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   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Teach Yourself ActiveX in 21 Days [Electronic resource]. - [S. l. : s. n.]
Переклад назви: Самовчитель ActiveX за 21 день


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When I was first asked to do this book, a lot of folks on the team thought ActiveX was some kind of programming language like C++, HTML or JavaStuff. In fact, it's all of them and none of them. ActiveX is a technology—a way of using a computer's environment to communicate over the Web efficiently and reliably. HTML, C++ Visual Basic, DirectX, and many other tools can be used to take advantage of ActiveX technologies. "Why would I want to use ActiveX?" is the question I hear the most. I've got all kinds of answers—a different one for each individual. "To have a professional Web presence." "So people won't have to be techies to use your site." "So everyone's machine can work with your pages." The $40 answer is that it allows you to use OLE over the Web. This means that you can use your Web browser as a front end for your word processor, spreadsheet, database, chat, news, mail, and other applications. With ActiveX, you don't need to have 10 zillion applications installed on your machine. Moreover, you don't need to know how to use 10 zillion applications. When the Web browser tries to load an ActiveX document and you don't have the software required to load it, your Web browser will contact the software distributor over the Net, grab the stuff you need, and install it onto your local machine. If you never use that software again, it will be automatically deleted, freeing up valuable system resources for other uses. After browsing some of the book titles available for computer programming, I found very few like this one. That is because ActiveX is a unique concept in programming. It addresses the issues of networking by relying on standards that have been cussed and discussed by the many standards organizations out there. Microsoft has said that it will release the ActiveX technologies to an independent standards body for continued maintenance, but in fact, most of it is already in public hands.

програмне забезпечення

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Teach Yourself COBOL in 21 days [Electronic resource]. - 2th. ed.. - [S. l. : s. n.]
Переклад назви: Самовчитель COBOL за 21 день


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Teach Yourself COBOL in 21 Days went through many versions before it was right for the job. Several adventurous volunteers agreed to learn COBOL from scratch by doing each lesson as I completed it, and I installed revisions based on their feedback. For the second edition, each day's text incorporated suggestions from the first edition users and then underwent multiple revisions to ensure that it could be easily understood and that the correct gradient approach was used. Concepts are introduced slowly and repeated many times. The first edition included four Bonus Day lessons. This new edition has been extended to include two additional Bonus Day lessons, with emphasis on the year 2000 problem. In many cases, it is difficult to illustrate a programming point by using a full program. The point being highlighted gets lost against the background of all the other things going on in the program. The answer to this is to write short programs just to show how something works. The problem with this approach is that some examples are silly or trivial programs. One of my more determined volunteers frequently showed up at my desk looking perplexed and asking, "I understand what the program is doing, but why would anyone ever want a program like this?" The answer always is, "No one would; the example is only to illustrate how that part of the language works." I have revised each chapter and added specific comments indicating which examples aren't "real" programs. If I've missed any of these, and you see a program that seems to do something silly, irrelevant, or useless, be tolerant. Review the program as an example of how the language works and not as a program that you might use for some purpose. Lots of code is used. COBOL experience comes from writing, reading, and understanding lots of code. Sometimes one point is illustrated by repeating a whole program with only that one point changed.

мова програмування

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Writing Bug-Free C Code [Electronic resource]. - [S. l. : s. n.]
Переклад назви: Писання безпомилкового коду на C


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This book describes an alternate class methodology that provides complete data hiding and fault-tolerant run-time type checking of objects in C programs. With it, you will produce code that contains fewer bugs. The class methodology helps to prevent bugs by making it easier to write C code. It does this by eliminating data structures (class declarations) from include files, which makes a project easier to understand (because there is not as much global information), which makes it easier to write C code, which helps to eliminate bugs. This class methodology, which uses private class declarations, is different from C++, which uses public class declarations. The class methodology helps detect bugs by providing for both compile-time and run-time type checking of pointers (handles) to class objects. This run-time type checking catches a lot of bugs for you since invalid object handles (the cause of a lot of bugs) are automatically detected and reported.

