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   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

88 mm FlaK 18/36/37/41 and PaK 43 1936–45 [Electronic resource]. - Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2002. - 50 p.

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The German 88 mm was by far the most famous and versatile artillery weapon of World War II. It was first used as an anti-aircraft weapon by the Condor Legion during the Spanish Civil War and saw further service in the German invasions of Poland and France, where it was first used in its anti-tank role. This role was particularly successful and the 88 became feared by tank crews from North Africa to Russia. Apart from these two main roles the 88 mm was used as the main weapon on late-war German tanks, as a self-propelled gun, and even as an aerial weapon. This book covers all these variants, explaining their design, development and operational use.


   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Adib-Moghaddam, Arshin.
A Metahistory of the Clash of Civilisations: Us and Them Beyond Orientalism [Electronic resource] / Arshin Adib-Moghaddam. - London : C. Hurst & Co, 2011. - 358 p.. - (Columbia/Hurst)
Переклад назви: Метаісторія зіткнення цивілізацій: ми і вони поза орієнталізмом

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Beginning with the wars of ancient Persia and Greece, Arshin Adib-Moghaddam searches for the theoretical underpinnings of the "clash of civilizations" that has determined so much of our political and cultural discourse. He revisits the Crusades, colonialism, the Enlightenment, and our contemporary war on terror, and he engages with both eastern and western thinkers, such as Adorno, Derrida, Farabi, Foucault, Hegel, Khayyam, Marcuse, Marx, Said, Ibn Sina, and Weber. Adib-Moghaddam's investigation explains the conceptual genesis of the clash of civilizations and the influence of western and Islamic representations of the other. He highlights the discontinuities between Islamism and the canon of Islamic philosophy, which distinguishes between Avicennian and Qutbian discourses of Islam, and he reveals how violence became inscribed in western ideas, especially during the Enlightenment. Expanding critical theory to include Islamic philosophy and poetry, this metahistory refuses to treat Muslims and Europeans, Americans and Arabs, and the Orient and the Occident as separate entities.

джихад -- хрестові походи -- колоніалізм -- Просвітництво -- орієнталізм

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Alexander, R.
C++ Footprint and Performance Optimization [Electronic resource] / R. Alexander, G. Bensley. - Indianapolis : Sams Publishing, 2000. - 400 p.
Переклад назви: C + + слід і оптимізація продуктивності


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Nowadays, software is virtually everywhere. Though you might initially think only of PCs and industrial computer systems when talking about software, applications are much more widespread. Consider washing machines, electric razors, thermostats, microwave ovens, cars, TVs, monitors and so on. Obviously these examples span many different kinds of architectures and use a variety of microprocessors. Different optimization techniques for performance and footprint size are needed here.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Allman-Ward, М.
Essentials of managing corporate cash [Electronic resource] / М. Allman-Ward, J. Sagner. - Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2003. - 264 p.
Переклад назви: Основи корпоративного управління готівкою


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Full of valuable tips, techniques, illustrative real-world examples, exhibits, and best practices, this handy and concise book will help you stay up to date on the newest thinking, strategies and technologies in managing corporate cash.


   Тип видання:   підручник   

An introduction to computer programming with Java [Electronic resource] / ed. J. H. Kingston. - Sydney : The University of Sydney, 2006. - 316 p
Переклад назви: Вступ до Java програмування


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This book is an introduction to computer programming using the Java programming language. No prior knowledge of computers or programming is assumed, but the reader must be confident with high school algebra. This book does not claim to completely cover either the Java language or its standard libraries. We have confined the use of the static keyword to testing classes and enumeration classes, to help students avoid non-object-oriented programming, and we have omitted coverage of Java’s features for reflection, packages, multithreading, networking, applets, and graphical user interfaces. Instead, our emphasis is placed on writing programs of high quality using the best techniques, with extensive coverage of design, collection classes, code cliches, verification, testing, general software engineering, scalability, ethics, and recursion (including an application to recursive descent parsing). This book is divided into two parts. At the University of Sydney, each part serves as the text for one semester. We have delayed introducing inheritance to second semester, not because we think it cannot be mastered earlier, but because novice programmers have a lot to learn, and since inheritance can be deferred, we think it should be.

