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   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Харт, М. Х.
100 великих людей [Електронний ресурс] / М. Х. Харт. - М. : Вече, 1998. - 544 с.. - (100 великих)


Географічні рубрики:

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Издательство `Вече` продолжает серию `100 великих` новой книгой. Читатель узнает не только о заслугах 100 великих исторических лиц, чье влияние на историю человечества было особенно заметно, но и об их частной жизни. Исключительные личности, достойные похвалы или порицания, широко или малоизвестные, яркие или менее заметные всегда будут интересны, ибо именно эти исторические лица создали мир, в котором мы живем.

видатна людина -- лідер -- особисте життя

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Максвелл, Джон.
25 способов завоевать расположение людей [Електронний ресурс] / Джон Максвелл, Лес Пэррот. - [Б. м. : б. в.], [2010]


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Лучшие в мире эксперты по вопросам лидерства и мотивации преподают Вам все премудрости эффективного общения, овладев которыми, Вы сможете легко налаживать правильные отношения с людьми, т. е. привлекать на свою сторону каждого, кто встретится на пути и покажется полезным.

лідерство -- психологія відносин

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

An historical sketch of the Toronto young men's christian association [Electronic resource]. - Toronto : YMCA, 1913. - 64 p.
Переклад назви: Історичний нарис християнського молодого чоловічого товариства в Торонто

Географічні рубрики:

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O-DAY is rooted in yesterday. The harvest of the autumn presupposes the plowing and sowing of the spring. The men of the present are the inheritors of the past and are never the earners of their best possessions. No nationality, university, business, church, association is wise to forget its debt to the men who wrought in the times of its beginning. The men responsible for the guiding of the vessel, as it safely bears its present cargo, ought to remember gratefully those who laid the ship's keel and made the anvils ring in patient preparation.

президент -- політична посада -- політика

   Тип видання:   монографія   

Lencioni, P.
Death by meeting: a leadership Fable... about solving the most painful problem in business [Electronic resource] / P. Lencioni. - San Francisco : John Wiley & Sons, 2004. - 260 p.
Переклад назви: Смерть від зборів: Лідерство Fable ... Про рішення найболючішою проблемою в бізнесі


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This book is a blueprint for leaders who want to eliminate waste and frustration among their teams, and create environments of engagement and passion.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Baldoni, J.
Great communication secrets of great leaders [Electronic resource] / J. Baldoni. - New York : McGRAW-HILL, 2003. - 219 p.
Переклад назви: Великі секрети спілкування великих лідерів


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Great leadership begins with great communication. Who better to learn about great leadership from than the great leaders? The author has distilled the communication techniques of various great leaders into key strategies and solutions.

стратегія -- рішення

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Elsie, Robert.
Historical dictionary of Albania [Electronic resource] / R. Elsie. - Lanham : Scarecrow Press, 2010. - 663 p.. - (Historical dictionaries of Europe ; no. 75)
Переклад назви: Історичний словник Албанії


Географічні рубрики:

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Historical dictionaries are useful books for all countries, but they are more essential for some than others. Albania is a case in point. Never particularly well known by outsiders under earlier regimes, it was deliberately and almost hermetically closed to the outside world during the communist era. Now it has thankfully become free again, its borders are open and it can be visited, and it is increasingly integrating with the rest of Europe and beyond. Nonetheless, it still remains relatively remote, and our knowledge of it is sparse. Worse, some of the things we think we know are wrong. So it takes a lot of effort to learn about Albania, although that was already lessened considerably by the previous edition of this Historical Dictionary of Albania, and will be even more so by the second edition. This volume takes a long view, presenting the various peoples, regimes, and rulers who shaped its earlier development and the leaders who are now seeking other, more promising directions, although not always successfully. Nonetheless, there has been progress, and it can best be seen by taking a long view, which is one of the strong points of this book. It also takes a very broad view, covering not only history and politics, but also economics and social customs, foreign policy, language, culture, and religion. And it adds a further dimension: the Albanians living outside of the country, whether in neighboring Kosovo or the more distant diaspora. Literally hundreds of entries in the dictionary section are buttressed by a list of acronyms, a chronology, and an introduction. And those who want to learn more about specific topics should consult the impressively large bibliography.

