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   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Bentley, J.
Programing Pearls [Electronic resource] / J. Bentley. - Reading : Addison-Wesley, 1986. - 195 p.
Переклад назви: Перли програмування


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   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Bentley, J. L.
More programming pearls: confessions of a coder [Electronic resource] / J. L. Bentley. - New York : Addison Wesley, 1988. - 204 p.


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   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Benner, D. A.
Learn graphics file programming with Delphi 3 [Electronic resource] / D. A. Benner. - Plano : Wordware Publishing, 1998. - 422 p.
Переклад назви: Програмування графічних файлів за допомогою Delphi 3


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A feeling of mingled delicacy and self-condemnation, however, prevented him from making any inquiries; and, with a Learn remark, which was received in silence, he Graphics a seat, and, with much inward File, awaited the expected denouement. What more do they want. We have this taste in common. The founders of the Republic dealt with things as they were presented to them, in a spirit of by patriotism, and, as time has proved, Delphi a comprehensive wisdom which it will always be safe for us to consult.

об'єктне програмування

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Alexander, R.
C++ Footprint and Performance Optimization [Electronic resource] / R. Alexander, G. Bensley. - Indianapolis : Sams Publishing, 2000. - 400 p.
Переклад назви: C + + слід і оптимізація продуктивності


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Nowadays, software is virtually everywhere. Though you might initially think only of PCs and industrial computer systems when talking about software, applications are much more widespread. Consider washing machines, electric razors, thermostats, microwave ovens, cars, TVs, monitors and so on. Obviously these examples span many different kinds of architectures and use a variety of microprocessors. Different optimization techniques for performance and footprint size are needed here.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Bennett, W.
The lawyer’s myth: reviving ideals in the legal profession [Electronic resource] / W. Bennett. - Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2001. - 254 p.
Переклад назви: Міф адвоката: відродження ідеалів юридичної професії


Географічні рубрики:

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This book is the culmination of a personal quest that began sixteen years ago when I left law practice and began to cast about for other ways to make a living through my self-bred compulsion to live and think like a lawyer. It has been a meandering journey.

юриспруденція -- адвокатура

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Vandevoorde, D.
C++ Templates: the complete guide [Electronic resource] / D. Vandevoorde, N. M. Josuttis. - Boston : Addison Wesley, 2002. - 522 p.
Переклад назви: C ++ Templates: Повне керівництво


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Templates are among the most powerful features of C++, but they are too often neglected, misunderstood, and misused. C++ Templates: The Complete Guide provides software architects and engineers with a clear understanding of why, when, and how to use templates to build and maintain cleaner, faster, and smarter software more efficiently.


   Тип видання:   підручник   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Denisov, E. T.
Handbook of free radical initiators [Electronic resource] / E. T. Denisov, T. G. Denisova, T. S. Pokidova. - New York : Wiley-Interscience, 2003. - 886 p.


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Free radical initiators-chemical molecules which easily decompose into free radicals-serve as reactive intermediates in synthetic methodologies such as organic and polymer synthesis as well as in technological processes, oligomerization, network formation, and kinetic research. The Handbook of Free Radical Initiators presents an up-to-date account of the physicochemical data on radical initiators and reactions of radical generation. Individual chapters include: * Dialkyl Peroxides and Hydroperoxides * Diacyl Peroxides, Peresters, and Organic Polyoxides * Azo-Compounds * Bimolecular Reactions of Free Radical Generation by Ozone, Dioxygen, Hydroperoxides, and Haloid Molecules * Free Radical Abstraction Reactions * Free Radical Addition Reactions * Free Radical Recombination and Disproportoination Reactions

хімія -- радикальні ініціатори

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Dendinger, Roger.
Costa Rica [Electronic resource] / R. Dendinger. - New York : Chelsea House Publishers, 2003. - 112 p.. - (Modern world nations)
Переклад назви: Коста-Рика


