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Orlova M. V. Attempt to define the complexes of bat ectoparasites in the boreal Palaearctic region // Вестн. зоологии. - 2015. - 49, № 1.

Kovalyova I. M. Comparative aspects of the morphogenesis and morphology of the wing membranes of bats (Chiroptera) and flying lemurs (Dermoptera) // Вестн. зоологии. - 2015. - 49, № 4.

Vlaschenko A. Contribution to ecology of Brandt's bat, Myotis brandtii (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae), in the North-Eastern Ukraine: comparison of local summer and winter bat assemblages // Вестн. зоологии. - 2016. - 50, № 3.

Ghazali M. Correlations between hardness of food and craniodental traits in nine Myotis species (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) // Вестн. зоологии. - 2013. - 47, № 1.

Ghazali M. A. Extra upper premolars in a specimen of Myotis blythii (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae). — 2008 // Вестн. зоологии.

Shpak A. V. Hibernation of parti-coloured bat, Vespertilio murinus (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae), in Belarus // Вестн. зоологии. - 2017. - 51, № 1.

Ghazali M. A. Identification of Myotis blythii and M. myotis (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) from Eastern Europe based on the measurements of lower teeth. — 2009 // Вестн. зоологии.

Rebrov S. Long-eared bats of Plecotus genus in Luhansk region // Біол. студії. - 2014. - 8, № 2.

Godlevska L. V. New Vespertilio murinus (Chiroptera) winter records. An indication of expansion of the species' winter range? // Вестн. зоологии. - 2013. - 47, № 3.

Kovalyova I. M. Peculiarities of prenatal development of lungs in plain-nosed (Vespertilionidae) and horseshoe (Rhinolophidae) bats. — 2002 // Вестн. зоологии.

Dalhoumi R. Preliminary study of habitat-related bat fauna of Mastouta-Bishshouk region (Northwest Tunisia) // Vestnik zoologii. - 2019. - 53, № 1.

Jamska K. Protecting birds and bats in buildings undergoing thermal insulation improvements - procedures and practice in Poland // Біол. студії. - 2014. - 8, № 1.

Vlaschenko A. Results of the 10-year monitoring of Bat (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) winter aggregation from the North-Eastern Ukraine (Liptsy Mines, Kharkiv Region) // Vestnik zoologii. - 2018. - 52, № 5.

Godlevska O. V. Results of the winter bat census in two sites of the Central Podolia (Ukraine). — 2011 // Вестн. зоологии.

Orlova M. V. Some factors behind density dynamics of bat flies (Diptera, Nycteribiidae) - ectoparasites of the boreal chiropterans: omitted predictors and hurdle model identification // Вестн. зоологии. - 2015. - 49, № 4.

Bilushenko A. A. The current status of Kuhl's pipistrelle Pipistrellus kuhlii (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) in the Central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine // Вестн. зоологии. - 2013. - 47, № 4.

Godlevska L. V. Unusual age structure of the winter aggregation of Nyctalus noctula (Mammalia, Chiroptera) in Kyiv // Вестн. зоологии. - 2014. - 48, № 6.

Godlevskaya E. V. Use of Kyiv caves by bats (Chiroptera): hibernation and swarming. — 2007 // Вестн. зоологии.
Європейська ніч кажанів в Україні'98. — К., 1998. — 198 с. - (Пр. Теріол. Шк.; Вип. 1 ).

Влащенко А. С. Біогеоценотичні зв'язки рукокрилих (Mammalia, Chiroptera) в умовах півдня центрального Лісостепу : Автореф. дис... канд. біол. наук. — Д., 2007
Національна бібліотека України імені В. І. Вернадського
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