. - 285 p.
Переклад назви: Адміністративні трибунали і суддівства


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Among the many constitutional developments of the past century or so, one of the most significant has been the creation and proliferation of institutions that perform functions similar to those performed by courts, but which are considered to be, and in some ways are, different and distinct from courts as traditionally conceived. In much of the common law world, such institutions are called administrative tribunals. Their main function is to adjudicate disputes between citizens and the state by reviewing decisions of government agencies - a function also performed by courts in judicial review proceedings and appeals. Although tribunals in aggregate adjudicate many more such disputes than courts, tribunals and their role as dispensers of administrative justice receive relatively little scholarly attention. This wide-ranging book-length treatment of the subject compares tribunals in three major jurisdictions: the US, the UK, and Australia. It analyzes and offers an account of the concept of administrative adjudication, and traces its historical development from the earliest periods of the common law to the 21st century. There are chapters dealing with the design of tribunals and tribunal systems and with what tribunals do, what they are for, and how they interact with their users. The book ends with a discussion of the place of tribunals in the administrative justice system, and it speculates about possible future developments. Administrative Tribunals and Adjudication - now in paperback - fills a significant gap in the literature and will be of great value to public lawyers and others interested in government accountability.

трибунал -- суд

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