комп'ютер -- мова програмування -- об'єктно-орієнтоване програмування

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Andrews, Andy.
How do you kill 11 million people? [Electronic resource] : why the truth matters more than you think / Andy Andrews. - Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 2011. - 97 p
Переклад назви: Як убити 11 мільйонів чоловік? : чому істина має більше значення, ніж ви думаєте


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Much like the character in one of his best-selling books, Andy Andrews is first and foremost a Noticer. Sometimes, all one needs is a little perspective and Andy has been providing that perspective to some of the world's most influential companies and organizations for the last 20 years. His ability to transform an individual by their own understanding and desire has made him loved by millions. Now, Andy Andrews brings his lessons and perspective into the important arena of government, citizenship, and what it means to completely uphold the truth. If the truth is what sets us free, what does it mean to live in a society where truth is absent? How do truth and lies in the past shape our destiny today? Through the lens of the Holocaust, best-selling author Andy Andrews examines the critical need for truth in our relationships, our communities, and our government. In this compact, nonpartisan book, Andrews urges readers to be "careful students" of the past, seeking accurate, factual accounts of events and decisions that illuminate choices we face now. By considering how the Nazi German regime was able to carry out over eleven million institutional killings between 1933 and 1945, Andrews advocates for an informed population that demands honesty and integrity from its leaders and from each other. The future of our country rests on the ability to separate the truth from lies, and Andrews compels each of us to examine our leaders' claims with a critical eye. His question- how do you kill eleven million people?-is rovocative, but his warning is clear: "Only a clear understanding of the answer to this question and the awareness of an involved populace can prevent history from continuing to repeat itself as it already has, time and again."

елімінація -- нацизм -- євгеніка -- расизм

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Bakhtin, M. M.
Toward a philosophy of the act [Electronic resource] / M. M. Bakhtin. - Austin : University of Texas press, 1999. - 106 p
Переклад назви: До філософії вчинку


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Rescued in 1972 from a storeroom in which rats and seeping water had severely damaged the fifty-year-old manuscript, this text is the earliest major work (1919-1921) of the great Russian philosopher M. M. Bakhtin. Toward a Philosophy of the Act contains the first occurrences of themes that occupied Bakhtin throughout his long career. The topics of authoring, responsibility, self and other, the moral significance of "outsideness," participatory thinking, the implications for the individual subject of having "no-alibi in existence," the difference between the world as experienced in actions and the world as represented in discourse—all are broached here in the heat of discovery. This is the "heart of the heart" of Bakhtin, the center of the dialogue between being and language, the world and mind, "the given" and "the created" that forms the core of Bakhtin's distinctive dialogism. A special feature of this work is Bakhtin's struggle with the philosophy of Immanuel Kant. Put very simply, this text is an attempt to go beyond Kant's formulation of the ethical imperative. mci will be important for scholars across the humanities as they grapple with the increasingly vexed relationship between aesthetics and ethics.

філософія -- мислення -- мораль

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Barr, A.
Find the bug a book of incorrect programs [Electronic resource] / A. Barr. - Boston : Addison Wesley Professional, 2004. - 336 p.


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Bug hunting is an art, and you need to be a master. Get Find the Bug, and you'll become one. Long-time Microsoft programmer Adam Barr presents 50 programs, each with exactly one bug. Your assignment: find it. As you do, Barr will teach you how to "think like your processor"... anticipating exactly how code will behave, even without running it. You'll learn better ways to read code, understand it -- and above all, improve it. Whether you're building new systems or maintaining someone else's, you'll find bugs earlier, faster, with less frustration... and write cleaner code to begin with.

помилки програмування -- код програми

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Bennett, W.
The lawyer’s myth: reviving ideals in the legal profession [Electronic resource] / W. Bennett. - Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2001. - 254 p.
Переклад назви: Міф адвоката: відродження ідеалів юридичної професії


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This book is the culmination of a personal quest that began sixteen years ago when I left law practice and began to cast about for other ways to make a living through my self-bred compulsion to live and think like a lawyer. It has been a meandering journey.

