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   Тип видання:   словник   
Категорія: Біологічні науки   

The New Penguin dictionary of biology [Electronic resource] / М. Abercrombie [et al.]. - London : Penguin Books, 2006. - 608 p.
Переклад назви: Новий словник з біології


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Disorders in cerebral palsied children at Guy's Hospital, and became Reader in Architectural Education at University College London. She then worked with the new clinical course in the Cambridge medical school. Publications include Anatomy of Judgement, Perceptual and Visuo-Motor Disorders in Cerebral Palsy, Aims and Techniques of Group Teaching, and (with P. M. Terry) Talking to Learn. M. L. Johnson died in 1984. Michael Thain was born in Hampstead in 1946 and educated at University College School and Keble College, Oxford, graduating in Zoology and gaining a Diploma in Human Biology. After an. introduction to History and Philosophy of Science at University College London, he graduated in Philosophy from Birkbeck College, London, in 1983, and is currently studying History of Technology at Imperial College, London. In 1969 he joined the staff of Harrow School, where he was Head of Biology for eleven years and is now Head of General Studies and in charge of the school's conservation area. He is collaborating on a- Dictionary of Zoology, also for Penguin, and lives in Harrow with his wife and two children.

біологія -- ботаніка -- зоологія -- мікологія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Arts and humanities through the eras [Electronic resource] : in 2 vol.. - Farmington Hills : Thomson Gale, 2005
Переклад назви: Мистецтво та гуманітарні науки крізь віки


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Ancient Greece and Rome 1200 B.C.E.–476 C.E. / ed. J. A. Evans. - 516 p.

Medieval Europe 814–1450 / ed.: K. M. Figg, J. B. Friedman, . - 524 p.

In style similar to American Decades and American Eras, each volume in this impressive reference set represents an era and each era is divided into the categories: architecture, dance, fashion, literature, music, philosophy, religion, theater, and visual arts. Within these categories are lists of important events, overviews, topics, significant people and documentary sources. Each volume begins with an era overview. Primary source documents are separated in gray boxes throughout the text. A wonderful resource useful for research in the arts and history!??Pennsylvania School Librarians Associations, May 2006

архітектура -- література -- релігія

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Encyclopedia of social theory [Electronic resource] : in 2 vol. / ed. G. Ritzer. - Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications, 2005
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія Соціальної Теорії


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Vol. 1 : A - M. - 1- 518 pp.

Vol. 2 : N - Z. - 519 - 982 pp.

The Encyclopedia of Social Theory will be a snapshot of social theory at the beginning of a new century. While the Encyclopedia of Social Theory will slant toward sociological social theory, transdisciplinary currents from psychoanalysis, anthropology, government and politics, cultural studies and literary studies will all have their place. The history of social thought from German Idealism to postmodernism will be treated in essay length entries. Special emphasis will be given to American, British, French, and German national traditions as well as Marxist social theory. The micro-sociological traditions of exchange and symbolic interactionism will also be covered in detail. Key new developments in social thought including the ascendance of cultural theory and feminism will be described. Entries will cover the gamut from major approaches to key figures to central concepts. The work of major figures from the history of social thought including Weber, Durkheim, Mead, Spencer, and Marx as well as leading contemporary thinkers including Bourdieu, Habermas, Giddens, and Alexander will be summarized and put into context. Key concepts such as identity, trust, and the body will be defined and explored. Schools of thought ranging from the Birmingham School and the Annales School, ideas as diverse as rational choice and postcolonial studies, and timeless topics like citizenship and ethnicity will all be surveyed. Entries will vary in length from about 500 words to about 5000 words. Entries are to be neutral and comprehensive. Foremost, they will be a factual guide to who said what (when, where, and why). They will lay out key issues, recapitulate arguments, provide context for understanding, and judiciously assess the importance of a topic. All entries will include a few “further readings” that point the reader to key texts for understanding the topic. Entries will also be cross-referenced with other entries in the encyclopedia to help improve understanding. The Encyclopedia of Social Theory will be the first resort for students, scholars, and educated readers looking for a comprehensive guide to the landscape of social theory. It will find a place in many libraries across the English-speaking world.