програмування -- програмний код

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Slackware Linux Unleashed [Electronic resource]. - [S. l. : s. n.]


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This third edition of Linux Unleashed is the result of the demand for Linux, and for our books, for which we are grateful. Along with our Red Hat Linux Unleashed and my Linux System Administrator's Survival Guide, we have managed to cover most aspects of the Linux market with books aimed squarely at the reader. As with the first two editions, we have had a lot of help from the fine editors at Sams, and from technical reviewers from the Linux community. Thanks to Grace Buechlein for her fine efforts to get this edition in on time and into production. Thanks to Dean Miller and the rest of the editorial and production staff at Sams for whipping it into shape. The result of all this effort is hopefully a book even better than the previous edition, with more information aimed at you, our reader. Personally, my thanks to Kamran for once again working well with me to produce another book. If all my collaborations were as friendly and easy as this, I'd be a happy writer indeed. To my parents, thanks for understanding the need to stay in front of the computer and not make the trips to visit as often as I would have liked. Thanks to Bill, Phyllis, Roy, Mark, and Guy for providing welcome diversions, companionship, and support through the many long nights spent at the console. And finally, thanks to Yvonne, who knows writing is important to me and lets me get on with the job.

операційна система

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Fuller, M. D.
BSD vs Linux [Electronic resource] / M. D. Fuller. - [S. l. : s. n.]
Переклад назви: BSD проти Linux


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I run FreeBSD on my computers. A lot of my friends run Linux, or at least one of the distributions of it. Naturally, then, we agree that a Unix-style operating system is the right choice, but we disagree on which to use. It's been my impression that the BSD communit{y,ies}, in general, understand Linux far better than the Linux communit{y,ies} understand BSD. I have a few theories on why that is, but that's not really relevant. I think a lot of Linux people get turned off BSD because they don't really understand how and why it's put together. Thus, this rant; as a BSD person, I want to try to explain how BSD works in a way that Linux people can absorb. While there's overwhelming similarity between the operating systems in most cases, there are also a lot of differences. As you probe more into the differences, you find that they emerge from deep-seated disagreements. Some are disagreements over development methodology, some over deployment and usage, some about what's important, some about who's important, and some about which flavor of ice cream is superior. Just comparing the surface differences doesn't tell you anything; it's the deeper differences that both explain and justify why each group does things the way they do.


   Тип видання:   зб. статей   

Contemporary economy: social, legal and economic aspects [Electronic resource] : materials of XV International Scientific Symposium (Kyiv, 23–24 May 2017) / exec.edit. A. Mazaraki ; Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics. - Kyiv : [s. n.], 2017. - 208 p.
Переклад назви: Сучасна економіка: суспільні, правові та економічні чинники


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Symposium digest reviews relevant questions on development of national economies in terms of global market transformations, scientific and practical interest of presented articles pertains to the setting up the academic companies, problems of public administration and anticorruption law, development management of small and medium enterprises as well as flexible enterprise management and value-based management in retailing. A lot of attention is given to the contemporary socio-economic problems and problems on assessing economic potential of national enterprises and export to EU. Professionals of various economic spheres, civil servants, businessmen, scientific and public organizations, educators and students will find in this digest useful information for further researches. Materials are printed in authors’ edition.

децентралізація -- малий бізнес -- антикорупційний суд

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Professional Windows 8 Programming [Electronic resource] : application development with C# and XAML / Nick Lecrenski [etc.]. - Indianapolis : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2013. - 508 p
Переклад назви: Професійне програмування у Windows 8: розробка додатків з C # і XAML


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When you author a book and you get to the process of writing any acknowledgments it is a very good day. It means you are finally at the end of a very long journey that has many ups and downs. From late nights working through coding issues, to scouring the web for any new information on the topics you are trying to write about, getting here requires a lot of help. First and foremost, I want to thank Maureen Spears for once again leading me through this journey and keeping me sane when deadlines were missed or things just didn’t work the way I wanted them to. I also need to thank Mary James for keeping all of us on track and taking care of the various project management details of which there were many, given the number of authors involved. Finally, I want to thank Paul Reese who initiated this entire process quite some time ago and got the entire ball rolling!