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In a region of violent physical and cultural contrasts, Costa Rica is often easy to overlook. Among the six small countries of Central America, it tends not to make the news very often. Costa Rica is not the Central American country with the famous U.S.-built canal and the corrupt military dictator overthrown by U.S. armed forces in 1991. It is not the one ruled by Marxists for most of the 1980s and with whom the U.S. waged a small proxy war. It is not the one that suffered through nearly 35 years of a civil war that has only recently ended. The natural disasters associated with Central America–hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions–also seem to happen elsewhere in the region, just across the border in Nicaragua or to the south in Panama. In 2000, Hurricane Mitch, for example, killed thousands of people in Central America and devastated much of the banana industry in Guatemala,Honduras, and Nicaragua, but it spared Costa Rica. Is Costa Rica lucky? In part, this may be the case. Major tropical storms and hurricanes in the Caribbean Basin usually strike just to the north of Costa Rica. The country’s history certainly reveals some lucky decision-making. For instance, the first Spanish colonists avoided settlement close to the country’s active volcanoes; this was not the case in other parts of the region. It is also true that Costa Rica has worked to avoid the mistakes made by its neighbors. While international attention has focused on the plight and misery of its neighbors,Costa Rica has quietly worked to develop democratic institutions and a sense of national identity that makes it exceptional, not just in the context of Central America but throughout the world. As the civil wars and political problems of the region seem to be coming to an end in the twenty-first century (due in part to efforts that began in Costa Rica), the country is emerging from the shadow of its violent neighbors. The world is finally recognizing Costa Rica as a natural wonderland and as a political model for stability and peace.

Центральна Америка -- путівник -- довідник -- туризм

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Brackeen, D.
Developing Games in Java [Electronic resource] / D. Brackeen, B. Barker, L. Vanhelsuwé. - Washington : New Riders, 2003. - 1008 p.
Переклад назви: Розробка ігор в Java


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If you already have experience programming games with Java, this book is for you. David Brackeen, along with co-authors Bret Barker and Lawrence Vanhelsuwe, show you how to make fast, full-screen action games such as side scrollers and 3D shooters. Key features covered in this book include Java 2 game programming techniques, including latest 2D graphics and sound technologies, 3D graphics and scene management, path-finding and artificial intelligence, collision detection, game scripting using BeanShell, and multi-player game engine creation.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Denne, M.
Software by numbers [Electronic resource] : low-risk, high-return development / M. Denne, J. Cleland-Huang. - Upper Saddle River : Prentice Hall PTR, 2003. - 208 p
Переклад назви: Програмне забезпечення за номерами: з низьким рівнем ризику, високою віддачею розвитку


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Ultimately, software development is about creating value-yet, all too often, applications fail to deliver the business value customers need. This book will help you change that, by linking software development directly to value creation. You'll learn how to identify which features add value and which don't-and refocus on delivering more value, more rapidly.

програмне забезпечення -- додаток -- програма

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Bensahel, N.
The Counterterror Coalitions [Electronic resource] : cooperation with Europe, NATO, and the European Union / N. Bensahel. - Santa Monica : RAND, 2003. - 71 p.
Переклад назви: Антитерористична коаліція: співпраця з Європою, НАТО і Європейським Союзом


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The long-term success of the counterterror campaign will depend on concerted cooperation from European states, but a key question is the extent to which that cooperation should be pursued through European multilateral institutions. This study argues that the United States should pursue military and intelligence cooperation on a bilateral basis, and it should increasingly pursue financial and law enforcement cooperation on a multilateral basis. The United States should adopt a nuanced strategy in its counterterror relations with Europe.


   Тип видання:   підручник   

Denninger, S.
Enterprise JavaBeans 2.1 [Electronic resource] / S. Denninger, I. Peters, R. Castenada. - New York : Apress, 2003. - 470 p.


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This invaluable resource details the architecture of the Enterprise JavaBeans component model and the Java Message Service (JMS) so you understand the ideas behind asynchronous and parallel processing provided through message-driven beans.