Балкани -- мусульманська Європа -- довідник

   Тип видання:   словник   

Stallaerts, Robert.
Historical dictionary of Belgium [Electronic resource] / R. Stallaerts. - Lanham : Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2007. - 346 p. - (Historical dictionaries of Europe)
Переклад назви: Історичний словник Бельгії

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In 1830, the inhabitants of the southern part of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands revolted against King William I. The National Congress then declared independence and proclaimed the installation of a parliamentary monarchy, and thus, the new country of Belgium was created. Belgium's vibrant culture and society have produced such artists as Peter Paul Rubens, Jan Van Eyck, and Antoon Van Dijk, as well as the influential scientists Gerardus Mercator and Andreus Vesalius. Brussels, the country's capital city, also houses the headquarters of the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. This second edition of the Historical Dictionary of Belgium relates the history of this country through a detailed chronology, an introduction, appendixes, a bibliography, and cross-referenced dictionary entries on some of the more significant persons, places, and events; institutions and organizations; and political, economic, social, cultural, and religious facets.

Історія Бельгії -- Фландрія -- Валлонія

   Тип видання:   словник   

Street, Seán.
Historical dictionary of British radio [Electronic resource] / S. Street. - Lanham : Scarecrow Press, 2006. - 345 p.. - (Historical dictionaries of literature and the arts ; no. 10)
Переклад назви: Історичний словник Британського радіо


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Among all the national radios, British radio has always enjoyed a unique position, probably because of the role of the British Broadcasting Corporation—best known as the BBC. This is partly because of its continuing production of first-class programs of all sorts, whether news, music, or sports. Even more important, in times of crisis or when people abroad cannot trust their own national radio, they tune in to the BBC, which has always proven to be more reliable and still transmits worldwide. But there is more to British radio than the BBC, much more, because it also has a remarkable tradition of commercial radio and public radio, ranging from the early “pirate” stations to more specialized ones of today. This being said, British radio is not without its problems, nor is the BBC, but the industry is adapting to the new technologies, taking on and learning to live with (if not actually defeating) new competitors, and maintaining a distinctive and welcome presence. This Historical Dictionary of British Radio draws a broad picture in several different ways. The chronology traces a long history, from the earliest technical breakthroughs, through the landmark broadcast of Nellie Melba in 1920, and through to the most recent developments. The introduction sums up its role, assessing the many achievements and also the many challenges, from one period to another, with the BBC clearly in charge at first and gradually sharing the field with countless others, and looking toward the future. The dictionary section offers a wealth of detail, with entries on the enabling legislation, the BBC and its many rivals, key persons in the administration and on the creative side, many of the more memorable programs and those who appeared in them, and much of the technical paraphernalia. Last but not least is a bibliography permitting students and radio fans to find further reading.

радіоефір -- ЗМІ

   Тип видання:   словник   

Gough, Barry M..
Historical Dictionary of Canada [Electronic resource] / Barry M. Gough. - Lanham : Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2011. - 548 p
Переклад назви: Історичний словник Канади

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Once on the margins of European empires, notably those of France, England and Spain, then a focus of international rivalries and wars during the 18th century, Canada is now a nation that is front and center in the world's affairs. Canada's emergence as a modern industrial nation and a key player in the resource, commodities, and financial institutions that make up today's world shows many aspects of what ex-colonial powers have gone through_except that compromise and reform rather than revolution and revolt have been the cardinal historical features. The second edition of the Historical Dictionary of Canada greatly expands on the first edition through a chronology, an introductory essay, a bibliography, and over 500 cross-referenced dictionary entries on important persons, places, events, and institutions, as well as on significant political, economic, social, and cultural aspects. This book is an essential guide to the history of Canada.

