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   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

A guide to effective nonviolent struggle [Electronic resource] / Srdja Popovic [etc.]. - Belgrade : Canvas, 2007. - 289 p
Переклад назви: Керівництво з ефективної ненасильницької боротьби


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Before you is a wealth of knowledge about the planning, conduct, and evaluation of strategic nonviolent conflict. This curriculum guide will be a valuable companion to new and experienced activists, as well as to others who wish to learn about this subject. The authors combine classic insights about nonviolent conflict with new ideas based on recent experience. The result is a synthesis that pushes the limits of what we thought nonviolent strategies were capable of achieving.

протест -- громадська непокора -- страйк

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Ada 95 reference manual [Electronic resource]. - [S. l.] : Kempe Software Capital Enterprises, 1997
Переклад назви: Ada 95 довідкове керівництво


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This is KSCE's hypertext version of the Ada 95 Reference Manual (Language and Standard Libraries), revised international standard (ISO/IEC 8652:1995): Information Technology -- Programming Languages -- Ada


   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Adams, B.
Interdomain multicast solutions guide [Electronic resource] / B. Adams, E. Cheng, T. Fox. - Indianapolis : Cisco Press, 2002. - 336 p.
Переклад назви: Керівництво Міждоменного багатоадресного Рішення


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Interdomain Multicast Solutions Guide is a complete, concise, solutions-based book that shows how to deploy IP multicast services. The book begins with a technology description that defines IP multicast and summarizes various methods of deploying multicast services. From there, readers are presented two distinct interdomain multicast solutions using MSDP and Source Specific Multicast (SSM), respectively. These two solutions feature complete design and implementation scenarios that reflect real-world applications. The appendix includes a command summary that describes all the IOS commands discussed in the book.


   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Amundsen, M. C.
MAPI, SAPI, and TAPI Developer's Guide [Electronic resource] / M. C. Amundsen. - [S. l. : s. n.], 1996. - 1152 p.
Переклад назви: Керівництво розробника MAPI, SAPI, і TAPI


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This book shows you how you can add "send," "speak," and "dial" to your Windows applications and how you can build complete, full-featured e-mail, voice, and telephony applications using Visual Basic, C++ or other VBA-compliant languages. You'll also find detailed reference information on the Messaging, Speech and Telephony API services, recommended hardware, third-party development tools, and tips on how to integrate your applications into Microsoft Exchange server. Michael Amundsen works as an IS Consulting and Training Specialist for Design-Synergy Corporation, a consulting and project management firm specializing in information technology services. He has earned Microsoft certifications for Windows, Visual Basic, SQL Server, and Microsoft Exchange Server. Mike's work takes him to sites in the US and Europe where he teaches Windows programming and helps companies develop and manage Windows-based client/server solutions.


   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Apache Server Survival Guide [Electronic resource]. - [S. l. : s. n.]
Переклад назви: Керівництво Apache Server


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A Web server is the server software behind the World Wide Web. It listens for requests from a client, such as a browser like Netscape or Microsoft's Internet Explorer. When it gets one, it processes that request and returns some data. This data usually takes the form of a formatted page with text and graphics. The browser then renders this data to the best of its ability and presents it to the user. Web servers are in concept very simple programs. They await for requests and fulfill them when received.


   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Baker, A.
The Windows 2000 device driver book [Electronic resource] : a guide for programmers / A. Baker, J. Lozano. - 2nd. ed.. - New Jersy : Prentice Hall PTR, 2000. - 480 p.
Переклад назви: Windows 2000 книга драйверу пристрою, керівництво для програмістів


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The Windows 2000 Device Driver Book can lead any experienced Windows programmer through every step of device driver development: planning, implementation, testing, debugging, installation, and distribution. Thoroughly updated to reflect Microsoft's Windows Driver Model (WDM) for Windows 2000 and 98, it covers everything from architecture to tools, and includes a powerhouse library of exclusive tools and C and C++ code for streamlining device driver projects. Starting with a high-level overview of WDM components, the book quickly moves into the details of the development environment and driver installation. Master the I/O Manager, its data structures, and its interaction with drivers. Understand Plug and Play and Power Management through extensive practical examples; learn how to construct safe reentrant driver code; log errors and events using Windows Management Instrumentation; utilize kernel-mode threads; layered drivers; and more. The accompanying CD-ROM includes sample drivers, C++ classes to jumpstart your projects, driver installation utilities, even an exclusive device driver AppWizard!