   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Woods, Geraldine.
English grammar workbook gor dummies [Electronic resource] / Geraldine Woods. - Hoboken : Wiley, 2006. - 298 p.
Переклад назви: Навчальний посібник англійської граматики для "чайників"


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Good grammar is important, whether you want to advance your career, boost your GPA, or increase your SAT or ACT score. Practice is the key to improving your grammar skills, and that's what this workbook is all about. Open it and you'll find hundreds of fun problems to help build your grammar muscles. Just turn to a topic you need help with from punctuation and pronouns to possessives and parallel structure and get out your pencil. With just a little practice every day, you'll be speaking correctly, writing confidently, and getting the recognition you deserve at work or at school.

іноземна мова -- англійська граматика -- вправи

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Notable sports figures [Electronic resource] : in 4 vol. / D. Barnes. - Detroit : Thomson Gale, 2004
Переклад назви: Видатні діячі спорту


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Vol. 1 : A-E. - 504 p.

Vol. 2 : F-L. - 546 p.

Vol. 3 : M-S. - 638 p.

Vol. 4 : T-Z. Appendix. Indexes. - 361 p.

This work attempts to cover all international, seminal sports figures from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century in all disciplines. More than 600 biographies cover not only athletes but also coaches, team executives, media figures, writers, and sportscasters. The criteria for selection included "first" achievements, impact on sport and then society, records set or broken, and involvement in controversial or newsworthy activities on or off the field. Each entry is arranged alphabetically and contains a 1,000- to 2,500-word essay, contact information for the subject, and further readings, including Web sites. Sidebars provide chronologies of events in the lives of the subjects, lists of major awards and accomplishments, statistics, extracts from material such as magazine articles, and brief biographies of individuals who played significant roles in the sports figures' lives. Other valuable features are the three indexes: a geographic index, an occupational index, and cumulative subject index that provides access under team name, religion, awards, position played, and even diseases, such as HIV/AIDS. Notable Sports Figures does not necessarily fill a void in biographical coverage of athletes when one considers the recent publication of several other sources, such as Encyclopedia of North American Sports History (2d ed., Facts On File, 2002) or The Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives: Sports Figures (2002). Admittedly these two volumes are restricted to American or North American sports coverage, but after scanning the geographic index in Notable Sports Figures, it is quite evident that the emphasis is on American athletes. However, having all of the notables in one reference set will save the reference librarian time in searching for authoritative sources. Notable Sports Figures is recommended for high-school, public, and academic libraries where budget dollars will allow purchase.

спортивне досягнення -- атлети -- боксери -- футболісти

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Fashion, Costume and Culture [Electronic resource] : in 5 vol. / S. Pendergast, T. Pendergast, S. Hermsen.. - Farmington Hills : Gale, 2004
Переклад назви: Мода, Костюм і Культура


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Vol. 1 : The Ancient World. - 294 p.

Vol. 2 : Early cultures. - 320 p.

Vol. 3 : From the Renaissance to the Modern Era. - 304 p.

Vol. 4 : Modern World. Part I : 1900-1945. - 276 p.

Vol. 5 : Modern World. Part II : 1946-2003. - 282 p.