програмне забезпечення -- мова програмування

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Gillett, Amy.
Speak English Like an American [Electronic resource] / Amy Gillett. - Michigan : Language Success Press, 2013. - 174 p
Переклад назви: Розмовляйте англійською, як американець


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If you already speak English, but now would like to start speaking even better, then the bestselling book & audio CD set Speak English Like an American is for you. This set is designed to help native speakers of any language speak better English. Over 300 of the most-used American English idioms and phrases are presented in engaging dialogue, with plenty of usage examples, illustrations, and lots of exercises -- with convenient answer key -- to help you learn the material. The audio CD includes all of the dialogues. Ideal for self-study as well as for ESL classroom use. A fun and effective way to improve your conversational English! Great for TOEFL study too -- learn many of the expressions you'll find on the exam in a fun and engaging way.

англійська мова -- вимова -- ідіоматика -- акцент

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Harris, Jonathan.
The utopian globalists [Electronic resource] : artists of worldwide revolution, 1919-2009 / Jonathan Harris. - London : Wiley-Blackwell, 2013. - 357 p
Переклад назви: Утопічні глобалісти: артисти світової революції, 1919-2009.


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This book represents (to me at least) a significant culmination in my work as an art historian over a thirty-year period and some of the people who have in various ways supported me – knowingly or not – might be surprised to see their names mentioned here. An ever-increasing number of them, depressingly, are also deceased and their mention is partly offered here as a sign that the books and essays they produced were important to me and might be consulted by anyone who values my contribution and wants to investigate its relationship to work by the writers and scholars who have influenced me. I should like to thank, then: Rasheed Araeen, Paula Barreiro-López, Vivienne Barsky, Kathy Battista, Al and Myra Boime, Tim Clark, August Davis, Angela Dimitrakaki, Ed D ’ Souza, Lindsey Fryer, Barry Gibbs, Christoph Grunenberg, Charles Harrison, Helen Hills, Peter and Linda Huby, Richard Koerck, Anne MacPhee, Annie Makhoul, David Oldham, Julie Sheldon, Brandon Taylor, Colin Trodd, Alan Wallach, Judith Walsh, Ren Wendong and Nigel Whiteley. Jayne Fargnoli, commissioning editor at Wiley-Blackwell, has been warmly supportive in both critical and practical terms on this and related projects – I look forward to extending this exciting and enjoyable relationship in the years to come! Bashir Makhoul – artist, historian of Palestinian art and Head of Winchester School of Art – has been a great friend and supporter, in practical and intellectual terms. If pedagogy, research and progressive politics can ever fit together comfortably in an institutional context, then WSA International offers a compelling model for it! Fred Orton read the manuscript and offered astute commentary on both its merits and lapses. He also corrected its English in many places and for that service I am extremely grateful. Fred ’ s work and deep friendship (and that of Miranda ’ s!) has really kept me going since my days as a doctoral student. Thank you! Gudrun, William, Oliver, Claire, Jim and Jules provide an indispensable part of the nest of family relationships within which this and all my other projects have been nurtured for many years now. Tom and Kate remain enthusiastic if sometimes justifiably mystified by the world of academe! Pie was a keen supporter too: thank you all. Jane Linden ’ s intellectual pugilism has always been matched by her affection and love for me. Many of the ideas and arguments that both unite and sometimes divide us have developed in and outside this book. May this conversation long continue! Thank you, sweetheart, for listening and responding. David Craven, for many years my friend and partner in lots of ventures, died suddenly as this book was nearing completion. His wide-ranging scholarship, moral and political commitment, idealism and good humour were an inspiration to me. This book is dedicated to his memory.