Північна Америка -- культура -- історія

   Тип видання:   словник   

Arnold, Guy.
Historical dictionary of civil wars in Africa [Електронний ресурс] / G. Arnold. - 2nd ed.. - Lanham : Scarecrow Press, 2008. - 527 p.. - (Historical dictionaries of war, revolution, and civil unrest ; 34)
Переклад назви: Історичний словник громадянських війн в Африці


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For over a century, Africa has experienced a violent cycle of warfare. First came the wars of colonial conquest, then the armed struggles for independence, and fi nally a series of civil wars. These civil wars have many causes, including the struggle over artifi cial frontiers inherited from colonialism, friction and rivalry among different ethnic and religious groups, and the crude desire for power of some African leaders. During the Cold War, the situation was further exacerbated by intervention or “aid” from the former colonial powers and new superpowers. Although it has not been easy to prevent or contain these wars, increasingly efforts are being made by the United Nations, other international organizations, and African organizations such as the African Union to provide peacekeeping and provide care for refugees. For a continent that is poorly known and badly misunderstood to begin with, it is often hard to fi nd useful information about underlying situations, groups and people involved, and even the course of wars—which is why this Historical Dictionary of Civil Wars in Africa is such an important book. The chronology tracks when civil wars erupted or were resolved, and which ones still continue; the introduction puts the warfare into historical, political, and geographical context; the dictionary provides a wealth of information on each of the wars, the more prominent leaders involved (both those who make war and those who try to bring peace), liberation movements, and political parties and organizations; and the substantial bibliography presents indispensable information for those who want to know more.

міжусобні війни -- внутрішньополітичний кофлікт -- релігійна нетерпимість -- Африка

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Stallaerts, Robert.
Historical dictionary of Croatia [Electronic resource] / R. Stallaerts. - Lanham : Scarecrow Press, 2010. - 526 p.. - (Historical dictionaries of Europe ; no. 74)
Переклад назви: Історичний словник Хорватії

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The Republic of Croatia, to outside observers, is one of those new countries that resulted from the collapse of the former Yugoslavia. To its own people, however, it is a very old country that is finally getting another chance to forge a nation. The Croats trace their roots back many centuries, and the depth of this resurgent nationalism helps explain why Yugoslavia split as it did and, to some extent, where it did. Of course, the demise was messy and much remains to be done to overcome that phase of its history and to satisfy all concerned. But Croatia has returned, and its people are trying in often difficult circumstances to make a success of their new state. Indeed, there has been notable progress as regards economic restructuring, democratization, and a rapprochement with their neighbors and with Europe more broadly, and there is finally some hope for the future. This is now the third edition of the Historical Dictionary of the Republic of Croatia and, as in the previous editions, it is particularly useful in helping us understand what happened and why. To do this, it covers a far more extensive period than just today’s Croatia, reaching back to much earlier times and showing how long and hard the struggle was, not only politically but also socially, economically, even linguistically. The basics are summed up through an introduction that presents the land, the people, and their history. That history is rather complicated, so fortunately it can be traced year by year in the chronology. But most of the information again appears in the dictionary section, with hundreds of useful entries on persons, places, events, institutions, political parties, minorities, and other matters. The list of acronyms is also useful, providing names both in the original and in English. Those who want to know more can then turn to the substantial bibliography that includes much of the relevant English-language literature.