For assignments requiring research on cultures and customs, fashion and costume information through the eras is frequently needed by middle school students. U ·X ·L 's Fashion, Costume, and Culture: Clothing, Headwear, Body Decorations, and Footwear Through the Ages has all the answers in a comprehensive, chronologically based, affordably priced, four color, 5-vol. set. With typical U ·X ·L high quality, Fashion, Costume, and Culture provides facts and information about the cultural, religious and social implications of human decoration and adornment throughout history, with a particular emphasis on the decades of the 20th century. In 500 entries, detailed information about clothing, hairstyles, tattoos, jewelry, body piercing, feet binding and other types of fashion or style is examined. Additionally, entries explain the fashion or style within the context of the traditions, customs, rituals or practices it relates to, as well as its significance to society or culture. Entries follow a standardized format to ensure that students can easily do comparisons. Arranged chronologically, each era, century or decade begins with a short synopsis of the historical highlights. With further division of the information by region, similar nations, countries and cultures are presented together and include an overview broken up with numerous subheads leading students directly to the information they need. For additional ease-of-use, information on specific fashion items and the country or culture that used them is divided into four main topics areas including: * Clothing * Footwear * Hairstyles and headgear * Body decoration To ensure relevancy for student research needs, entries were selected based on middle school curriculum, as well as their importance to a particular culture or country. Additionally, Fashion, Costume, and Culture is written at a seventh-grade reading level with difficult terms or concepts explained in each entry. Features include 400 color and black-and-white photos and illustrations; a timeline; words-to-know section; sidebars with related information; sources for further reading; an index; and more.

вбрання -- стиль -- одяг

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Computer Sciences [Electronic resource] : encyclopedia: in 4 vol. / R.R. Flynn. - New York : Macmillan, 2002
Переклад назви: Інформатика


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Vol. 1 : Foundations : Ideas and People. - 320 p.

Vol. 2 : Software and Hardware. - 320 p.

Vol. 3 : Social Applications. - 304 p.

Vol. 4 : Electronic Universe. - 368 p.

Here is an attractive, readable set designed to present the history of computers and reflect on their purpose, use, and impact today. Nearly 300 entries are organized into four volumes, usually with black-and-white illustrations, photos, or charts. Signed entries are two to four pages long and often include sidebars, definitions for terms or concepts, see also references, and bibliographies with a handful of current sources, many of them online. University professors are among the contributors. Repeated at the beginning of each volume are the preface, tables of measurements, time lines, and table of contents. Each volume concludes with the same glossary and topic outline and a volume index, with a cumulative index at the end of volume 4. Volume 1 (Foundations: Ideas and People) covers history; volume 2 (Software and Hardware), the nuts and bolts of the technology; volume 3 (Social Applications), how computers affect our everyday lives; and volume 4 (Electronic Universe), the networked society. Organization within each volume is alphabetical. Some representative subjects covered in volume 1 include Babbage, Charles; IBM Corporation; and Transistors. In volume 2 we learn about Client/server technology, Game controllers, and Touch screens; in volume 3, about Airline reserva tions, Educational software, and Spreadsheets; and in volume 4, Cookies, Global positioning systems, and Political applications. Several articles are current enough to include the 9/11 attacks and October 2001 anthrax letters. There are so many interrelated topics that dividing them by volume is confusing to a user. Chemistry and Electronic campus are in volume 4, but Distance learning and Physics are in volume 3. Assistive computer technology for persons with disabilities is in volume 4, although it could be considered a social application. Art and Music composition are placed in different volumes. The topic outline lists entry headings under broad topics and might be helpful in providing an overview, but it gives no indication of the volumes in which the entries can be found. For academic libraries, the standard Encyclopedia of Computer Science (4th ed., Grove, 2000) will probably be adequate, even though this field changes so rapidly. High-school and public libraries where there is emphasis on technology may want to add this set for its detailed coverage of people, concepts, and applications.

компьютер -- інтернет

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Space Sciences [Electronic resource] : encyclopedia: in 4 vol. / P. Dasch.. - New York : Macmillan, 2002
Переклад назви: Космічні науки


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Vol. 1 : Space Business. - 292 p.

Vol. 2 : Planetary Science and Astrology. - 292 p.

Vol. 3 : Humans in Space. - 304 p.

Vol. 4 : Our Future in Space. - 304 p.