політика -- альтерглобалізм -- рухи спротиву

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Fallon, James.
The psychopath inside [Electronic resource] : a neuroscientist's personal journey into the dark side of the brain / James Fallon. - New York : Current, 2013. - 131 p
Переклад назви: Психопатологія зсередини: особиста подорож невролога на темний бік мозку


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“The last scan in the pile was strikingly odd. In fact it looked exactly like the most abnormal of the scans I had just been writing about, suggesting that the poor individual it belonged to was a psychopath—or at least shared an uncomfortable amount of traits with one....When I found out who the scan belonged to, I had to believe there was a mistake....But there had been no mistake. The scan was mine.” For the first fifty-eight years of his life James Fallon was by all appearances a normal guy. A successful neuroscientist and medical school professor, he’d been raised in a loving, supportive family, married his high school sweetheart, and had three kids and lots of friends. Then he learned a shocking truth that would not only disrupt his personal and professional life, but would lead him to question the very nature of his own identity. The Psychopath Inside tells the fascinating story of Fallon’s reaction to the discovery that he has the brain of a psychopath. While researching serial murderers, he uncovered a distinct neurological pattern in their brain scans that helped explain their cold and violent behavior. A few months later he learned that he was descended from a family with a long line of murderers which confirmed that Fallon’s own brain pattern wasn’t a fluke. As a scientist convinced that humans are shaped by their genetics, Fallon set out to reconcile the truth about his brain with everything he knew about the mind, behavior, and the influence of nature vs. nurture on our personalities. How could he, a successful scientist and a happy family man with no history of violence, be a psychopath? How much did his biology influence his behavior? Was he capable of some of the gruesome atrocities perpetrated by the serial killers he had studied? Combining his personal experience with scientific analysis, Fallon shares his journey and the discoveries that ultimately led him to understand that, despite everything science can teach us, humans are even more complex than we can imagine.

психологія -- неврологія -- нейрофізіологія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Weiwei, Zhang.
The China wave [Electronic resource] : rise of a civilizational state / Zhang Weiwei. - New Jersey : World Century Publishing Corporation, 2012. - 200 p
Переклад назви: Китайська хвиля: зростання цивілізаційного стану


Географічні рубрики:

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This book is dedicated to all those who have contributed to China’s dramaticrise, which haschanged the lot of one-fifth of mankind forever, and to the visionary architect of this rise, China’s late leader Deng Xiaoping, whom I had the privilege to serve as an English interpreter in the mid- 1980s and whose many ideas have inspired me to write this book. I owe an intellectual debt to many individuals and it is impossible to mention all of them, but I should thank those individuals, some of whom are also personal friends, who shared their perspectives with me on various issues discussed in the book. These individuals include Li Junru of the Central Party School; Eric Li, Jin Zhongwei and Sha Ye of the Chunqiu Institute; Shi Zhengfu, Chen Ping, Jiang Yihua and Xiao Sijian of Fudan University; Pan Wei of Beijing University; Zhang Wenmu of Beihang University; Wang Shaoguang of the University of Hong Kong; Wang Wen of the Global Times; Ji Guibao of the Wenhui Daily; Francis Fukuyama of Standard University; and Robert Kuhn, the author of How China’s Leaders Think. I would like to express my special gratitude to K. K. Phua, Ho Yi Kai, Dong Lixi and their colleagues at World Scientific and World Century for their invaluable professional support in editing and publishingthis book in English. My heartfelt thanks also go to Chen Xin, Hu Dawei, Shi Hongjun a nd Cai Xin of Shanghai Century Publishing for their dedicated professional assistance in editing and publishing the Chinese edition of the book. I should also thank Pan Xiaoli and H. B. Teng for their linguistic counsel, especially for Xiaoli’s original proposal on the book’s English title. I am most grateful to my wife Hui-Hui and my son Marco Yi-Zhou for their kind understanding and unfailing support. I am alone, however, responsible for any errors that may appear in this book.