юриспруденція -- адвокатура

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Benzer, Matthias.
The Sociology of Theodor Adorno [Electronic resource] / M. Benzer. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011. - 268 p
Переклад назви: Соціологія Теодора Адорно


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Theodor Adorno is a widely-studied figure, but most often with regard to his work on cultural theory, philosophy and aesthetics. The Sociology of Theodor Adorno provides the first thorough English-language account of Adorno's sociological thinking. Matthias Benzer reads Adorno's sociology through six major themes: the problem of conceptualising capitalist society; empirical research; theoretical analysis; social critique; the sociological text; and the question of the non-social. Benzer explains the methodological and theoretical ideas informing Adorno's reflections on sociology and illustrates Adorno's approach to examining social life, including astrology, sexual taboos and racial prejudice. Benzer clarifies Adorno's sociology in relation to his work in other disciplines and the inspiration his sociology took from social thinkers such as Marx, Weber, Durkheim, Kracauer and Benjamin. The book raises critical questions about the viability of Adorno's sociological mode of procedure and its potential contributions and challenges to current debates in social science.

культура -- філософія -- естетика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Bernstein, Irving.
The lean years [Electronic resource] : a History of the American Worker 1920-1933 / Irving Bernstein. - Chicago : Haymarket Books, 2010. - 582 p
Переклад назви: Неврожайні роки : Історія американського робітника 1920-1933


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The textbook history of the 1920s is a story of Prohibition, flappers, and unbounded prosperity. For millions of industrial workers, however, the “roaring twenties” looked very different. Working-class communities were already in crisis in the years before the stock market crash of 1929. Strikes in the 1920s and attempts to organize the unemployed and fight evictions in the early 1930s often fell victim to police violence and repression. Here, Irving Bernstein recaptures the social history of the decade leading up to Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s inauguration, uncovers its widespread inequality, and sheds light on the long-forgotten struggles that form the prelude to the great labor victories of the 1930s. "In other words, viewed from afar, most of the people who were suffering the hardships of the Depression were depressed and even ashamed, ready to blame themselves for their plight. But the train of developments that connects changes in social conditions to a changed consciousness is not simple. People, including ordinary people, harbor somewhere in their memories the building blocks of different and contradictory interpretations of what it is that is happening to them, of who should be blamed, and what can be done about it. Even the hangdog and ashamed unemployed worker who swings his lunch box and strides down the street so the neighbors will think he is going to a job can also have other ideas that only have to be evoked, and when they are make it possible for him on another day to rally with others and rise up in anger at his condition.

життя -- кризис -- історія

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Bishop, Chris.
The Encyclopedia of Weapons of World War II [Electronic resource] / Chris Bishop. - New York : Barnes & Noble Books, 1998. - 543 p
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія зброї Другої світової війни


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The book is organized into the following catergories(summarized for this review): Tanks, Vehicles, Artillery, Rockets, Infantry Weapons and Airplanes. Each category is then seperated Axis and Allies. Almost all of the 1,500+ weapons covered in this book have an image most of them featuring a photograph. The book is a great cross reference guide for anyone who enjoys reading historical material. Only a few weapon systems are not covered, most of these were prototypes. The German, American, British and Japanese turbine aircraft are covered. The accounts of these aircraft a very accurate with attention paid to how these weapons were or were not used. The photographs are of good quality considering the paper they were printed on. One great example of the depth of this book is it's coverage of Little David'. "The largest-calibre artillery piece of modern times" Sporting a calibre of 914mm, The US military originally designed the gun to test bombs. With the invasion of Japan approaching in 1944, the US wanted to use it to destroy Japanese fortifications. However before the project was completed, the war was over. The book features two images of this artillery piece, including a color image. The best part of the book is the unbiased accounts of how the weapon was used and it's success. For this reason, the book has numerous book marks for quick reference. I see no reason why you shouldn't buy this book, if you enjoy military history. Additionally since the book has no distasteful images of war, I feel it is suitable for any youth at least 10 years of age.

друга світова війна -- зброя -- військова техніка

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Blaney, John.
Beatles for sale [Electronic resource] : how everything they touched turned to gold / John Blaney. - London : Jawbone Press, 2008. - 295 p
Переклад назви: Бітлз на продаж: як усе, чого вони торкалися, перетворювалося на золото

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Beatles for Sale is a brand new way of looking at a story you may think you know inside out. Author John Blaney shows for the first time how the group and their inner circle invented so much of what we now recognize as the modern business of making and selling rock music. This was certainly not because Lennon, McCartney, Epstein, and the rest had a clear vision of the way things ought to be. Very often it was simply down to making things up as they went along because no one had been there before and no one knew how to do these things. The book details the ups and downs of the group as they promoted, advertised, and sold records, played concerts, sold merchandise, made films, and set up publishing and record companies of their own. It is a story of naivety and greed, inexperience and luck, gullibility and ingenuity. It is the story of every aspect of how the Beatles made money and how virtually every group since then has followed in their footsteps.