In this wonderful encyclopedia designed for middle- and high-school students, 341 entries explore the wonders of space. Each volume has a theme. Space Business (volume 1) covers topics such as Communications satellite industry, Law of space, and Space tourism. Planetary Science and Astronomy (volume 2) covers the more scientific aspects, including planetary explorations. Humans in Space (volume 3) treats manned missions and various astronauts, and Our Future in Space has entries for topics such as Asteroid mining, Mars bases, and Military uses of space. The entries in each volume are in alphabetical order and range from a single paragraph to several pages in length, with most being one or two pages long. The front and back matter are the same in each volume and include a few pages of reference tables such as conversion charts, time lines of milestones in space history and human achievements in space, a list of contributors, a table of contents for the set, and a glossary. Volume 1 has a unique time line of "Major Business Milestones in U.S. History." The index in the first three volumes is specific to the volume only, and there is a cumulative index in volume 4. Numerous sidebars provide additional information throughout the set. Words that appear in bold type in the entry are defined in the page margins and also in the glossary. The color illustrations and photographs are beautifully reproduced and appear on almost every two-page spread. Additionally, there are smaller portraits and black-and-white illustrations. Almost every person mentioned has a portrait somewhere in the set. The entries are well written and should be easily understood by the target audience of YA students. The breadth and depth of information will fascinate students and be very helpful in preparing reports and projects on a wide variety of space-related topics. School and public libraries should eagerly add this set to their collections.

космос -- астронавтика

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of Science, Technology and Ethics [Electronic resource] : in 4 vol. / editor C. Mitcham. - New York : Macmillan, 2005
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія науки, техніки та етики


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Vol. 1 : A - C. - 1 - 461 pp.

Vol. 2 : D - K. - 463 - 1109 pp.

Vol. 3 : L-r. - 1111 - 1672 pp.

The timing could hardly be better for this set. With the recent Gulf Coast hurricanes renewing concern regarding ecology, plus the ongoing debates on stem cell research, global warming, and a myriad of other science-related topics in the news, Macmillan's latest multivolume work on ethics provides a superb introduction to the issues presented. Suggested by an editor of the third edition of the same publisher's Encyclopedia of Bioethics (2003), Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics "aims to summarize . . . emerging bodies of knowledge bearing on the co-construction of an ethical, scientific, and technological world." Editor Mitcham (Colorado School of Mines) and around 470 academic contributors have written more than 675 articles on topics that relate to every conceivable area of ethics in science and technology--and beyond. The rather eclectic mixture of entries may cause library patrons to overlook some topics in this work entirely, given its title. While one expects articles such as Biological weapons; Ecological integrity; Ford Pinto case; Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Oppenheimer, J. Robert; and Social Darwinism, the average reader may not expect to find entries like Consumerism; Jefferson, Thomas; Market theory; Music; or Special effects. The authors, however, are adept at introducing an ethical dimension within their entries. They were also encouraged to let their own views be heard. The set opens with eight introductory essays that provide an overview of key interdisciplinary ideas. The encyclopedia portion includes about 125 biographical entries in addition to topical entries. All conclude with cross-references and up-to-date bibliographies--many with separately listed Internet resources. About 300 black-and- white illustrations and photographs are scattered throughout the set. Single entries are up to eight pages long (Science, technology and literature), though some main entries are subdivided into separate articles that span a greater number of pages, such as Misconduct in science, which has four separate articles. The work concludes with several appendixes: an annotated bibliography, Internet resources, a glossary, a chronology, and reprints of various ethics codes and documents from around the world. A few editorial oversights were spotted. The list of articles at the beginning of volume 1 notes an entry for New technologies. There is no such entry. There are a few instances of a missing cross-reference at the end of an entry. Even so, this work is a refreshing synthesis of issues spanning more disciplines that the title would at first indicate. Many will debate the inclusion or exclusion of topics, but for public and academic libraries looking for an authoritative reference source on a variety of topics related to the moral dimensions of science and technology and written at a reading level for the educated layperson, this is a highly recommended set. Ken Black

наука -- техніка -- етика

   Тип видання:   підручник   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Chemistry [Electronic resource] : foundations and Applications : in 4 vol. / ed. J. J. Lagowski. - Detriot : Thomson Gale, 2004
Переклад назви: Хімія : основи та додатки


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Vol. 1 : A-C. - 1419 p.

