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   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Fast, Susan.
In the houses of the holy [Electronic resource] : led Zeppelin and the power of rock music / Susan Fast. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2001. - 270 p
Переклад назви: У будинках святого духу: Led Zeppelin і сила рок-музики

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When І began this project about five years ago, I had no intention ofconducting a survey of Led Zeppelin fans and incorporating their observations into the book. It was Rob Walser's inclusion of a fan survey in Running with the Devil that suggested to me the value of ethnography in the kind of study of the band's music that I wanted to make. Without the fans' voices, this book would be considerably poorer—in fact, several of the points I argue would have been impossible to make without the evidence I gathered from fans—and so I would first like to thank those who responded to my survey for their time and effort in completing it and for their thoughtful comments, many of which are found throughout the book. Their enthusiasm for this project has been heartwarming: I received many offers from them to answer follow-up questions, and several fans offered me bootleg recordings and access to their collections of memorabilia; one fan sent an original watercolor painting of the band on their 1980 tour. Rick Barrett, owner of Merit Adventures in Houston, which specializes in Led Zeppelin memorabilia, sent me a package of magazines and other collectibles. I am very thankful for all of these gestures. I would also like to thank Hugh Jones for running the survey in an issue of his fanzine, Proximity, and for putting me in touch with photographer Marty Perez, who generously sent me his precious slides of Led Zeppelin in concert in Chicago in 1977; some of these appear in this book, and I wish to thank Marty for allowing me to use them. Jeremy Mixer graciously offered to post the fan survey on his Web site, zoso.net, and I wish to express my thanks to him for that. Another fan (and professional photographer), Wendy Annibell, offered me her photograph of Robert Plant in concert at Madison Square Garden in 1973 and went to considerable lengths to improve the quality of that photograph so that I could use it here; thank you, Wendy.

рок-музика -- концертна діяльність

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Chominsky, D.
Premiere 6.5 Fundamentals [Electronic resource] / D. Chominsky. - Washington, D.C. : New Riders, 2003. - 360 p.
Переклад назви: Основи Premiere 6.5


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Push the envelope with the book that covers all the basics and branches through the more complex techniques of video and audio editing. This book is laid out in a way that focuses on some very specific topics within Premiere. Users can utilize this book as a quick reference, jumping in and getting the immediate answers. There are a few sections that apply more of a basic overtone: The reason for this is that with a program as powerful and dynamic as Premiere, with the ability to incorporate so many different media types, users need to understand how to put together and use these examples and understand how to produce a complete package, from start to finish. By analyzing the examples in this book and formulating their own versions when creating projects, users will begin to expand the capabilities they can offer clients and pick from a multitude of tools to incorporate into their next Premiere projects.

відео -- редагування

   Тип видання:   довідник   

Landau, Sabine.
A handbook of statistical analyses using SPSS [Electronic resource] / Sabine Landau, Brian S. Everitt. - Boca Raton : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2004. - 339 p
Переклад назви: Довідник із статистичного аналізу з використанням SPSS

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A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using SPSS clearly describes how to conduct a range of univariate and multivariate statistical analyses using the latest version of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, SPSS 11. Each chapter addresses a different type of analytical procedure applied to one or more data sets, primarily from the social and behavioral sciences areas. Each chapter also contains exercises relating to the data sets introduced, providing readers with a means to develop both their SPSS and statistical skills. Model answers to the exercises are also provided. Readers can download all of the data sets from a companion Web site furnished by the authors.

