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Fatih Barki Uniform and mean ergodic theorems for C0-semigroups // Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology. - 2021. - 27, № 2.

Bekker M. B. An operator approach to extremal problems on Hardy and Bergman spaces // Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology. - 2021. - 27, № 2.

Rashid M. H. M. Tensor product and variants of Weyl's type theorem for p-w-hyponormal operators // Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology. - 2021. - 27, № 1.

Arlinskii Yu. M. Representations of closed quadratic forms associated with Stieltjes and inverse Stieltjes holomorphic families of linear relations // Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology. - 2021. - 27, № 2.

Bouhafsi Y. A remark on the range closures of an elementary operator // Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology. - 2021. - 27, № 2.

Mahdi Ghasvareh On some numerical radius inequalities for Hilbert space operators // Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology. - 2021. - 27, № 2.

Madhu Ram Corrigendum to "On fixed point results for a class of generalized mean nunexpansive mappings" // Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology. - 2021. - 27, № 2.

Ahmed M A El-Sayed On set-valued functional integral equations of Hammerstein - Stieltjes type: existence of solutions, continuous dependence, and applications // Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology. - 2021. - 27, № 2.

Finkelshtein D. Markov dynamics on the cone of discrete Radon measures // Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology. - 2021. - 27, № 2.

El Moctar Ould Beiba n-Power-posinormal operators // Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology. - 2021. - 27, № 1.

Bogdanskii Yu. On one problem of Yu. M. Berezansky // Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology. - 2021. - 27, № 1.

Abdishukurova G. M. Diffeomorphisms of foliated manifolds // Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology. - 2021. - 27, № 1.

Abdellah Akrym On the Ritt condition on locally convex vector spaces // Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology. - 2021. - 27, № 1.

Boua H. Equality between different types of invertibility // Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology. - 2021. - 27, № 1.

Ozdemir I. Asymptotically stable solutions of a nonlinear integral equation // Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology. - 2021. - 27, № 1.

Joilson Ribeiro Absolutely summing polynomials // Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology. - 2021. - 27, № 1.

Sofiane Messirdi A new representation of left and right generalized Drazin invertible operators // Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology. - 2021. - 27, № 1.

Loubna Moutaouekkil New results on the existence of periodic solutions for a higher-order p-Laplacian neutral differential equation with multiple deviating arguments // Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology. - 2021. - 27, № 1.

Loualid El. M. On a class of filters in the Watson Fourier wavelet setting // Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology. - 2021. - 27, № 4.

Berkak El. M. Donoho-Stark theorem for the quadratic-phase Fourier integral operators // Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology. - 2021. - 27, № 4.
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