Written at a level accessible to nonspecialists, including high-school students, college students in introductory courses, and the general public, this encyclopedia's purpose is to assist users in acquiring knowledge and understanding of chemistry. The 509 alphabetically arranged, signed articles were written by subject specialists and range from concise definitions to multiple-page overviews. Broad areas covered include analytical chemistry applications, biochemistry, biographies, elements, energy, environmental chemistry, medicine, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, reactions, states of matter, and structure. Examples of specific article titles are Alchemy; Artificial sweeteners; Boron; Clones; Franklin, Rosalind; Isomerism; Mole concept; Nanochemistry; Rubber; Spectroscopy; and zwitterions. In addition to explaining scientific principles, this set relates chemistry to everyday life. For example, Silly Putty (a silicone-based material) is a "liquid solid," the color of hydrangeas is determined by soil acidity, and endorphins may allow marathoners' bodies to endure long races. An 18-page glossary and 67-page subject index are included in each volume. Glossary definitions also appear in the margins next to the text. Although there are some cross-references in the articles, the index is more thorough. About 300 black-and-white illustrations and diagrams clarify the concepts under discussion. There are no color illustrations; color would have been useful to elucidate concepts such as bonding and molecular structure. Bibliographic references and related Internet resources are listed at the end of many articles. A "For Your Reference" section at the beginning of each volume provides selected metric conversions, an alphabetic table of the elements; common abbreviations, symbols and acronyms, and a periodic table of the elements. The similar four-volume Macmillan Encyclopedia of Chemistry (1997), also edited by Lagowski, is aimed at a more academic audience and provides additional coverage of some topics. Although Chemistry: Foundations and Applications could be improved with the inclusion of some color illustrations, the very impressive scholarly contributors make this set worthy of consideration, particularly for high-school, large public, and undergraduate libraries. Nancy Cannon Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved

хімічна реакція

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of Film [Electronic resource] : in 4 vol. / B.K. Grant. - Farmington Hills : Gale, 2006
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія фільму


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Vol. 1 : Academy Awards - Crime Films. - 394 p.

Vol. 2 : Criticism–Ideology. - 412 p.

Vol.3 : Independent Film-road Movies. - 421 p.

Vol.4 : Romantic Comedy–Yugoslavia. - 432 p.

Drawing on authoritative, international contributors, information on film is extensively documented in this set, which is intended as a film-studies staple. The alphabetically arranged volumes are titled as follows: "Academy Awards—Crime Films"; "Criticism—Ideology"; "Independent Film—Road Movies"; and "Romantic Comedy—Yugoslavia." Subtopics include countries, history, philosophies, and more, with information on individual movies often spread over several entries. Articles range from as few as 5 pages ("Slapstick comedy") to 17 pages ("Italy"). Contemporary topics, such as "Gay, lesbian and queer cinema," are included along with more-expected entries on "Teen films" and "Cinematography." See-also references guide readers to one or more related topics or subtopics, while further-reading suggestions provided after every entry list academic and popular articles and books. The more than 16,000 index entries, with major topics in bold type, make access straightforward. The text is highlighted with photographs varying in size, color, and clarity, along with brief biographies on related figures. While there is a plethora of good publications on film, such as Ephraim Katz's single-volume The Film Encyclopedia (HarperCollins, 2005) and his The Macmillan International Film Encyclopedia (2001), this set is more comprehensive and current. Public libraries and secondary schools, especially those with a focus on filmmaking, should plan to include it in their collections.