соціологія -- статистика -- соціальні науки

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Hannay, David.
Cyprus [Electronic resource] : the Searсh For A Solution / D. Hannay. - London : I. B. Tauris, 2005. - 273 p.
Переклад назви: Кіпр: у пошуку рішення


Географічні рубрики:

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When I was first approached in February 1996 to ask whether I would be prepared to take on a new, part-time job as the British government's Special Representative for Cyprus, I had some idea of what I was being let in for, but not that it would last for seven years. Although I had never actually set foot on the island, I had, like many other British diplomats, bumped into the Cyprus problem from time to time during the 36 years of my professional career in the Diplomatic Service, which had ended the year before with my retirement from the post of UN ambassador in New York. I had been involved in the negotiations for a trade agreement between the European Community and Cyprus when Britain joined the EC in 1973; I had subsequently participated in the negotiations that developed this agreement into a customs union and, more relevant than either of these two experiences, I had a ringside seat for the last major attempt by the United Nations to negotiate a comprehensive settlement in 1992 and the subsequent, equally abortive, effort to agree a major package of Confidence-Building Measures on the island which had finally run into the sands in 1994. So I could not be said to be unaware of the singular intractability of the problem, nor of the capacity of the main players to spin out any negotiation until the Greek Kalends, nor of their preference for playing the blame game over making any serious effort to get to grips with the core issues in an attempt to reach a settlement. Why did I say yes? Partly, I suspect, out of a reluctance to quit entirely the scene of international diplomacy in which I had spent the whole of my professional life. Partly also, like a mountain climber drawn towards an unclimbed peak, simply because it was there. The Cyprus problem was certainly an unclimbed peak, said by many - particularly by those who had tried to climb it and failed - to be un-climbable; so there was an element of irresistible challenge. And then there were less personal reasons. The commitment given by the European Union in 1995 to open accession negotiations with Cyprus, divided or not, within six months of the end of the Inter- Governmental Conference which was drawing up the Amsterdam Treaty (in 1997), meant that we were sliding towards a parting of the ways which might either consolidate the division of the island or lead to its entering reunited into the European Union. It also had the potential to lead to a serious crisis in the relations between Turkey and the European Union and thus to a threat to the peace and stability of the Eastern Mediterranean. So the case for making a further determined attempt to reach a settlement was a serious one.

греко-турецький конфлікт -- територіальні претензії

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Fettig, A.
Twisted Network Programming Essentials [Electronic resource] / A. Fettig. - Sebastopol : O'Reilly, 2005. - 236 p.
Переклад назви: Основи програмування мережі


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Twisted Network Programming Essentials from O'Reilly is a task-oriented look at this new open source, Python-based technology. The book begins with recommendations for various plug-ins and add-ons to enhance the basic package as installed. It then details Twisted's collection simple network protocols, and helper utilities. The book also includes projects that let you try out the Twisted framework for yourself. For example, you'll find examples of using Twisted to build web services applications using the REST architecture, using XML-RPC, and using SOAP. Written for developers who want to start building applications using Twisted, this comprehensive guide presents examples of the most common tasks you'll face when building network applications. It also helps you understand the key concepts and design patterns used in Twisted applications. Here are just some of the topics discussed in Twisted Network Programming Essentials:

програмне забезпечення -- комп’ютерна програма -- електронний ресурс -- програмування

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Erle, S.
Google Maps Hacks [Electronic resource] / S. Erle, R. Gibson. - Sebastopol : O'Reilly, 2006. - 366 p.
Переклад назви: Хаки мап Google


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Want to find every pizza place within a 15-mile radius? Where the dog parks are in a new town? The most central meeting place for your class, club or group of friends? The cheapest gas stations on a day-to-day basis? The location of convicted sex offenders in an area to which you may be considering moving? The applications, serendipitous and serious, seem to be infinite, as developers find ever more creative ways to add to and customize the satellite images and underlying API of Google Maps. Written by Schuyler Erle and Rich Gibson, authors of the popular Mapping Hacks, Google Maps Hacks shares dozens of tricks for combining the capabilities of Google Maps with your own datasets. Such diverse information as apartment listings, crime reporting or flight routes can be integrated with Google's satellite imagery in creative ways, to yield new and useful applications. The authors begin with a complete introduction to the "standard" features of Google Maps. The adventure continues with 60 useful and interesting mapping projects that demonstrate ways developers have added their own features to the maps. After that's given you ideas of your own, you learn to apply the techniques and tools to add your own data to customize and manipulate Google Maps. Even Google seems to be tacitly blessing what might be seen as unauthorized use, but maybe they just know a good thing when they see one. With the tricks and techniques you'll learn from Google Maps Hacks, you'll be able to adapt Google's satellite map feature to create interactive maps for personal and commercial applications for businesses ranging from real estate to package delivery to home services, transportation and more. Includes a foreword by Google Maps tech leads, Jens and Lars Rasmussen.