ооп -- Java

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Anti-terrorist measures and human rights [Electronic resource] / ed. W. Benedek, A. Yotopoulos-Marangopoulos. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2004. - 404 p.
Переклад назви: Антитерористичні заходи та людські права

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The tragic events of 11 September 2001 have led to an intensification of measures against terrorism both at the level of states and international organisations. New laws and resolutions have been passed in order to strengthen national and international action against terrorism. Some of these measures violate human rights and have been introduced without respect for obligatory procedures under international human rights conventions for derogations in cases of emergency. This development has given rise to much concern worldwide. In order to analyse the many (human rights) questions posed by the intensified struggle against terrorism, a symposium was organised, on the initiative of the Marangopoulos Foundation for Human Rights (MFHR) of Athens, by the European Training and Research Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (ETC) in Graz and the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna together with the MFHR. This volume brings together most of the contributions to this high-level and in-depth discussion in edited, updated form. Among the issues analysed are the dangers entailed in the new doctrine of pre-emptive wars, the issue of the prevention of terrorism through measures addressing its causes and the strengthening of human security. The volume also contains an annex with major documents relating to the question of human rights and terrorism at universal and regional levels prepared by international organisations and NGO's, which represents a useful handbook on the topic. Marangopoulos Foundation for Human Rights (MFHR).

тероризм -- контртероризм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Karlen, Mark.
Lighting Design Basics [Electronic resource] / Mark Karlen, James R. Benya. - New York : Wiley & Sons, 2004. - 200 p
Переклад назви: Основи дизайну освітлення


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Lighting is a basic, yet difficult-to-master, element of interior design, and Lighting Design Basics provides the information you need in a concise, highly visual format. Two leading designers, both with decades of experience, offer straightforward coverage of concepts and techniques, and present realistic goals you can use as guides to creating simple, typical lighting designs and when collaborating with professional designers on more complex projects. Design scenarios for more than twenty different spaces illustrate real-world case studies for illuminating residential and commercial spaces, from kitchens to doctors' offices. Each scenario includes an in-depth rationale for the proposed solution, insightful lighting distribution diagrams, floor plans, and details for lighting installation and construction. In addition, exercises allow you to develop lighting design skills in preparation for working on actual projects, as well as the NCIDQ and NCARB exams. Packed with informative illustrations, Lighting Design Basics is an invaluable resource for students, as well as interior designers and architects studying for professional licensing exams.

дизайн -- світлотехніка -- оптичні ефекти

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Dendinger, Roger.
Guatemala [Electronic resource] / R. Dendinger. - New York : Chelsea House Publishers, 2004. - 116 p.. - (Modern world nations)
Переклад назви: Гватемала


Географічні рубрики:

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“The land where the rainbow begins.” This is how the traditional Mayan people of Guatemala describe their country. A land of striking and sometimes violent contrasts,Guatemala’s vivid colors reflect a varied land and a people with ancient roots. The colors of this land are echoed in the hues of traje, the traditional costume of the Mayans. Ancient and contemporary weavers dye their hand-woven cotton the same dark orange and red tones as molten lava from the country’s volcanoes. Luxuriant greens of the rain forest are duplicated in depictions of the Resplendent Quetzal. The iridescent green, red, and white feathers of this tropical bird have symbolized the land since ancient times. Other depictions of ancient life and symbols use the blue of Lake Atitlán, a mountain lake that English author Aldous Huxley called the most beautiful place in the world. Outside the spectrum of rainbow colors are found the black volcanic sands of the Pacific coast and the bleached chalk white colors of the lost cities of the Maya. So close to North America, yet so distant in many ways, Guatemala is home both to modern culture and to one of the world’s most ancient civilizations. The effects of globalization and reverence for the ancient god Quetzalcoatl coexist somewhat uncomfortably here. Its natural beauty and cultural richness are appealing, but Guatemala has another face as well. It is a place of recent civil war and ongoing political and economic turmoil. Ethnic bitterness and social inequality are not uncommon. Ruled by military dictatorships for most of the past hundred years, the country only now is transitioning from repressive tyranny to uneasy democracy. Guatemala is one of the original “banana republics,” a derisive term for Central American countries long dependent on agricultural exports to the United States. It is a fact that much of the country’s infrastructure—its railroad, telegraph lines, and ports—was built and controlled by U.S. interests, principally the United Fruit Company. Like its Mayan heritage, this aspect of the country’s past is still alive as well. Despite economic advances of the last five years, Guatemala is still dependent on banana, coffee, and sugarcane production for most of its export revenue.

