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   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

... И до 1990 года [Електронний ресурс] / сост. В. Федченко. - М. : Молодая гвардия, 1982. - 191 с.. - (Эврика)


Географічні рубрики:

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Благосостояние советского человека... Нет для Коммунистической партии и правительства задачи важнее и ответственнее: любые планы развития народного хозяйства в нашей стране - это прежде всего забота о благе каждого труженика. Выполняя пятилетку за пятилеткой, ставя новые и все более сложные проблемы перед отраслями мы неуклонно наращиваем экономическую мощь государства, а значит, и возможности каждой семьи.

макроекономіка -- соціалізм -- промисловість -- СРСР

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

100 лучших рецептов. Выпечка. Шедевры кулинаров мира [Електронний ресурс]. - М. : Ниола-Пресс, 2008. - 206 с.


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В книге "Выпечка Шедевры кулинаров мира" приведены рецепты кондитерских изделий со всех континентов мира: Европы, Америки, Азии и Африки. Богатый иллюстрированный материал наглядно демонстрирует особенности традиционной национальной выпечки.

кулінарія -- кондитерська промисловість

   Тип видання:   законодавчі матеріали   

Arvanitoyannis, I. S.
HACCP and ISO 22000 [Electronic resource] : application to Foods of Animal Origin / I. S. Arvanitoyannis. - Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. - 549 p.
Переклад назви: HACCP та ISO 22000: Додаток до продуктів тваринного походження


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Food Safety is an increasingly important issue. Numerous food crises have occurred internationally in recent years (the use of the dye Sudan Red I; the presence of acrylamide in various fried and baked foods; mislabelled or unlabelled genetically modified foods; and the outbreak of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease) originating in both primary agricultural production and in the food manufacturing industries. Public concern at these and other events has led government agencies to implement a variety of legislative actions covering many aspects of the food chain. This book presents and compares the HACCP and ISO 22000:2005 food safety management systems. These systems were introduced to improve and build upon existing systems in an attempt to address the kinds of failures which can lead to food crises. Numerous practical examples illustrating the application of ISO 22000 to the manufacture of food products of animal origin are presented in this extensively-referenced volume. After an opening chapter which introduces ISO 22000 and compares it with the well-established HACCP food safety management system, a summary of international legislation relating to safety in foods of animal origin is presented. The main part of the book is divided into chapters which are devoted to the principle groups of animal-derived food products: dairy, meat, poultry, eggs and seafood. Chapters are also included on catering and likely future directions. The book is aimed at food industry managers and consultants; government officials responsible for food safety monitoring; researchers and advanced students interested in food safety.

харчова промисловість -- норми

   Тип видання:   підручник   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Chemical compounds [Electronic resource] : in 3 vol. / project ed. C. B. Montney ; ed. N. Schlager , J. Weisblatt, D. E. Newton. - Detroit : Thomson Gale, 2006. - 981 p.
Переклад назви: Хімічні суміші


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This book describes 180 chemical compounds, some familiar to almost everyone, and some less commonly known. Each description includes some basic chemical and physical information about the compound, such as its chemical formula, other names by which the compound is known, and the molecular weight, melting point, freezing point, and solubility of the compound.

хімія -- неорганічна хімія -- хімічна сполука -- хімічна реакція -- розчин

   Тип видання:   підручник   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Chemistry [Electronic resource] : foundations and Applications : in 4 vol. / ed. J. J. Lagowski. - Detriot : Thomson Gale, 2004
Переклад назви: Хімія : основи та додатки


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Vol. 1 : A-C. - 1419 p.

