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   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Barnard, P. W.
How to start a business in New York [Electronic resource] / P. W. Barnard. - 2nd. ed.. - Naperville : Sphinx Publishing, 2002. - 214 p.. - (Legal survival guides)
Переклад назви: Як започаткувати бізнес в Нью-Йорку


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Each year in New York State tens of thousands of new corporations are established and thousands more partnerships and proprietorships open for business. New York has always been a place of great opportunity. New York City, with its millions of citizens, is a thriving, trend-setting center of activity where little shops can bloom into expansive enterprises. New York’s other cities and towns, large and small, also offer many opportunities.

провадження бізнесу -- підприємництво

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Barnard, P. W.
How to start a business in New York [Electronic resource] / P. W. Barnard. - 3rd. ed.. - Naperville : Sphinx Publishing, 2005. - 274 p.
Переклад назви: Як започаткувати бізнес в Нью-Йорку


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Each year in New York State tens of thousands of new corporations are established and thousands more partnerships and proprietorships open for business. New York has always been a place of great opportunity. New York City, with its millions of citizens, is a thriving, trend-setting center of activity where little shops can bloom into expansive enterprises. New York’s other cities and towns, large and small, also offer many opportunities.

підприємництво -- провадження бізнесу

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Caplow, Theodore.
The first measured century [Electronic resource] : an illustrated guide to trends in America, 1900-2000 / T. Caplow, L. Hicks, B. J. Wattenberg. - Washington : The American Enterprise Institute, 2001. - 327 p.
Переклад назви: Перше зафіксоване століття: ілюстрований довідник американських трендів 1900-2000 років


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This is a book about social change in the United States during the twentieth century. It relies on statistical trends to tell that awesome story. The twentieth century was the first century that could be measured in a systematic manner. Those who saw it coming included President James A. Garfield who, while still a congressman in 1869, observed in a speech to the U.S. House of Representatives: The developments of statistics are causing history to be rewritten. Till recently, the historian studied nations in the aggregate, and gave us only the story of princes, dynasties, sieges, and battles…. Now, statistical inquiry leads him into the hovels, homes, workshops, mines, fields, prisons, hospitals, and all other places where human nature displays its weakness and its strength. In these explorations he discovers the seeds of national growth and decay, and thus becomes the prophet of his generation.

соціальна історія -- США

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Damon, W.
The Moral Advantage [Electronic resource] : how to Succeed in Business by Doing the Right Thing / W. Damon. - San Francisco : Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2004. - 192 p.
Переклад назви: Моральна перевага: Як досягти успіху в бізнесі, робити правильні речі


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By showing how to employ rather than compromise moral standards, this timely book provides a roadmap for achieving success by sticking to the high road, and for building a business career that is both personally and materially rewarding.


   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Elias, S.
Chapter 13 bankruptcy: repay your debts [Electronic resource] / S. Elias, R. Leonard. - 8th. ed.. - Berkeley : NOLO, 2006. - 462 p.
Переклад назви: Глава 13 банкрутство: погасити свої борги


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One-third of the people who filed for bankruptcy last year used Chapter 13. With the new bankruptcy law making it more difficult than ever to file for Chapter 7 protection, more and more people overburdened with debts will turn to this book for help. Use this book as a guide through the entire process. Find out how to: § determine whether you qualify for Chapter 13 § calculate your debts and income § value your property and assets § create a repayment plan § fill out and file official bankruptcy forms § stop a foreclosure and make up late payments § pay off tax debt, child support, alimony and more § represent yourself in bankruptcy court The 8th edition is completely rewritten to address the bankruptcy reform laws passed in 2005 and it includes all the plain-English legal forms and instructions readers need.