Центральна Америка -- економічні показники -- сьогодення -- туризм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Gledhill, John.
State and society [Electronic resource] : the emergence and development of social hierarchy and political centralization / J. Gledhill, B. Bender, M. T. Larsen. - London : Taylor & Francis, 2005. - 366 p.. - (One world Archaeology)
Переклад назви: Держава та суспільство: виникнення і розвиток соціальної ієрархії і політичної централізації


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The traditional Eurocentric view of state formation and the rise of civilization is vigorously challeged in this unusually broad-ranging, up-to-date and innovative book. Using research from archaeology, ethnology, and anthropology, the authors examine the dynamics of political centralization, the nature of social inequalities, state formation, the nature of bureaucracy and the role of literacy in a variety of historical and geographical contexts. They examine the developments and resistences encountered in state formation and the mechanisms which produce cumulative development on a world-historical scale. United by a common committment to dialogue and to the idea that archaeology cannot exist in isolation from other social and historical sciences, this volume will be essential to all those working on issues of social inequality.

суспільство -- соціологія -- політика

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

van Benthem, Johan.
The age of alternative logics. Assessing philosophy of logic and mathematics today [Electronic resource] / Johan van Benthem, Gerhard Heinzmann, Manuel Rebuschi, Henk Visser. - Dordrecht : Springer, 2006. - 348 p.. - (Logic, epistemology, and the unity of science ; vol. 3)
Переклад назви: Вік альтернативної логіки. Оцінка філософії логіки та математики сьогодні


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In the last century developments in mathematics, philosophy, physics, computer science, economics and linguistics have proven important for the development of logic. There has been an influx of new ideas, concerns, and logical systems reflecting a great variety of reasoning tasks in the sciences. This volume reflects the multi-dimensional nature of the interplay between logic and science.

епістемічна модель -- IF-logic

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Barton, Peter.
Beneath Flanders fields [Electronic resource] : the tunnellers' war 1914-1918 / P. Barton, P. Doyle, J. Vandevvalle. - Stroud : Spellmount Limited, 2007. - 304 p
Переклад назви: Під полями Фландрії: шанцева війна 1914-1918


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перша світова війна -- військова тактика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Bennett, C.
The Apology Ritual [Electronic resource] : a Philosophical Theory of Punishment / C. Bennett. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2008. - 210 p.
Переклад назви: Апологія ритуалу: Філософська теорія покарання


Географічні рубрики:

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Christopher Bennett presents a theory of punishment grounded in the practice of apology, and in particular in reactions such as feeling sorry and making amends. He argues that offenders have a 'right to be punished' - that it is part of taking an offender seriously as a member of a normatively demanding relationship (such as friendship or collegiality or citizenship) that she is subject to retributive attitudes when she violates the demands of that relationship. However, while he claims that punishment and the retributive attitudes are the necessary expression of moral condemnation, his account of these reactions has more in common with restorative justice than traditional retributivism. He argues that the most appropriate way to react to crime is to require the offender to make proportionate amends. His book is a rich and intriguing contribution to the debate over punishment and restorative justice.

закон -- покарання

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Hechtman, J.
Audio Wiring Guide [Electronic resource] : how to wire the most popular audio and video connectors / J. Hechtman, K. Benshish. - Oxford : Focal Press, 2008. - 328 p.
Переклад назви: Гід аудіоз'єднаннь: Як підключити більшість популярних аудіо і відео роз'ємів


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Whether you're a pro or an amateur, a musician or into multimedia, you can't afford to guess about audio wiring. The Audio Wiring Guide is a comprehensive, easy-to-use guide that explains exactly what you need to know. No matter the size of your wiring project or installation, this handy tool provides you with the essential information you need and the techniques to use it. Using The Audio Wiring Guide is like having an expert at your side. By following the clear, step-by-step directions, you can do professional-level work at a fraction of the cost. Every step is clearly explained and photo-illustrated. All the common audio connectors are covered as well as most special-use multimedia connectors. It is the perfect guide to keep by your side in the studio or on the road.


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