синологія -- Китай -- трансформації суспільства -- економіка -- культура

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Ramonienė, Meilutė.
Colloquial Lithuanian [Electronic resource] : the complete course for beginners / M. Ramonienė, I. Press. - 2nd ed.. - Abingdon : Routledge, 2011. - 815 p.
Переклад назви: Розмовна литовська мова: повний курс для початківців


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Colloquial Lithuanian is easy to use and completely up-to-date! Specially written by experienced teachers for self-study or class use, the course offers a step-by-step approach to written and spoken Lithuanian. No prior knowledge of the language is required. What makes Colloquial Lithuanian your best choice in personal language learning? Interactive – lots of exercises for regular practice. Clear – concise grammar notes. Practical – useful vocabulary and pronunciation guide. Complete – including answer key and reference section. By the end of this rewarding course, you will be able to communicate confidently and effectively in Lithuanian in a broad range of everyday situations.

литовська мова -- переклад -- вимова

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Kim, Casey.
Rip your own [Electronic resource] : digitizing your records and tapes / Casey Kim. - Boston : Course Technology, 2011. - 177 p
Переклад назви: Оцифруйся! : оцифрування ваших грамплатівок і касет


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If you're like many music lovers, you still have a lot of your music collection on old records and tape cassettes. You probably want to be able to listen to a lot of that music on your iPod, but re-purchasing all of it in digital form would cost you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. Have no fear, this book provides an easy-to-read, non-technical guide to digitizing all of those records on the cheap. You'll get an overview of the tools available to help you with the task and how to find them. From there, you'll get a gentle introduction to the world of digital audio that focuses on the task at hand with no unnecessary tech-speak. You'll also learn how to use the software that can digitize that music into your computer, including how to clean up tape hiss, hum, pops, and clicks from the material. You'll even get tips on how to organize your MP3s and which MP3 players are the best buy. By the end of the book, you'll have learned to transfer all of your old records and tapes to MP3s you can listen to on the go, remastered some of your scratched records and worn-out tapes, and learned a little bit of pro audio to boot. So what are you waiting for? Your new digital music library awaits you!

електронний формат -- електронна версія -- оцифрування -- магнітна стрічка -- вінілова платівка

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Біологічні науки   

Hall, Matthew.
Plants as persons [Electronic resource] : a philosophical botany / Matthew Hall. - New York : State University of New York Press, 2011. - 251 p
Переклад назви: Рослини як особистість: філософська ботаніка

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Plants are people too? Not exactly, but in this work of philosophical botany Matthew Hall challenges readers to reconsider the moral standing of plants, arguing that they are other-than-human persons. Plants constitute the bulk of our visible biomass, underpin all natural ecosystems, and make life on Earth possible. Yet plants are considered passive and insensitive beings rightly placed outside moral consideration. As the human assault on nature continues, more ethical behavior toward plants is needed. Hall surveys Western, Eastern, Pagan, and Indigenous thought, as well as modern science and botanical history, for attitudes toward plants, noting the particular resources for plant personhood and those modes of thought which most exclude plants. The most hierarchical systems typically put plants at the bottom, but Hall finds much to support a more positive view of plants. Indeed, some Indigenous animisms actually recognize plants as relational, intelligent beings who are the appropriate recipients of care and respect. New scientific findings encourage this perspective, revealing that plants possess many of the capacities of sentience and mentality traditionally denied them. “All those who depend on plants should critically read Plants as Persons … I highly recommend Plants as Persons as a challenging read for any carnivores, PETA advocates, or emerging academics; the book is thought-provoking for omnivores, medical practitioners, life science enthusiasts, and philosophers … If you are fascinated by plants, you will want this for your personal collection.” — Katie Kamelamela, Economic Botany “Overall, this book is a ‘must read’ for anyone interested in the state of the environment today, whether professionally or as a concerned citizen. It does not simplify the issues but has managed to attain that elusive balance between remaining accessible and readable without sacrificing intellectual range, subtlety and complexity of thought.” — Australian Humanities Review “Dr. Hall does a wonderful job of presenting many layers of research and insight in a very organized way. His introduction outlines the content of his book clearly and each chapter ends with a helpful summary and a smooth transition into the next topic of discussion. There is a lot of information to think about in Plants as Persons. All of it enlightening. Now here is a book that is hard to put down.” — ArtPlantae Today “If you are someone who thought philosophy began and ended with Aristotle and Socrates, then this book will be an eye opener … [it] explains that plants are active, self-directed, and even intelligent. Hall puts forward the view that nature is a communion of subjective, collaborative beings, organizing and experiencing their environment.” — Chicago Botanic Garden “The extension of ethics to the nonhuman, nonanimal is important, and ahead of its time. What a pleasure to experience this well-written, well-researched, interesting approach to applied comparative philosophy. Matthew Hall makes an outstanding contribution to a new and important field of study.” — Christopher Key Chapple, author of Yoga and the Luminous: Patañjali’s Spiritual Path to Freedom