гроші -- майно -- борг

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of small business [Electronic resource] : in 2 vol. / ed.: A. J. Darnay, M. D. Magee. - Detroit : Thomson Gale, 2007. - 1216 p.
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія Малого Бізнесу


Географічні рубрики:

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Welcome to the second, revised edition of the Encyclopedia of Small Business (EOSB-2). Like the first edition, this encyclopedia is published in recognition of a growing trend toward entrepreneurship and small business development in North America. Countless studies indicate that small business enterprises continue to be a vital component of economic growth, and both academic research and anecdotal evidence suggest that entrepreneurial ventures have increased in size, number, and importance in recent years.

мікроекономіка -- бізнес -- капіталізм -- конкуренція -- підприємництво

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Haman, E. A.
How to start a business in Michigan [Electronic resource] / E. A. Haman, M. Warda. - 4th. ed.. - Naperville : Sphinx Publishing, 2004. - 266 p.
Переклад назви: Як започаткувати бізнес в Мічігані


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Each year thousands of new corporations and limited liability companies are registered in Michigan and thousands more partnerships and sole proprietorships open for business. Nationwide, the 1990s were called the Decade of the Entrepreneur. Even with the economic slowdown after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, that trend is continuing in the twenty-first century.

підприємництво -- провадження бізнесу

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

McCall, Leslie.
The Undeserving Rich [Electronic resource] : american beliefs about inequality, opportunity, and redistribution / Leslie McCall. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2013. - 320 p
Переклад назви: Негідні багатсва : Американські уявлення про нерівність, можливостей і перерозподілу.


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It is widely assumed that Americans care little about income inequality, believe opportunities abound, admire the rich, and dislike redistributive policies. Leslie McCall contends that such assumptions are based on both incomplete survey data and economic conditions of the past and not present. In fact, Americans have desired less inequality for decades, and McCall's book explains why. Americans become most concerned about inequality in times of inequitable growth, when they view the rich as prospering while opportunities for good jobs, fair pay, and high quality education are restricted for everyone else. As a result, they favor policies to expand opportunity and redistribute earnings in the workplace, reducing inequality in the market rather than redistributing income after the fact with tax and spending policies. This book resolves the paradox of how Americans can express little enthusiasm for welfare state policies and still yearn for a more equitable society and forwards a new model of preferences about income inequality rooted in labor market opportunities rather than welfare state policies

політика -- економіка

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

O'Neill, J. K.
How to start a business in Massachusetts [Electronic resource] / J. K. O'Neill. - Naperville : Sphinx Publishing, 2004. - 241 p.
Переклад назви: Як започаткувати бізнес в Масcачусетсі


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Each year, thousands of new corporations and limited liability companies are registered in Massachusetts and thousands more partnerships and proprietorships open for business. Entrepreneurship is alive and well in Massachusetts. From restaurants to shopping services to indoor golf courses, the new businesses just keep growing.

підприємництво -- провадження бізнесу

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Perkins, John.
Confessions of an economic Hit Man [Electronic resource] : the shocking story of how America really took over the world / John Perkins. - San Francisco : Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2004. - 273 p
Переклад назви: Сповідь економічного вбивці: шокуюча історія про те, як Америка дійсно захопила світ


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As an Economic Hitman (EHM), John Perkins helped further American imperial interests in countries such as Ecuador, Panama, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia. As Chief Economist for the international consulting firm Chas. T. Main, he convinced underdeveloped countries to accept massive loans for infrastructure development and ensured that the projects were contracted to multinational corporations. The countries acquired enormous debt, and the US and international aid agencies were able to control their economies. He tried to write this book four times but was threatened or bribed each time to halt. The events of 9/11 - a direct result of the activities of EHMs in the 1970s - finally forced him to confront the role he played himself, and to reveal the truth to the rest of the world. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man has become a word-of-mouth bestseller in the US. It has been called the book that finally 'connects the dots, the book that best explains what is really going on in the world'.