Балкани -- хорватська культура

   Тип видання:   словник   

Spicer, Andrew.
Historical dictionary of film noir [Electronic resource] / A. Spicer. - Lanham : The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2010. - 533 p
Переклад назви: Історичний словник фільмів-нуар

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Film noir—literally "black cinema"—is the label customarily given to a group of black and white American films, mostly crime thrillers, made between 1940 and 1959. Today there is considerable dispute about what are the shared features that classify a noir film, and therefore which films should be included in this category. These problems are partly caused because film noir is a retrospective label that was not used in the 1940s or 1950s by the film industry as a production category and therefore its existence and features cannot be established through reference to trade documents. The Historical Dictionary of Film Noir is a comprehensive guide that ranges from 1940 to present day neo-noir. It consists of a chronology, an introductory essay, a bibliography, a filmography, and over 400 cross-referenced dictionary entries on every aspect of film noir and neo-noir, including key films, personnel (actors, cinematographers, composers, directors, producers, set designers, and writers), themes, issues, influences, visual style, cycles of films (e.g. amnesiac noirs), the representation of the city and gender, other forms (comics/graphic novels, television, and videogames), and noir's presence in world cinema. It is an essential reference work for all those interested in this important cultural phenomenon.

кінематограф -- трилер

   Тип видання:   словник   

Mikaberidze, Aleksander.
Historical dictionary of Georgia [Electronic resource] / A. Mikaberidze. - Lanham : Scarecrow Press, 2007. - 775 p.. - (Historical dictionaries of Europe ; no. 50)
Переклад назви: Історичний словник Грузії


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Few countries have fought so long and so hard to affirm their right to statehood as Georgia—a tiny republic squeezed between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea and in the vicinity of great empires. Its emerging principalities and kingdoms have had to struggle to achieve a semblance of unity and then fight even harder to maintain independence from— among others—the Greeks and Romans, the Byzantines and Persians, the Mongols and Turks, and then the Russians, in the guise of an empire, a soviet republic, and at present a state. That there is an independent Georgia today—even one shorn of regions that once belonged to it—is a bit of a miracle. And it is hardly surprising that even within its borders there are regions that have broken away or might seek to do so. This helps to explain why present-day Georgia has so many political, economic, and social problems. But it has overcome even more serious challenges in the past and just may do so again. Georgia is not a big country, and its population is not particularly numerous, but it has an amazingly complicated history and rich culture. Thus, to do it justice, a somewhat larger volume than normal was necessary. This historical dictionary starts with an extensive chronology that follows the many twists and turns of a very long history and one that keeps generating events at an astounding pace. This is followed by an introduction that presents the country and its people and summarizes its history. Then comes the dictionary section—an unusually large one, containing about 780 entries on important persons, places, and events, and on politics, the economy, society, religion, and culture. The appendixes provide lists of dynasties and rulers—kings, presidents, and prime ministers—and pertinent demographic and economic details. Given the dearth of literature (especially in English), the bibliography is particularly important to help readers follow up on aspects of particular interest.

Грузія -- Північний Кавказ -- етнологія

   Тип видання:   словник   

Reich, Bernard.
Historical Dictionary of Israel [Electronic resource] / Bernard Reich, David H. Goldberg . - Lanham : Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2008. - 674 p. - (Historical Dictionaries of Asia, Oceania, and the Middle East)
Переклад назви: Історичний словник Ізраїля


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Since its creation, the State of Israel has been a magnet for attention. A country beset by conflict in its region and faced with the need to integrate immigrants of disparate backgrounds into a modern and advanced state, Israel has preoccupied observers, scholars, and journalists since its independence in 1948. Israel and its politics have been the subject of substantial and often highly partisan literature, being hotly and vigorously debated both at home and abroad. The second edition of the Historical Dictionary of Israel addresses the need in the literature on Israel for a comprehensive impartial information source about the various diplomatic and political personalities, institutions, organizations, events, concepts, and documents that together define the political life of the Jewish state. This is done through a chronology, an introductory essay, a bibliography, and hundreds of cross-referenced dictionary entries on significant persons, places, events, government institutions, political parties, and battles, as well as entries on Israel's economy, society, and culture.