біологія -- ботаніка -- генетика -- антропоморфність

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Fahmy, Ziad.
Ordinary Egyptians [Electronic resource] : creating the modern nation, through popular culture / Ziad Fahmy. - Stanford : Stanford University Press, 2011. - 265 p
Переклад назви: Звичайні єгиптяни: постання сучасної нації через масову культуру

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This book took more than seven years to research and write and has passed through several stages of transformation. During this long process, I have benefited from the encouragement and ideas of countless colleagues, mentors, friends, and family members. First, I would like to thank Charles D. Smith and Julia Clancy-Smith. Carl’s and Julia’s mentoring, insight, and engagement with my work were instrumental in seeing this project through. I will forever be in their debt. I would also like to thank Linda T. Darling. Linda is the consummate mentor; her office door was always open to me for endless academic questions and discussions. I would like to thank Kate Wahl, the Stanford University Press executive editor, for taking a chance on my book and for her thoroughness and professionalism. The critical and encouraging comments of the SUP anonymous readers were extremely helpful in framing my revisions. My book is much better because of the readers’ advice. I am especially grateful to Walter Armbrust, who meticulously examined and critiqued the entire manuscript. His insights led me to explore new paths I had not yet considered. I am indebted to many colleagues, friends, and acquaintances: Donald Malcolm Reid, Tracy Gould, Julia Hutchins-Richards, and Christina Lindeman, for reading and commenting on an earlier draft of Chapter 2; Frédéric Lagrange, for sending me some relevant pages from the catalogs of Odeon, Columbia, and Baidaphon record companies; Munther Yunis, for allowing me to use his extensive library on linguistics; and Lauren Monroe, for reading and commenting on my introduction. I would also like to thank Deborah Starr and Vikash Yadav for sharing their book proposals with me and for their helpful advice on the publication process. Through the years, a great number of people have directly or indirectly contributed to my scholarship and intellectual growth. I benefited from the mentoring and advice of Richard Eaton, Leila Hudson, Michael Bonine, Adel Gamal, Kamran Talattof, Amy Newhall, Richard Cosgrove, Kevin Gosner, Eric Davis, and Stephen Reinhardt. Throughout the writing process, my colleagues and the academic staff in the Department of Near Eastern Studies at Cornell University were generous and unbelievably supportive. I am truly blessed to work in such a collegial and supportive atmosphere. Financial assistance for the research and writing of this project came from a variety of sources. The bulk of the research for this book took place in Egypt and England, with the help of generous research grants from Fulbright-Hays and the American Research Center in Egypt. Cornell University’s Society for the Humanities summer research grants in 2008 and 2010 helped me acquire additional resources, which were instrumental in the completion of this project. I am also indebted to the Cornell University Library and especially Ali Houissa, the Middle East and Islamic Studies librarian, for acquiring dozens of rare Arabic periodicals, which were extremely useful for my research. A part of Chapter 5 and a section from the introduction are reprinted with permission from my previous work, “Media Capitalism: Colloquial Mass Culture and Nationalism in Egypt, 1908–1918,” International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 42(1) (February 2010): 83–103. I am eternally grateful to my parents, Ferial Sammakia and Adel Fahmy, who sacrificed a lot for my education and helped instill in me a sense of historical and intellectual curiosity. Most of all, I would like to thank my wife, Kaila Bussert, who proofread countless incarnations of this manuscript and endured my endless obsessions with this book project. Her love and unfailing intellectual and emotional support made this book possible.