кіно -- актор -- режисер -- фільм

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of Clothing and Fashion [Electronic resource] : in 3 vol. / V. Steele. - Farmington Hills : Gale, 2005
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія одягу та стилю


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Vol. 1 : Academic Dress - Eyeglasses. - 456 p.

Vol. 2 : Fads - Nylon. - 470 p.

Vol. 3 : Occult Dress - Zoran. - 576 p.

Encyclopedia of Clothing and Fashion is an exciting and unique resource that excels in depth and range of coverage. It is highly recommended for high-school, public, and academic libraries with a clientele interested in what and why people wear what they wear.

одяг -- мода -- стиль -- дизайн

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of Popular Culture [Electronic resource] : in 5 vol. / T. Pendergast, S. Pendergast. - Farmington Hills : St. James Press, 2000
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія популярної культури


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Vol. 1 : A-D. - 816 p.

Vol. 2 : E-J. - 612 p.

Vol. 3 : K-O. - 613 p.

Vol. 5 : U-Z. - 416 p.

This alphabetically arranged, 2,700-entry encyclopedia treats aspects of U.S. popular culture, defined as "all the experiences in life shared by people in common, generally though not necessarily disseminated by the mass media." In the process of winnowing the 4,000 or so potential topics that were suggested by an advisory group to a manageable number of entries, the editors sought balance, though not necessarily equal coverage. Content breaks down into articles that address social life (23 percent of the articles), music (16 percent), print culture (16 percent), film (15 percent), television and radio (14 percent), sports (10 percent), and art and performance (6 percent). A few entries, such as Currier and Ives and Dime novels, relate to the culture of the nineteenth century, but treatment is purposely slanted toward the twentieth century, and the latter half of the twentieth at that. Articles range from 75-to 150-word introductions to 3,000-word analyses. Each of the 450 contributors, mostly college or university professors and freelance writers, was asked to describe his or her topic and analyze its relevance to American popular culture, a charge successfully carried out in uniformly zesty and interesting prose, accompanied by numerous clear black-and-white illustrations. There are entries covering broad topics (Advertising, Jazz, Radio) and specific activities, comic strips, companies and consumer products, films, foods, individuals, musical groups, publications, social issues, sports teams, television and radio programs, and various other trends and phenomena, such as Advice columns, AARP, Aerobics, Air travel, and Astrology. Reflecting pop culture's inherent inclusiveness, there seems to be almost nothing missing, and an examination of the impact of Sigmund Freud keeps company with entries on Frederick's of Hollywood, Frosty the Snowman, and frozen food. This is one of those rare encyclopedias that is good not only for research but for casual browsing, and readers will find much that is fascinating. Each entry, laid out in an easy-to-read typeface in double-column format, concludes with a list of further readings that includes references to both standard print and online sources. The introduction, list of contributors, and alphabetical list of entries are repeated in each volume. The indexing in volume five is superlative and broad, consisting of three different indexes--one general, one organized by subject, and one organized by decade, creating linkages and widening access to the information available on any given topic. Cross-referencing is limited to see references that refer readers to appropriate headings. The indexing helps make up for the lack of see also references, although these would more easily guide readers between entries for Orson Welles and War of the Worlds, to take one example. Other reference works, such as the Museum of Broadcast Communications Encyclopedia of Television [RBB Ag 97] and The Sixties in America [RBB S 1 99], cover specific aspects of popular culture or specific periods in greater detail, but none can match this set's broad sweep. A superb source for high-school, public, and academic libraries.

поп-музика -- знаменитість -- серіал

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of Public Health [Electronic resource] : in 4 vol. / L. Breslow. - New York : Macmillan, 2002
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія суспільної охорони здоров'я


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Vol. 1 : A-C. - 362 p.

Vol. 2 : D-K. - 365 p.

Vol. 3 : L-R. - 391 p.

Vol. 4 : S-Z. Appendix Index. - 423 p.