Ближній Схід -- сіонізм -- територіальні суперечки -- державотворення

   Тип видання:   словник   

Abazov, Rafis.
Historical dictionary of Kyrgyzstan [Electronic resource] / R. Abazov. - Lanham : Scarecrow Press, 2004. - 416 p.. - (Asian/Oceanian historical dictionaries ; no. 49)
Переклад назви: Історичний словник Киргизстану


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There is an increasing tendency to give countries, especially developing countries and most particularly newly independent ones, “report cards” showing how well they’ve been doing and even to indicate their respective positions. Under these conditions, Kyrgyzstan might receive something like “needs improvement” or come in—more or less—in the second-to-bottom quarter. Shortly after it became independent in 1991 with the collapse of the Soviet Union, Kyrgyzstan was regarded as one of the more promising new states. But when the lessons it was obliged to learn were poorly digested (or perhaps the lessons themselves were poorly thought out), it gradually slipped and lost favor. More recently, however, this small country with a mixed population and limited natural resources has been making headway for many reasons: its political system and democracy, civil society, human rights, economic development, equality, and cooperation with the international community. It is much easier to understand Kyrgyzstan’s indifferent performance as an independent state with some insight into the previous decades and even centuries. The country began as a collection of tribes, and was then poorly absorbed and assimilated into the Russian Empire. Even before becoming an independent state, Kyrgyzstan was more or less rejected by its Soviet masters, classified as a semi-independent “republic.” Not many scholars have studied it, including its own, and not many have written about it; the country has for the most part been lumped together with the Russian and Soviet Empires, and even today normally appears just as part of the Central Asian Republics. So this Historical Dictionary of Kyrgyzstan is particularly welcome because it makes up for previous omissions and fills a gap by providing basic information in a readily usable format. The dictionary contains the standard entries on significant people, places, and events; organizations and institutions; ethnic and political groups; and salient aspects of the economy, society, and culture. Both the chronology and introduction are unusually helpful in providing an overview of the country’s often halting progress, and the bibliography supplies references in English and other languages.

Середня Азія -- історія Киргизстану -- культура -- сьогодення

   Тип видання:   словник   

Plakans, Andrejs.
Historical dictionary of Latvia [Electronic resource] / A. Plakans. - 2nd ed.. - Lanham : Scarecrow Press, 2008. - 345 p.. - (Historical dictionaries of Europe ; no. 60)
Переклад назви: Історичний словник Латвії


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It is now almost two decades since Latvia began to emerge—or rather, reemerge—on the international scene as a player in its own right. This was the second time, following a rather brief period of independence that was sandwiched between literally centuries of domination by German, Russian, and other neighboring and acquisitive powers and a painful half century, first under Nazi control, then as a minor and relatively meek part of the Soviet Union. With so little training in statehood, it is amazing just how well Latvia has done since 1991. Its economy has been adjusting and recovering; despite serious problems its society is holding up; its foreign policy goals have been largely achieved; and above all it has proven able to create political parties and the rest of a modern democracy, which functions reasonably well. This does not mean that there have been no failures and that there are no problems, for there is still much to be done, but Latvia has been moving ahead and can be expected to continue doing so. Although by any measure Latvia is a rather small country, it has experienced more history than many far larger ones, and it is quite impossible to understand the present situation without knowing more about the past. Thus, although it does focus strongly on the present situation, today’s challenges, and today’s leaders, this Historical Dictionary of Latvia definitely takes a long view, going back as far as possible and covering a broad range of activities and events. That is done in several hundred entries in the dictionary section, many of them historical and political, but others dealing with the economy, society, religion, and culture. The essential lines of this often-complicated story can more readily be followed thanks to an extensive chronology, and the introduction provides a suitable context for seeing how things came together. Those interested in knowing more can readily proceed by consulting the bibliography.