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Barrett, D.
Virtualization and Forensics [Electronic resource] : a Digital Forensic Investigator's Guide to Virtual Environments / D. Barrett, G. Kipper. - Burlington : Elsevier, 2010. - 254 p.
Переклад назви: Віртуалізація і судова медицина: Керівництво для віртуальних середовищ слідчого цифрової судової медицини


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Virtualization creates new and difficult challenges for forensic investigations. Operating systems and applications running in virtualized environments often leave few traces, yielding little evidence with which to conduct an investigation. Virtualization and Forensics offers an in-depth view into the world of virtualized environments and the implications they have on forensic investigations. Part I explains the process of virtualization and the different types of virtualized environments. Part II details how virtualization interacts with the basic forensic process, describing the methods used to find virtualization artifacts in dead and live environments as well as identifying the virtual activities that affect the examination process. Part III address advanced virtualization issues, such as the challenges of virtualized environments, cloud computing, and the future of virtualization. After reading this book, you'll be equipped to conduct investigations in these environments with confidence.

судова медицина -- віртуалізація

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Bartak, R.
Interactive Prolog guide [Electronic resource] / R. Bartak. - Prague : [s. n.], 1998
Переклад назви: Інтерактивне керівництво Prolog


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   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Beauchemin, B.
A developer's guide to SQL Server 2005 [Electronic resource] / B. Beauchemin, D. Sullivan. - Boston : Addison Wesley Professional, 2006. - 1088 p.
Переклад назви: Керівництво з SQL Server 2005 від розробника


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"I come from a T-SQL background, so when I first laid my eyes on SQL Server 2005, I was shocked--and then, I was scared! I didn't have a CLR or XML background and suddenly had an urgent need to learn it. SQL Server 2005 is too big of a release to learn from the books online. Fortunately, now there is a book for developers who need to go from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005 and to do it as painlessly as possible. Basically, it's one-stop shopping for serious developers who have to get up to speed quickly. I'll keep this one on my desk--not on my bookshelf. Well done, Bob and Dan!"

розробка бази даних -- адміністрування баз даних

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Black, D.
Technician's guide to the 68HC11 microcontroller [Electronic resource] / D. Black, L. Chartrand. - New York : Delmar, 2000. - 380 p.
Переклад назви: Технічне керівництво для мікроконтролерів 68HC11


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Technician's Guide to the 68HC11 Microcontroller is ideal for readers with little or no prior programming experience who want to master the basics of troubleshooting and programming Motorola's 68HC11 microcontroller. Both hardware and software are covered in detail to provide a complete understanding of the principles underlying how a microcontroller works. Theory is supplemented by examples designed to illustrate how concepts may be applied. By learning how to program the 68HC11 at an elementary level, readers also gain valuable experience using manufacturer-specific documentation that prepares them for work with other more sophisticated microcontrollers.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Blum, R. H.
The book of runes [Electronic resource] : a handbook for the use of an Ancient Oracle: the Viking runes with stones / R. H. Blum. - 10th. ed.. - New York : St. Martin's Press, 1993. - 160 p.
Переклад назви: Книга рун: керівництво по використанню стародавнього оракула: руни Вікінга з камінням


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You are holding something very special: a part of the ancient past and, perhaps, a part of your future. Based on a tradition over one thousand years old, this contemporary Oracle has established itself as a remarkable aid in practical decision making. When first published in 1983, R. Buckminster Fuller said: "What a wonderful thing to have done-midwife the rebirth of an ancient oracle." A huge success with over 700,000 copies sold, The Book of Runes has proved itself to be a modern classic. For this, the tenth anniversary of the work, Ralph H. Blum has expanded and refined the runic system, making the Runes the most profoundly useful self-help tool of our era.