The Encyclopedia of public health is a thorough reference set of four volumes covering all aspects of Public health for a lay public. Its target audience is very wide but its high price means that only a large or medium sized public or school library will buy it readily. It covers infectious diseases and other topics related to public health, such as causes of injury or chronic diseases. The 900 articles are written by experts in this domain.

медицина -- хвороба -- ліки

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Building Blocks of Matter [Electronic resource] : a supplement to the Macmillan Encyclopedia of Physics / J.S. Rigden. - New York : Macmillan, 2003. - 548 p.
Переклад назви: Будівельні блоки матерії


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Twentieth-century and twenty-first-century elementary particle physics is full of quarks, leptons, antimatter, and dark energy. How is a reader supposed to understand physics when much of what he or she may, or may not, remember from high-school physics is no longer current? This alphabetically arranged guide is intended for a broad audience, including advanced high-school and college students as well as general readers. An international team of physicists contributed 153 entries, each with a bibliography of recommended books, journals, and Web sites. See also references appear at the end of each article. Also included are a reader's guide presenting a topical arrangement of entries, a time line, a glossary, and a list of common abbreviations and acronyms. Case studies of experiments such as the measurement of the muon, profiles of important laboratories such as Fermilab, and biographies of physicists such as Paul Dirac are among the entries, which are illustrated with tables, photograph, and schematics. Building Blocks of Matter is a supplement to the Macmillan Encyclopedia of Physics (1996). As such, it will help students understand the physics of elementary particles, that is, particles that cannot be broken down. Because of its focus, it is more specialized than a physics dictionary. Recommended for science reference collections in academic and public libraries, especially those that own the Macmillan Encyclopedia of Physics.

матерія -- антиматерія -- кварк -- лептон -- темна енергія

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Africa [Electronic resource] : an Encyclopedia for Students : in 4 vol. / J. Middleton. - New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, 2002
Переклад назви: Африка : енциклопедія для студентів


Географічні рубрики:

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Vol. 1 : Abidjan - Economic. - 282 p.

Vol. 2 : Ecosystem - Laws. - 264 p.

Vol. 3 : Leakey - Rwanda. - 272 p.

Vol. 4 : Sadat - Zulu. - 234 p.

The highly regarded Encyclopedia of Africa South of the Sahara was published by Scribner in 1997. The editor, John Middleton, has now produced an abbreviated version, appropriate for high-school and undergraduate students and adults. The original included 896 articles. This new version has about 450 entries in just under 1,000 pages. Topics include countries, regions, geographic features, cultural groups, personalities, and general subjects, such as Body adornment and clothing, Oral tradition, and Writing systems. The preface indicates that many of the original articles have been adapted and updated and that a substantial amount of new information has been added on North Africa. In an effort to make the resource user-friendly, time lines, sidebars, and definitions now appear in margins next to related text; and individual country entries include quick reference fact boxes. Each volume has an eight-page color photo-essay: "People and Culture" in the first volume, followed by "The Land and Its History," "Art and Architecture," and "Daily Life" in subsequent volumes. Additional black-and-white photographs and more than 50 maps are also offered.

африка -- культура -- економіка -- побут

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

The eenaissance [Electronic resource] : an encyclopedia for students: in 4 vol. / P.F. Grendler. - New-York : Charles Scribner's Sons, 2004
Переклад назви: Ренесанс: Енциклопедія для студентів


Географічні рубрики:

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Vol. 1 : Academies—Cromwell. - 228 p.

Vol. 2 : Daily Life - Julius II. - 219 p.

Vol. 3 : Kepler - Princes and Princedoms. - 215 p.

Vol. 4 : Printing and Publishing - Writing . - 230 p.

The accomplishments during the Renaissance related to many curriculum areas ranging from the humanities to the sciences. Based on the award-winning Encyclopedia of the Renaissance (Scribner, 2000), editor Paul F. Grendler has put together a comparable work on the subject for high school and middle school students. The Renaissance: An Encyclopedia for Students is equivalent to its academic version in quality of substance with necessary differences in length, layout, language, and added features.