Прибалтика -- Латвія -- латвійська культура -- латиська мова

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Azevedo, Mario Joaquim.
Historical dictionary of Mozambique [Electronic resource] / M. J. Azevedo, E. Nnadozie, T. M. João. - Lanham : Scarecrow Press, 2003. - 331 p.. - (African historical dictionaries ; no. 88)
Переклад назви: Історичний словник Мозамбіку

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Mozambique is one of Africa’s larger countries and also has the potential to become one of its more important countries. It possesses many natural resources and has an active population that could again develop agriculture and commerce and then create an industrial base. It is located along the coast and provides a natural outlet for several landlocked neighbors. It is also strategically placed next to South Africa, the regional powerhouse. Regrettably, over the first decade of independence, it did not take advantage of those assets, partly because of a destructive civil war and partly because of its ideological orientation. Now that the war is over and it has reverted to a market economy, Mozambique should be able to make better progress. When the first edition of the Historical Dictionary of Mozambique appeared, I pointed out that Mozambique was one of the least-known African states. Little has happened to change that situation. Thus, there are few enough sources of information even today, which is particularly deplorable now that a fresh start is being made. Fortunately, this second edition can fill more of the gaps and bring the story up-to-date. This is done through an extension of the chronology, which recounts the more significant events, and an expanded dictionary section, which contains new and updated entries on persons, places, events, and institutions of note as well as crucial aspects of the economy, society, and culture. The bibliography has also been revised, with more new titles, many of them in English, but also in Portuguese. This second edition builds on the first, and the lead author is still Mario Azevedo, who wrote the first edition. Dr. Azevedo, who was born in Mozambique, is presently chair of the African-American and African Studies Department at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He has written extensively on Africa, much of this on Mozambique, including a book on Mozambique refugees. This time he is joined by Tomé Mbuia João, also a Mozambican by origin, who works as a broadcaster in Portuguese at the Voice of America, and Emmanuel Nnadozie, who is professor of economics at Truman State University. Together they have produced a very helpful and insightful work on a country that deserves to be better known.

Східна Африка -- постколоніальна економіка -- культура

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Shrestha, Nanda R..
Historical dictionary of Nepal [Electronic resource] / Nanda R. Shrestha, Keshav Bhattarai. - Lanham : The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2003. - 474 p. - (Asian/Oceanian Historical Dictionaries ; no. 46)
Переклад назви: Історичний словник Непалу

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"The Historical dictionary of Nepal offers a concise account of Nepal's history and political evolution, focusing on the period since the rise of Prithvi Narayan Shah in 1743 and on the developments of the past fifty years. In addition, valuable information is provided on the country's economy, population, social systems, and cultural continuity and change in order to highlight growing Western influence. This resource is a highly informative book for both specialists and nonspecialists interested in Nepal."

Центральна Азія -- буддизм -- непальська культура

   Тип видання:   словник   

Jackson, Keith.
Historical Dictionary of New Zealand [Electronic resource] / K. Jackson, A. McRobie. - 2nd ed.. - Lanham : Scarecrow Press, 2005. - 536 p.. - (Historical Dictionaries of Asia, Oceania, and the Middle East)
Переклад назви: Історичний словник Нової Зеландії


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

The second edition of the Historical Dictionary of New Zealand describes the many changes that have taken place during the past decade while building on the solid foundation of the first edition, which already traced New Zealand's long and lively history. The book's introduction gives an overall view of the country, while the chronology plots the path from the earliest settlers to the present. The dictionary includes hundreds of cross-referenced entries on important persons, places, events, and institutions as well as significant political, economic, social, and cultural aspects. Everything from the examination of the relations between the Pakeha and the Maori to the country's environmental policy is covered in this reference. Further research is enabled by the extensive bibliography.

Океанія -- етнологія

   Тип видання:   словник   

Wheeler, Douglas L..
Historical Dictionary of Portugal [Electronic resource] / Douglas L. Wheeler. - Lanham : The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2010. - 429 p. - (Historical Dictionaries of Europe ; no. 73)
Переклад назви: Історичний словник Португалії


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

This book is dedicated to the memory of Professor Francis Millet Rogers (1915–1990), the late Nancy Clark Smith professor of Portuguese language and literatures, Harvard University, who taught me my first Portuguese language, and who made a real difference in launching my career in Portuguese studies.

Піренеї -- історія -- культура

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