комп’ютерна програма -- електронний ресурс -- хакер -- комп’ютерна програма -- програмування -- Google

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Hamilton, B.
Programming SQL server 2005 [Electronic resource] / B. Hamilton. - Sebastopol : O'Reilly, 2006. - 586 p.
Переклад назви: Програмування SQL Server 2005


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SQL Server 2005, Microsoft's next-generation data management and analysis solution, represents a huge leap forward. It comes with a myriad of changes that deliver increased security, scalability, and power--making it the complete data package. Used properly, SQL Server 2005 can help organizations of all sizes meet their data challenges head on. Programming SQL Server 2005 from O'Reilly provides a practical look at this updated version of Microsoft's premier database product. It guides you through all the new features, explaining how they work and how to use them. The first half of the book examines the changes and new features of the SQL Server Engine itself. The second addresses the enhanced features and tools of the platform, including the new services blended into this popular version. Each chapter contains numerous code samples-written in C# and compiled using the Visual Studio 2005 development environment-that show you exactly how to program SQL Server 2005.

база даних -- СУБД

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

DeVeaux, Scott.
Jazz [Electronic resource] / Scott DeVeaux, Gary Giddins. - New York : W.W. Norton and Company, 2009. - 642 p
Переклад назви: Джаз

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Jazz: Essential Listening provides all the materials students need to listen to, understand, and love jazz. Written by two master storytellers, this new brief text combines a dynamic listening experience with vivid narrative history, must-hear masterworks, and a superior eMedia package to reveal the excitement of America s quintessential music. Authors Scott DeVeaux and Gary Giddins write with intellectual bite, eloquence, and the passion of unabashed fans. They explain what jazz is, where it came from, how it works, and who created it, all within the broader context of American life and culture.

джаз -- імпровізаційна музика

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Wooldridge, M.
Teach yourself visually photoshop elements 9 [Electronic resource] / M. Wooldridge. - Indianapolis : Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2011. - 354 p.
Переклад назви: Наглядний самовчитель Photoshop Elements 9


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Photoshop Elements offers professional-quality photo editing tools in a reasonably priced software package with user-friendly features. This book shows you how to use those features, with easy, step-by-step instructions illustrated with full-color screen shots. If you prefer to learn by seeing how things are done, this is the book you need to get up and running with the newest version of Photoshop Elements. Photoshop Elements offers hobbyists as well as professional photographers top-quality image editing tools at a reasonable price; previous editions of this visual guide to the software have sold more than 85,000 copies Designed for visual learners, this book explains dozens of common tasks with step-by-step instructions and full-color screen shots Covers importing photos from cameras and scanners, retouching and repair, compositing, enhancing, changing print size and resolution, editing images for the Web, creating online photo galleries, incorporating graphics into desktop publishing projects, and much more With Teach Yourself VISUALLY Photoshop Elements, you will see how things are done and quickly learn to edit and enhance your digital images like a pro.

комп'ютер -- графіка

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Matlab Summary and Tutorial [Electronic resource]. - [S. l. : s. n.]
Переклад назви: Резюме та підручник Matlab


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Matlab is a commercial "Matrix Laboratory" package which operates as an interactive programming environment. It is a mainstay of the Mathematics Department software lineup and is also available for PC's and Macintoshes and may be found on the CIRCA VAXes. Matlab is well adapted to numerical experiments since the underlying algorithms for Matlab's builtin functions and supplied m-files are based on the standard libraries LINPACK and EISPACK. Matlab program and script files always have filenames ending with ".m"; the programming language is exceptionally straightforward since almost every data object is assumed to be an array. Graphical output is available to supplement numerical results.

математична задача -- програмування -- скрипт

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