Відродження -- мистецтво -- історія -- побут

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences [Electronic resource] : in 9 vol. / W.A. Darity Jr.. - Farmington Hills : Gale, 2008
Переклад назви: Міжнародна енциклопедія соціальних дисциплін


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Vol. 1 : Abortion - Cognitive Dissonans. - 756 p.

Vol. 2 : Cohabitation - Ethics in Experimentation. - 632 p.

Vol. 3 : Ethnic Conflict - Inequality, Gender. - 628 p.

Vol. 4 : Inequality, Income - Mrxism, Black. - 644 p.

Vol. 5 : Masculinity - Nyerere, Julius. - 556 p.

Vol. 6 : Oaxaca, Ronald - Quotas, Trade . - 674 p.

Vol. 7 : Rabin, Yitzhak - Sociology, Micro-. - 682 p.

Vol. 8 : Sociology, Parsonian - Vulnerability. - 658 p.

Vol. 9 : Wage and Price Control - Z-Test. - 532 p.

The entirely new International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences covers scholarship and fields that have emerged and matured since the publication of the original international edition. Like its predecessors, the set meets the needs of high school and college students, researchers inside and outside academia, and lay readers in public libraries. The new set highlights the expanding influence of economics in social science research and features nearly 3,000 entirely new articles and important biographies contributed by thousands of scholars (including several Nobel prize winners) from around the world on a wide array of global topics, including: achievement testing, censorship, personality measurement, aging, income distribution, foreign aid (political and economic aspects), food (world problems, consumption patterns), cultural adaptation, comparative health-care systems, terrorism, political correctness, agricultural innovation, legislation of morality, sexual violence and exploitation, white collar crime.

соціологія -- спільнота -- поведінка -- мораль

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   
Категорія: Науки про Землю   

Encyclopedia of landforms and other geologic features [Electronic resource] : in 3 vol. / R. Nagel. - Detroit : UXL, Gale Group, 2004
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія ландшафтів та інших геологічних форм


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Vol. 1 : Basin, Canyon, Cave, Coast and shore, Continental margin, Coral reef, Delta, Dune and other desert features. - 147 p.

Vol. 2 : Fault, Floodplain, Geyser and hot spring, Glacial landforms and features, Landslide and other gravity movements, Mesa and butte, Meteorite crater, Mountain,. - 139 p.

Vol. 3 : Ocean basin, Plain, Plateau, Stream and river, Valley, Volcano. - 138 p.

From a science-centered perspective, this new resource focuses on the physical and geological aspects, structure and features of 24 of earth's landforms what they are, how they look, how they were created, how they change over time, and major geological events associated with them. Written for middle school students to support earth science and landform-related assignments, alphabetically arranged entries follow a standard and consistent subheaded format; range in length from nine to 11 pages; and cover common and unusual landforms such as canyon, cliff, plateau, valley, volcano and many more. Entries include a description and overview of physical features or characteristics and their relationship to connected areas; how the landform is shaped including constructive and destructive forces involved and additional changes that can occur; types of life supported; and famous examples of landforms. Included are 25 maps, charts and graphs; 180 full-color photos and illustrations; words to know; bibliography; and comprehensive index.

геологія -- гора -- океани -- шельф -- печера -- вулкан

   Тип видання:   довідник   

World Poverty [Electronic resource] / N. Dziedzic. - Farmington Hills : Gale, 2007. - 160 p.
Переклад назви: Бідність в усьому світі


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World Poverty is part of the Information Plus Reference Series. The purpose of each volume of the series is to present the latest facts on a topic of pressing concern in modern American life. These topics include today’s most controversial and most studied social issues: abortion, capital punishment, care for the elderly, crime, health care, the environment, immigration, minorities, social welfare, women, youth, and many more. Although written especially for the high school and undergraduate student, this series is an excellent resource for anyone in need of factual information on current affairs.

бідність -- безробіття -- злочини -- статистика

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