Written at a level accessible to nonspecialists, including high-school students, college students in introductory courses, and the general public, this encyclopedia's purpose is to assist users in acquiring knowledge and understanding of chemistry. The 509 alphabetically arranged, signed articles were written by subject specialists and range from concise definitions to multiple-page overviews. Broad areas covered include analytical chemistry applications, biochemistry, biographies, elements, energy, environmental chemistry, medicine, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, reactions, states of matter, and structure. Examples of specific article titles are Alchemy; Artificial sweeteners; Boron; Clones; Franklin, Rosalind; Isomerism; Mole concept; Nanochemistry; Rubber; Spectroscopy; and zwitterions. In addition to explaining scientific principles, this set relates chemistry to everyday life. For example, Silly Putty (a silicone-based material) is a "liquid solid," the color of hydrangeas is determined by soil acidity, and endorphins may allow marathoners' bodies to endure long races. An 18-page glossary and 67-page subject index are included in each volume. Glossary definitions also appear in the margins next to the text. Although there are some cross-references in the articles, the index is more thorough. About 300 black-and-white illustrations and diagrams clarify the concepts under discussion. There are no color illustrations; color would have been useful to elucidate concepts such as bonding and molecular structure. Bibliographic references and related Internet resources are listed at the end of many articles. A "For Your Reference" section at the beginning of each volume provides selected metric conversions, an alphabetic table of the elements; common abbreviations, symbols and acronyms, and a periodic table of the elements. The similar four-volume Macmillan Encyclopedia of Chemistry (1997), also edited by Lagowski, is aimed at a more academic audience and provides additional coverage of some topics. Although Chemistry: Foundations and Applications could be improved with the inclusion of some color illustrations, the very impressive scholarly contributors make this set worthy of consideration, particularly for high-school, large public, and undergraduate libraries. Nancy Cannon Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved

хімічна реакція

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Comprehensive organic synthesis [Electronic resource] : selectivity, Strategy & Efficiency in Modern Organic Chemistry: in 9 vol.. - Oxford : Pergamon Press, 1991
Переклад назви: Всесторонній органічний синтез


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Vol. 2 : ADDITIONS TO C-X П-BONDS, PART 2 . - 1233 p.


Vol. 7 : OXIDATION . - 1012 р.

The development of more effective routes to known materials and the production of new materials are important goals in many areas, including electronics, agriculture, medicine and textiles. Organic synthesis is central to achieving these goals. Comprehensive Organic Synthesisdraws together the common themes that underlie the many apparently disparate areas of organic chemistry which underpin synthetic strategies, thus providing a comprehensive overview of this important discipline. The contributions have been organized to reflect the way in which synthetic chemists approach a problem. In terms of organic molecules, the work is divided into formation of carbon-carbon bonds, introduction of heteroatoms and heteroatom interconversions. Thus, Volumes 1-5 focus on carbon-carbon formation, but also include aspects of heteroatom introduction. Volumes 6-8 concentrate on interconversion of heteroatoms, but also deal with exchange of carbon-carbon bonds for carbon-heteroatom bonds. Organization of the chapters is along the theme of selectivity, which is a critical question in determining the suitability of a synthetic method. Volume 9 contains cumulative author and subject indexes. Comprehensive Organic Synthesis will appeal to a wide audience. The set will be an essential reference work for all those seeking information on the solution of synthetic problems, whether they be experienced practitioners or chemists whose major interests lie outside organic synthesis. In addition, synthetic chemists requiring the essential facts in new areas, as well as students completely new to the field, will find Comprehensive Organic Synthesis an invaluable source, providing authoritative accounts of the essential facts and concepts.

хімічна реакція

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Eisner, Th.
Chemical ecology [Electronic resource] / Th. Eisner, J. Meinwald. - Washington : National academy press, 1995. - 232 p.
Переклад назви: Хімічна екологія


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This volume is based on the National Academy of Sciences' colloquium entitled "Chemical Ecology: The Chemistry of Biotic Interaction." The articles appearing in these pages were contributed by speakers at the colloquium. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this volume are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Academy of Sciences.

хімія -- екологія

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   
Категорія: Біологічні науки   

Encyclopedia of biomes [Electronic resource] : in 3 vol. / M. Weigel. - Detroit : UXL, Gale Group, 2000. - 579 p.
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія Біомів


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What's the difference between a biome and an ecosystem? Why are krill so important to ocean creatures? How do pesticides end up in the tissue of fish-eating birds? Why are marshes so important to wildlife? To understand the answers to questions like these, students need to understand the cycles and systems that regulate biomes. Encyclopedia of Biomes offers detailed comparative essays on 12 major biomes and their component ecosystems. Alphabetically arranged entries on land biomes and water biomes range from 35 to 45 pages each and cover climate, elevation, soil, water bodies, vegetation, animal life, food web, plant and animal adaptations, endangered species, human effects on the biome and the effects of the environment on humans' culture and economy. Includes overviews and descriptions on how specific biomes are formed, 120 black-and-white photos and three 16-page color inserts, 12 maps, glossary, bibliography and an easy-to-use index. Here's what's covered: Coniferous forest, Deciduous forest, Desert, Grassland, Rain forest, Tundra, Wetland, Ocean, Seashore, Continental margin, Lake and pond, River and stream

хімічна сполука

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Europe 1789 to 1914 [Electronic resource] : encyclopedia of the age of industry and empire : in 5 vol. / J. Merriman, J. Winter.. - Farmington Hills : Gale, 2006
Переклад назви: Європа з 1789 до 1914 р.: енциклопедія епохи індустріалізації та імперіалізму


Географічні рубрики:

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Vol. 1 : Abdul-Hamid - Colonialism. - 572 p.