музика -- поп-культура -- шоу-бізнес -- мерчендайзинг

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Blues - philosophy for everyone [Electronic resource] : thinking deep about feeling low / ред.: Jesse R. Steinberg , Abrol Fairweather. - London : Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. - 235 p
Переклад назви: Блюз - філософія для всіх: думати глибоко про низькі відчуття

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From B.B. King to Billie Holiday, Blues music not only sounds good, but has an almost universal appeal in its reflection of the trials and tribulations of everyday life. Its ability to powerfully touch on a range of social and emotional issues is philosophically inspiring, and here, a diverse range of thinkers and musicians offer illuminating essays that make important connections between the human condition and the Blues that will appeal to music lovers and philosophers alike.

музика -- філософія -- почуття

   Тип видання:   словник   

Booker, M. Keith.
Historical dictionary of science fiction cinema [Electronic resource] / M. K. Booker. - Lanham : Scarecrow Press, 2010. - 368 p.. - (Historical dictionaries of literature and the arts)
Переклад назви: Історичний словник науково-фантастичного кінематографа

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Although it has actually been around since the early days of filmmaking, science fiction cinema is a contemporary and futuristic genre. It deals with events that usually take place at a far-off time and often faroff place; thus it appeals to the human desire to understand and perhaps predict the future. It also helps to explain science and technology and where they could be leading us. Science fiction cinema tackles prickly problems, often in a context that make them more real than reality— problems such as environmental degradation; overpopulation and pressure on space and goods; friction between the sexes, races, and nations; and the coming and substantially greater difficulties in dealing with rogue computers, robots, clones, and possibly even aliens (if we can believe what we see in the movies). Although science fiction cinema is often termed escapism, it is also an attempt to come to terms with a rapidly changing world. Consider the words of the great science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke: “We all want to escape occasionally. But science fiction is often very far from escapism, in fact you might say that science fiction is escape into reality. . . . It’s a fiction which does concern itself with real issues: the origin of man; our future. In fact I can’t think of any form of literature which is more concerned with real issues, reality.” This Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction Cinema is an excellent guide to the field. The chronology illustrates how long the movies have been around and charts some of the major advances—and films—over the years. The introduction then provides an overview, reminding us that science fiction cinema is hardly monolithic; rather, it consists of different genres, produced in an increasing range of countries, and using varying techniques. The bulk of the information, as usual, appears in the dictionary, with entries on directors, actors, and films. Other entries deal with topics such as monsters, alien invasions, utopia, and dystopia, as well as production sites (half a dozen countries), technical aspects, and new technologies (computer-generated imagery). The bibliography provides resources for further information. It was written by M. Keith Booker, who is the James E. and Ellen Wadley Roper Professor of English at the University of Arkansas. He is also the director of the university’s Program in Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies. Therefore, Dr. Booker does not simply deal with science fiction in the abstract; he shows how films and their writers, directors, actors, and genres fit into a historical context and relate to us in the present. He has also written dozens of books on literature and popular culture—more broadly and more specifically, half a dozen books on science fiction, with two recent publications dealing with science fiction cinema: Alternative Americas: Science Fiction Film and American Culture and The Science Fiction Handbook. This volume, therefore, presents a wealth of experience and knowledge for a variety of audiences.

сай-фай -- космос -- прибульці

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Boucher, David.
The Social Contract from Hobbes to Rawls [Electronic resource] / David Boucher, Paul Kelly. - New York ; London : Routledge, 2005. - 291 p
Переклад назви: Суспільний договір від Гоббса до Роулза


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The concept of a social contract has been central to political thought since the seventeenth century. Contract theory has been used to justify political authority, to account for the origins of the state, and to provide foundations for moral values and the creation of a just society.In The Social Contract from Hobbes to Rawls, leading scholars from Britain and America survey the history of contractarian thought and the major debates in political theory which surround the notion of social contract. The book examines the critical reception to the ideas of thinkers including Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Hegel and Marx, and includes the more contemporary ideas of John Rawls and David Gauthier. It also incorporates discussions of international relations theory and feminist responses to contractarianism. Together, the essays provide a comprehensive introduction to theories and critiques of social contract, within a broad political theoretical framework.