експансіонізм -- глобальна економіка -- фінансова політика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Perkins, John.
The secret history of the American empire [Electronic resource] : economic hit men, jackals, and the truth / John Perkins. - London : Penguin Books, 2007. - 371 p
Переклад назви: Таємна історія американської імперії: економічні вбивці, шакали, і правда


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This book would have been impossible without the courageous men and women who stepped forward from the ranks of economic hit men and jackals to share their stories; in doing so they took personal risks and were forced to confront the darkest aspects of their lives. I owe them my deepest gratitude.

історія -- Америка -- економіка

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Robertson, C. T.
How to start a business in Georgia [Electronic resource] / C. T. Robertson. - 4th. ed.. - Naperville : Sphinx Publishing, 2005. - 274 p.
Переклад назви: Як започаткувати бізнес в Джорджії


Географічні рубрики:

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Welcome to the fourth edition of How to Start a Business in Georgia. In the ten years since the first issue, there have been tremendous fundamental changes in business and in the financial environments of the country. You will find many changes in this edition, some substantial, some philosophical. The heady days of the technology boom have been replaced by corporate downsizing. Many of you are reading this book for information as you start over in a new career, many are looking for supplements to retirement, and some are starting their economic paths fresh from high school or college. For many, self employment and small business are the only answer to the problems they face, and this book is designed to help guide you through the maze.

підприємництво -- провадження бізнесу

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Roth, Benjamin.
The great depression [Electronic resource] : a diary / Benjamin Roth. - New York : PublicAffairs, 2009. - 288 p
Переклад назви: Велика депресія: щоденник


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When the stock market crashed in 1929, Benjamin Roth was a young lawyer in Youngstown, Ohio. After he began to grasp the magnitude of what had happened to American economic life, he decided to set down his impressions in his diary. This collection of those entries reveals another side of the Great Depression—one lived through by ordinary, middle-class Americans, who on a daily basis grappled with a swiftly changing economy coupled with anxiety about the unknown future. Roth’s depiction of life in time of widespread foreclosures, a schizophrenic stock market, political unrest and mass unemployment seem to speak directly to readers today.

економічна криза -- безробіття -- зубожіння -- історія США

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Slade, Giles.
Made to Break [Electronic resource] : technology and obsolescence in America / Giles Slade. - Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2007. - 337 p
Переклад назви: Зробити перерву: технології та їхнє застарівання в Америці


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If you've replaced a computer lately--or a cell phone, a camera, a television--chances are, the old one still worked. And chances are even greater that the latest model won't last as long as the one it replaced. Welcome to the world of planned obsolescence--a business model, a way of life, and a uniquely American invention that this eye-opening book explores from its beginnings to its perilous implications for the very near future. Made to Break is a history of twentieth-century technology as seen through the prism of obsolescence. America invented everything that is now disposable, Giles Slade tells us, and he explains how disposability was in fact a necessary condition for America's rejection of tradition and our acceptance of change and impermanence. His book shows us the ideas behind obsolescence at work in such American milestones as the inventions of branding, packaging, and advertising; the contest for market dominance between GM and Ford; the struggle for a national communications network, the development of electronic technologies--and with it the avalanche of electronic consumer waste that will overwhelm America's landfills and poison its water within the coming decade. History reserves a privileged place for those societies that built things to last--forever, if possible. What place will it hold for a society addicted to consumption--a whole culture made to break? This book gives us a detailed and harrowing picture of how, by choosing to support ever-shorter product lives we may well be shortening the future of our way of life as well.

новітні технології -- американська економіка -- науковий прогрес -- гаджетоманія

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Truly, T.
How to start a business in Texas [Electronic resource] / T. Truly, M. Warda. - 4th. ed.. - Naperville : Sphinx Publishing, 2004. - 265 p.
Переклад назви: Як започаткувати бізнес в Техасі


Географічні рубрики:

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Simplify the Start-Up Process Starting a new business can be one of the most exciting things you will ever do-as well as one of the most overwhelming. To ensure the future success of your enterprise, take the time to properly establish yourself right from the start. Let Start a Business in Texas help you start your dream business headache and hassle-free.

