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Belevtsev B. I. Magnetoresistive study of the antiferromagnetic-weak ferromagnetic transition in single-crystal <$E bold roman {La sub 2 CuO sub {4+ delta}}>. — 2004 // Физика низ. температур.

Vovk R. V. 2D - 3D crossover of the in-plane paraconductivity in optimal doped <$E bold roman {ReBa sub 2 Cu sub 3 O sub {7~-~delta}}> (Re = Y, Ho) single crystals. — 2007 // Физика и техника высоких давлений.

Obolenskii M. A. Localization effects and pseudogap state in <$E bold roman {YBa sub 2 Cu sub 3 O sub {7- delta}}> single crystals with different oxygen content. — 2006 // Физика низ. температур.

Bondarenko A. V. Creep and depinning of vortices in nontwinned YBa2Cu3O6,87 single crystal. — 2008 // Физика низ. температур.

Bondarenko A. V. On a spherical code in the space of spherical harmonics. — 2010 // Укр. мат. журн.

Obolenskii M. A. Conductivity anisotropy and pseudogap state evolution in <$E bold {roman {HoBa sub 2 Cu sub 3 O} sub {7- delta}}> single crystals of a preset flat defect topology at decreasing oxygen concentration // Functional Materials. - 2006. - 13, № 4.

Bondarenko A. V. Effect of oxygen deficit on temperature dependence of excess conductivity in <$E bold {roman {Y sub 1 Ba sub 2 Cu sub 3 O} sub {7- delta}}> single crystals // Functional Materials. - 2006. - 13, № 2.

Obolensky M. A. Effect of twin boundaries on scattering processes of normal and fluctuating carriers in <$E bold roman {YBa sub 2 Cu sub 3 O sub {7- delta}}> single crystals // Functional Materials. - 2006. - 13, № 1.

Vovk R. V. Excess conductivity and pseudogap state in <$E bold {{roman YBa sub 2 Cu} sub 3-y {roman Al} sub y roman O sub {7- delta}}> single crystals with a system of unidirectional twin boundaries // Functional Materials. - 2007. - 14, № 1.

Obolenskii M. A. Relaxation processes in nonstoichiometric <$E bold roman {YBa sub 2 Cu sub 3 O sub {7- delta}}> single crystals during annealing and at high pressure // Functional Materials. - 2005. - 12, № 3.

Vovk R. V. Superconductivity suppression at twin boundaries and longitudinal and transversal transport anisotropy in oxygen deficient <$E bold {roman {YBa sub 2 Cu sub 3 O} sub 7-x}> single crystals // Functional Materials. - 2007. - 14, № 3.

Petrusenko Yu. T. Interplay of point and planar defects in the phase state formation and dynamics of Abrikosov vortices in <$E bold roman {YBa sub 2 Cu sub 3 O sub {7- delta}}> crystals // Functional Materials. - 2009. - 16, № 1.

Brunetkin A. I. Determining the quantitative composition of an unknown gaseous fuel and combustion products from the measured process parameters in the fuel combustion process // Пр. Одес. політехн. ун-ту. - 2014. - Вип. 1.

Bondarenko A. V. A description of the anti-Fock representation of a set of *-algebras connected with piecewise linear-fractional unimodal mappings // Methods of functional analysis and topology. - 2003. - 9, № 4.

Bondarenko A. M. Maps of 2-manifolds into the plane // Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology. - 2012. - 18, № 3.

Bondarenko A. I. Effect of antilock brake system on basic parameters of transport vehicle transmission // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2017. - № 2.

Demina O. I. Interaction of Portland cement hydration products with complex chemical additives containing fiberglass in moisture-proof cement compositions // Functional Materials. - 2017. - 24, № 3.

Bondarenko A. O. Theoretical bases of pulp suction process in the shallow dredge underwater face // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2018. - № 3.

Bondarenko A. O. Modeling of interaction of inclined surfaces of a hydraulic classifier with a flow of solid particles // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2018. - № 4.

Bondarenko A. O. Comprehensive solution of recycling waste from stone processing industry // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 4.
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