Vol. 2 : Colonies - Huysmans. - 622 p.

Vol. 3 : Ibsen - Owen. - 608 p.

Vol. 4 : Pacifism - Syphilis. - 632 p.

Vol. 5 : Talleyrand - Zollverein. - 520 p.

A survey of European history from the onset of the French Revolution to the outbreak of World War. Covers the period's most significant personalities and meaningful developments in the arts, religion, politics, exploration, and warfare. Search the publication or browse via the eTable of Contents.

Європа -- промисловість -- імперіалізм

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Fringuelli, F.
The Diels-Alder reaction selected practical method [Electronic resource] / F. Fringuelli, A. Taticchi. - Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2002. - 340 p.
Переклад назви: Вибраний практичний метод реакції Дільса-Альдера


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хімічна реакція

   Тип видання:   підручник   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Handbook of Homogeneous Hydrogenation [Electronic resource] : in 3 vol.. - New York : Wiley-VCH, 2007
Переклад назви: Довідник з гомогенного гідрування


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Vol. 1. - 2007. - 1595 p.

This multi-volume handbook is the first to cover all questions concerning homogeneous hydrogenation. As such, it presents the catalysts, the scope of their application, mechanistic aspects, asymmetric methods, combinatorials catalysis, recycling methods and industrial examples. In 45 clearly structured chapters, the book includes all hydrogenation reactions catalyzed by soluble transition metal-based catalysts. All authors adopt an applied approach, emphasizing those aspects important for industrial use. With some 2,000 illustrations and 50 tables, this is a must-have for everyone working in the chemicals and pharmaceutical industries, as well as for graduate students in chemistry.

хімія -- хімічна реакція

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Handbook of Minerals as Nutritional Supplements [Electronic resource] / ed. Stacey J. Bell. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2005. - 257 p
Переклад назви: Довідник із мінералів-харчових добавок


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I would like to thank Gordon Wardlaw for reading and giving feedback on every chapter, and Elizabeth Joseph for a great deal of assistance with the reference aspects of the book preparation. I would also like to thank Emily Dy for help with references in the chapter on iron. In addition, I appreciate the help of ach of the following for comments on individual subjects: Michael Bergeron, Priscilla Clarkson, Steve Abrams, Connie Weaver, Greg Miller, and Greg Wiet. I also appreciate my wife, Janet, and children, David, Daniel, and Lisa, for allowing me the enormous amount of time it took to complete this writing. Finally, I want to express great appreciation to Stacey Bell for having the original concept for the book and helping me get it off the ground. I endeavored to present the issues in this book as honestly as I could, without trying to make any product supplier look better or worse than reality dictated. Even so, I do want to note the companies that have supported parts of my own mineral research: Albion Laboratories, Nutrition21, Glanbia, and Purac of America.

раціон -- дієтологія -- харчова промисловість

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Harris, Robert.
A Higher Form of Killing [Electronic resource] : the Secret History of Gas and Germ Warfare / Robert Harris, Jeremy Paxman. - New York : Random House, 2002. - 430 p
Переклад назви: Вища форма вбивства: таємна історія газу і бактеріологічної зброї


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A Higher Form of Killing opens with the first devastating battlefield use of lethal gas in World War I, and then investigates the stockpiling of biological weapons during World War II and in the decades afterward as well as the inhuman experiments con-ducted to test their effectiveness. This updated edition includes a new Introduction and a new final chapter exposing frightening developments in recent years, including the black market that emerged in chemical and biological weapons following the breakup of the Soviet Union, the acquisition of these weapons by various Third World states, the attempts of countries such as Iraq to build up arsenals, and--particularly and most recently--the use of these weapons in terrorist attacks.