політика -- суспільство

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Bousquet, Marc.
How the university works [Electronic resource] : higher education and the low-wage nation / Marc Bousquet, Cary Nelson. - New York : NYU Press, 2008. - 291 p
Переклад назви: Як працюють університети: вища освіта і нації з низьким рівнем заробітної плати


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As much as we think we know about the modern university, very little has been said about what it's like to work there. Instead of the high-wage, high-profit world of knowledge work, most campus employees—including the vast majority of faculty—really work in the low-wage, low-profit sphere of the service economy. Tenure-track positions are at an all-time low, with adjuncts and graduate students teaching the majority of courses. This super-exploited corps of disposable workers commonly earn fewer than $16,000 annually, without benefits, teaching as many as eight classes per year. Even undergraduates are being exploited as a low-cost, disposable workforce. Marc Bousquet, a major figure in the academic labor movement, exposes the seamy underbelly of higher education—a world where faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates work long hours for fast-food wages. Assessing the costs of higher education's corporatization on faculty and students at every level, How the University Works is urgent reading for anyone interested in the fate of the university.

вища освіта -- університет -- доступність освіти -- економіка освіти

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Boyarin, Daniel.
Border Lines [Electronic resource] : the partition of Judaeo-Christianity / Daniel Boyarin. - Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004. - 392 p
Переклад назви: Прикордонні лінії: розділ юдео-християнства


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The historical separation between Judaism and Christianity is often figured as a clearly defined break of a single entity into two separate religions. Following this model, there would have been one religion known as Judaism before the birth of Christ, which then took on a hybrid identity. Even before its subsequent division, certain beliefs and practices of this composite would have been identifiable as Christian or Jewish.In Border Lines, however, Daniel Boyarin makes a striking case for a very different way of thinking about the historical development that is the partition of Judaeo-Christianity. There were no characteristics or features that could be described as uniquely Jewish or Christian in late antiquity, Boyarin argues. Rather, Jesus-following Jews and Jews who did not follow Jesus lived on a cultural map in which beliefs, such as that in a second divine being, and practices, such as keeping kosher or maintaining the Sabbath, were widely and variably distributed. The ultimate distinctions between Judaism and Christianity were imposed from above by "border-makers," heresiologists anxious to construct a discrete identity for Christianity. By defining some beliefs and practices as Christian and others as Jewish or heretical, they moved ideas, behaviors, and people to one side or another of an artificial border—and, Boyarin significantly contends, invented the very notion of religion.

релігійні конфлікти -- юдаїзм -- християнство

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Bragg, S. M.
Essentials of Payroll: management and accounting [Electronic resource] / S. M. Bragg. - Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2003. - 272 p.


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Full of valuable tips, techniques, illustrative real-world examples, exhibits, and best practices, this handy and concise paperback will help you stay up to date on the newest thinking, strategies, developments, and technologies in payroll.

заробітна плата -- гроші

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Brodskaïa, Nathalia.
Surrealism - genesis of a revolution [Electronic resource] / Nathalia Brodskaïa. - New York : Parkstone Press International, 2009. - 256 p
Переклад назви: Сюрреалізм - генезис революції

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The Dada movement and then the Surrealists appeared in the First World War aftermath with a bang: revolution of thought, creativity, and the wish to break away from the past and all that was left in ruins. This refusal to integrate into the Bourgeois society lead Georg Grosz to remark of Dada, "it's the end of-isms." Breton asserted that Dada does not produce perspective, "a machine which functions full steam, but where it remains to be seen how it can feed itself." Surrealism emerged amidst such feeling. These artists often changed from one movement to another. They were united by their superior intellectualism and the common goal to break from the norm. Describing Dada with its dynamic free-thinkers, and the Surrealists with their aversive resistance to the system, the author brings a new approach which strives to be relative and truthful. Provocation and cultural revolution: Dada and the Surrealists, aren't they above all just a direct product of creative individualism in this unsettled period?

авангардне мистецтво -- суспільні зрушення

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