стародавні часи -- оракул

   Тип видання:   довідник   

Bragg, S. M.
Running a public company [Electronic resource] : from IPO to SEC reporting / S. M. Bragg. - Hoboken : Wiley & Sons, 2009. - 316 p.
Переклад назви: Управління акціонерним товариством: від IPO до SEC звітності


Географічні рубрики:

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Praise for Running a Public Company: From IPO to SEC Reporting "Steve Bragg's book is an essential read for anyone contemplating a public offering or taking on leadership responsibility in a public company. Not only does he explain the complicated aspects of registration and reporting, he provides practical examples of policies, procedures, and controls to keep a public company on the right track. This book is easy to follow and will continue to be a resource for the reader."-Tom Wilkinson , PMB Helin Donovan, LLP "I will recommend Running a Public Company: From IPO to SEC Reporting to my clients and consulting colleagues as an excellent resource. The book provides helpful guidance about the decision to go public, and about managing the requirements once a company is public. Steve Bragg's extensive knowledge stems from actual business experience, and his writing style makes a complex topic easier to follow and understand."-Valerie G. Walling, CPA, CMC, Management and Internal Controls Consultant "I highly recommend Steve's new book, Running a Public Company: From IPO to SEC Reporting, because it's a reference manual and insider's guide that contains a treasure trove of valuable insights certain to help managers, accountants, and attorneys navigate through the countless challenges that arise when taking (and keeping) a company public."-Matthew Posta, Esq., CPA, Vice President of Finance, Key Air, LLC "Mr. Bragg has done an excellent job of demystifying what is required to run your company and sell your stock in the public markets.

керівництво -- реєстрація бізнеса -- управління бізнесом

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Bray, I. M.
Becoming A U. S. Citizen [Electronic resource] : a Guide to the Law, Exam, and Interview / I. M. Bray. - Berkeley : NOLO, 2003. - 238 p.
Переклад назви: Стати громадянином США: керівництво із законодавства, складання іспиту та інтерв'ю


Географічні рубрики:

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The path from green card to U.S. citizenship can be a winding one -- and running into bureaucratic hassles is inevitable. But with Becoming a U.S. Citizen, you can shave years off the time it takes to become a citizen.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Brown, M. C.
Microsoft IIS 6 Delta Guide [Electronic resource] / M. C. Brown. - Indianapolis : Sams Publishing, 2003. - 216 p.
Переклад назви: Керівництво Microsoft IIS 6 Delta


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Microsoft's Internet Information Server 6 is an Internet server program that works with the Windows Server 2003 operating system. IIS is Microsoft's answer in the Internet server market to Apache, the open source and #1 Internet server in use. In the US 9.7 million servers run IIS (28 percent of the market) powering 5.3 million .com domains. Delivered as a fee add-on for the Windows 2003 Server, IIS 6 is a major upgrade from version 5 with increased security, better .NET programming integration, and stronger abilities to work with non-Microsoft languages and servers. Companies using IIS Server as part of their backend systems include: Krispy Kreme, AT&T, Home Shopping Network, Rolling Stone.com, plus many others.

операційна система -- сервер -- комп’ютерна програма -- програмне забезпечення -- Microsoft

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Campos, J. J.
Guia do Candomble da Bahia [Electronic resource] / J. J. Campos. - Rio de Janeiro : Pallas, 1989. - 109 с.
Переклад назви: Керівництво по Кандомбле Байя


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Кандомбле́ — афро-бразильская религиозная традиция, в основе которой лежит поклонение духам Ориша́, связанным со стихиями, различными родами человеческой деятельности и духовными аспектами бытия. Широко распространённая вера на территории Бразилии, особенно в регионах с большим числом темнокожего населения (в частности, штат Баия).