бактеріологічна зброя -- масове знищення -- хімічна зброя

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

House, J. E.
Principles of Chemical Kinetics [Electronic resource] / J. E. House. - 2nd. ed.. - Amsterdam : Elsevier Academic Press, 2007. - 326 p.
Переклад назви: Елементи хімічної кінетіки


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James House's revised Principles of Chemical Kinetics provides a clear and logical description of chemical kinetics in a manner unlike any other book of its kind. Clearly written with detailed derivations, the text allows students to move rapidly from theoretical concepts of rates of reaction to concrete applications. Unlike other texts, House presents a balanced treatment of kinetic reactions in gas, solution, and solid states. The entire text has been revised and includes many new sections and an additional chapter on applications of kinetics. The topics covered include quantitative relationships between molecular structure and chemical activity, organic/inorganic chemistry, biochemical kinetics, surface kinetics and reaction mechanisms. Chapters also include new problems, with answers to selected questions, to test the reader's understanding of each area. A solutions manual with answers to all questions is available for instructors. A useful text for both students and interested readers alike, Dr. House has once again written a comprehensive text simply explaining an otherwise complicated subject.

хімічна реакція

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Knight, Roger G..
Commodities and colonialism [Electronic resource] : the story of big sugar in Indonesia, 1880-1942 / Roger G. Knight. - Leiden : Brill, 2013. - 304 p. - (Verhandelingen Van Het Koninklijk Instituut Voor Taal-, Land- En Volkenkunde)
Переклад назви: Товари та колоніалізм: історія цукрового видобутку в Індонезії, 1880-1942


Географічні рубрики:

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The book is a good read, and will be the text of reference for many years to come. It is impossible to think of a better guide through the intricacies of Java sugar than Knight.' Peter Boomgaard, KITLV, Leiden; University of Amsterdam; European University Institute, Florence

колоніальний визиск -- сировинна база -- харчова промисловість

   Тип видання:   словник   

Ladygin, A. V.
Англо-русский пищевой словарь [Електронний ресурс] / A. V. Ladygin. - [Б. м. : б. в.], 2002. - 8 с.


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Словарь представляет собой алфавитный список терминов, имеющих (в той или иной мере) отношение к пищевой промышленности (сырью, технологии, методам анализа, оборудованию и т. д.), а также приготовлению пищи, и не претендует на полноту и абсолютную точность.

харчова промисловість

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Messerschmitt, D. G.
Software Ecosystems: Understanding an Indispensable Technology and Industry [Electronic resource] / D. G. Messerschmitt. - Cambridge : The MIT Press, 2003. - 424 p.


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This text explains, from a variety of perspectives, how software and the software industry are different from other industries technologically, organizationally, and socially.

комп’ютерна програма -- програмне забезпечення -- екологія -- промисловість

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Otto, S.
Catalysis of diels-alder reactions in water [Electronic resource] / S. Otto. - Groningen : Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 1998. - 188 p.
Переклад назви: Каталіз Дільса-Альдера або реакції у воді


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хімія -- хімічна реакція -- розчин

   Тип видання:   довідник   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Perry, Robert H..
Chemical engineer’s handbook [Electronic resource] / Robert H. Perry, Don W. Green. - New York : The McGraw-Hill, 1999. - 2582 p.
Переклад назви: Довідник інженера хімічної галузі


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This book contains more useful information in one place than any other source for chemical engineers. If your are in the feild or are a student, you will find this book to be necessary for almost any job.

хімічна інженерія -- хімічна технологія

   Тип видання:   зб. статей   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Reviews in Coputational Chemistry [Electronic resource]. - New York : WILEY-VCH , 1992
Переклад назви: Огляд обчислювальної хімії


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Vol. 3. - 271 p.

Vol. 7. - 414 p.

Vol. 9. - 282 p.

Vol. 10. - 334 p.

Vol. 11. - 431 p.

Vol. 12. - 404 p.

Vol. 13. - 426 p.

Vol. 14. - 525 p.

Vol. 15. - 323 p.

Vol. 16. - 340 p.

Vol. 17. - 399 p.

Vol. 23. - 484 p.

A book series of leading research reviews and tutorials covering the methods of quantum chemistry, force fields, molecular mechanics, molecular simulations, molecular modeling, molecular design, informatics (cheminformatics), materials modeling, and other topics of interest to scientists who want to use computers to advance chemical science.

хімічна реакція

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