провадження бізнесу -- підприємництво

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Truly, T.
Start a business in Texas [Electronic resource] / T. Truly, M. Warda. - 5th. ed.. - Naperville : Sphinx Publishing, 2006. - 290 p.
Переклад назви: Започаткування бізнесу в Техасі


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Texas has been, and will continue to be, a great place to start a business. The rugged individualism that gave rise to the legendary maverick cattle barons of the nineteenth century now finds its expression in the thousands of Texans each year who set out to start their own businesses and to be their own bosses. In this age of instantaneous information transfer, rapid transportation, and worldwide business interaction, no business goal is too large. The sky is the limit!

підприємництво -- провадження бізнесу

   Тип видання:   монографія   

Галло, Кармин.
іПрезентация. Уроки убеждения от лидера Apple Стива Джобса [Електронний ресурс] / К. Галло. - М. : Манн, Иванов и Фербер, 2010. - 224 с.


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Стив Джобс стал легендой в мире бизнеса не только как сооснователь и лидер корпорации Apple, но и как блестящий оратор, чьи презентации всегда заставляли любую аудиторию "сидеть на краешках стульев". Его выступлений ждут, пожалуй, так же нетерпеливо, как и новых продуктов от Apple. Методы и приемы, которые он применяет для завоевания аудитории, изложены в этой книге. Чему бы ни были посвящены ваши рабочие презентации, вы можете быть уверены: применив хотя бы некоторые советы Джобса, вы заставите аудиторию прислушаться к вам намного внимательнее.

виступ -- аудиторія -- сцена

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Дин, Терри.
10 простых и легких способов моментального повышения прибыльности любого коммерческого сайта [Електронний ресурс] / Терри Дин. - [Б. м.] : [б. в.], 2004. - 190 с.


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Книга известнейшего американского маркетолога Терри Дина рассказывает о том, каким образом можно быстро повысить прибыльность любого коммерческого сайта путем устранения довольно распространенных ошибок в деятельности предпринимателя, которых последний очень часто не замечает. Иными словами, данная книга является пошаговой инструкцией к работе над ошибками, цель которой - вывести Ваш коммерческий проект на новые высоты электронного бизнеса

прибуток -- гроші -- інтернет-маркетинг

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Кабраль, Л. М. Б.
Организация отраслевых рынков [Електронний ресурс] : вводный курс : пер. с англ. / Л. М. Б. Кабраль. - Минск : Новое знание, 2003. - 356 с.


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Настоящее издание представляет собой перевод одного из лучших американских учебников по организации отраслевых рынков. В нем рассмотрены проблемы, наиболее часто возникающие при анализе рыночной конкуренции, а также возможные пути их решения. Книгу отличают простота, живость и доступность изложения. Для освоения материала читателю достаточно элементарной математической подготовки. Обилие графиков позволяет облегчить процесс изучения. Теория богато иллюстрирована примерами из экономики США и других (преимущественно европейских) стран. Актуальность издания обусловлена недостатком учебной литературы на русском языке по данной теме. Книга адресована студентам экономических специальностей, бакалаврам, магистрантам, преподавателям, специалистам.

ринок -- економіка

   Тип видання:   монографія   

Обновление основного капитала в США [Електронний ресурс] : пер. с англ. / общ. ред. Ю. В. Куренкова. - М. : Прогресс, 1977. - 345 с.


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Монография представляет собой систематизированное изложение основных документальных материалов, отражающих историю формирования и современные направления амортизационной политики в США. Содержание материалов охватывает концепции, методологию списания основного капитала, анализ статистических данных о сроках службы, нормах выбытия, а также анализ других показателей, характеризующих практику амортизации основного капитала. Книга дает наглядное представление о теоретической основе и практическом действии механизма воспроизводства основного капитала в США. Статистические и аналитические приложения, примечания и пояснения редакторов, а также предисловие помогут читателю в использовании материала книги.

амортизація -- капітал -- виробництво

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