езотерика -- вуду -- оріша

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Cath, Smith.
Signs make sense [Electronic resource] : a guide to British sign language / Smith Cath. - London : Souvenir Press, 1990. - 120 p. - (Human horizons series)
Переклад назви: Знаки, що створюють сенс: керівництво з британської мови жестів

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I bought this book almost on a whim and found it exceptional to work from. It is very clear to read and the illustrations are easy to decipher and learn from. It gives a solid basis to progress from on your own, and also useful back up to any classes you may take. A good place to start.

мова жестів -- жестикуляція -- сурдопереклад

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Coates, B. A.
Divorce with Decency [Electronic resource] : the Complete How-To Handbook and Survivor’s Guide to the Legal, Emotional, Economic, and Social Issues / B. A. Coates. - 3rd. ed.. - Honolulu : University of Hawai‘i Press, 2008. - 245 p.
Переклад назви: Розлучення з порядністю: Повне керівництво в разі втрати годувальника в правових, емоційних, економічних та соціальних питаннях


Географічні рубрики:

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This revised edition includes the most current research, statistics, and insights on the effects of divorce on spouses, children, and society overall.

законодавство -- розлучення

   Тип видання:   художня література   

Coelho, Paulo.
Warrior of the light [Electronic resource] : a manual / Paulo Coelho. - [S. l.] : HarperOne, 2004. - 30 p
Переклад назви: Воїн світла: керівництво


Географічні рубрики:

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Paulo Coelho inspired millions of readers around the world and became one of the most beloved storytellers of our time with the international bestselling phenomenon The Alchemist. Now, in the beloved companion to his classic, The Warrior of The Light: A Manual invites us to live out our dreams to embrace the uncertainty of life, and to rise to our own unique destiny. In his inimitable style, Paulo Coelho shows readers how to embark upon the way of the Warrior: the one who appreciates the miracle of being alive, the one who accepts failure, and the one whose quest leads him to become the person he wants to be.

бразильська література -- белетристика

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Cohen, M. H.
The Practice of Integrative Medicine [Electronic resource] : a Legal and Operational Guide / M. H. Cohen, M. Ruggie, M. S. Micozzi. - New York : Springer Publishing Company, 2007. - 202 p.
Переклад назви: Практика інтегративної медицини: правове та оперативне керівництво

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Practitioners, facilities, and researchers encounter repeated requests from patients regarding the use of complementary and integrative medicine (CIM) and there are few who do not know the benefits of its use. But the legal aspects of prescribing or denying CIM treatment are new and harder to navigate, requiring the guidance of lawyers, policy makers, and other practitioners. Based on interviews with over 20 health care providers and facilities who have successfully combined integrative medicine in their practices, this book outlines the pitfalls, legal road-blocks, and benefits of bringing complementary and integrative medicine into daily health care routines.

медицина -- право

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Comfort, David.
An insider's guide to publishing [Electronic resource] / David Comfort. - New York : Writer's Digest Books, 2013. - 298 p
Переклад назви: Інсайдерське керівництво з видавничої справи


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The history of writing is full of authors striving to succeed in a hyper-competitive publishing world, contending with agents, editors, publishers, critics, and sometimes the greatest challenge of all - overnight success. For all of the extaordinary changes that have recently taken place, however, there are a few things that remain the same. Getting published still requires persistence, preparation, and smarts, as well as an understanding of how the business works, where it's been, and where it's going. An Insider's Guide to Publishing pulls back the industry curtain for millions of published and aspiring authors, revealing Hemingway's famous feuds, Poe's raving madness, Capote's vengeful wit, and much more. With clever insights and dark humor to spare, David Comfort, a thirty-year veteran of the publishing trenches, explores the achivements and faultures of literary masters and editorial workaholics to show readers how they, too, can: Use their creativity and composure to overcome publishing pitfalls. Work with agents, editors, publishers, and critics like a pro. Deal with rejection - and success - while avoiding the madhouse. Navigate the pros and cons of both traditional and self-publishing. An Insider's Guide to Publishing shares the wicked wit and wisdom of some of the craziest and most ambitious authors and editors of all time - proving that even the talented need luck, pluck, persistence, and the inside scoop on this rapidly changing industry in order to succeed!

видавництво -- друкарство -- едитологія

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