країна -- народ -- історія

   Тип видання:   життєпис   

Дорофеев, Владислав Юрьевич.
Принцип Касперского. Телохранитель Интернета [Електронний ресурс] / В. Д. Дорофеев, Т. П. Костылева. - М. : Эксмо, 2011. - 332 с.. - (Библиотека Коммерсантъ)


Географічні рубрики:

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Почти 300 миллионов пользователей Интернета сегодня защищают свои компьютеры с помощью антивирусных продуктов и технологий "Лаборатории Касперского". 80 крупнейших мировых IТ-корпораций находятся под защитой бренда Kaspersky. Среди них -- Microsoft, Intel, Safenet, Check Point, IBM/Lotus, Clearswift, D-Link, Juniper, LANDesk, Netasq, ZyXEL, Cisco, Aladdin, Novell, Linux и др. Таков итог более чем двадцатилетних усилий и целеустремленного труда команды единомышленников во главе с Евгением Касперским. В офисах его транснациональной корпорации со штаб-квартирой в Москве говорят на 18 языках мира. Представительства компании расположены в 29 странах. Самый известный в мире гражданин IT-России, профессиональный криптограф и шифровальщик, выпускник элитной разведшколы, путешественник, либерал, умелый лидер, ведущий мировой эксперт в области информационной безопасности и просто удачливый человек Евгений Касперский всегда хотел быть лучшим в своем деле. Ему, команде и компании, носящей его имя, это удалось. Как? Об этом наша книга.

бізнес -- гроші -- успіх -- комп’ютерні технології -- захист -- Інтернет -- хакер -- антивірус

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

James, Louis.
Xenophobe's Guide to the Austrians [Electronic resource] / Louis James. - London : Oval Books, 2010. - 98 p
Переклад назви: Путівник австрійською культурою


Географічні рубрики:

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The Austrian needs lots of persuading to have his traditions tampered with in the name of modernization and efficiency. He is attached to his sausage, his insipid beer, and the young white wine that tastes so remarkably like iron filings. He prefers the familiar, tried, and tested to the novelty, the latter almost certainly being an attempt by persons unknown to make money at his expense.

Австрія -- культура -- нація

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Elsie, Robert.
Historical dictionary of Albania [Electronic resource] / R. Elsie. - Lanham : Scarecrow Press, 2010. - 663 p.. - (Historical dictionaries of Europe ; no. 75)
Переклад назви: Історичний словник Албанії


Географічні рубрики:

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Historical dictionaries are useful books for all countries, but they are more essential for some than others. Albania is a case in point. Never particularly well known by outsiders under earlier regimes, it was deliberately and almost hermetically closed to the outside world during the communist era. Now it has thankfully become free again, its borders are open and it can be visited, and it is increasingly integrating with the rest of Europe and beyond. Nonetheless, it still remains relatively remote, and our knowledge of it is sparse. Worse, some of the things we think we know are wrong. So it takes a lot of effort to learn about Albania, although that was already lessened considerably by the previous edition of this Historical Dictionary of Albania, and will be even more so by the second edition. This volume takes a long view, presenting the various peoples, regimes, and rulers who shaped its earlier development and the leaders who are now seeking other, more promising directions, although not always successfully. Nonetheless, there has been progress, and it can best be seen by taking a long view, which is one of the strong points of this book. It also takes a very broad view, covering not only history and politics, but also economics and social customs, foreign policy, language, culture, and religion. And it adds a further dimension: the Albanians living outside of the country, whether in neighboring Kosovo or the more distant diaspora. Literally hundreds of entries in the dictionary section are buttressed by a list of acronyms, a chronology, and an introduction. And those who want to learn more about specific topics should consult the impressively large bibliography.

Балкани -- мусульманська Європа -- довідник

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Gifford, Jonathan.
History Lessons [Electronic resource] : what business and management can learn from the great leaders of history / J. Gifford. - London : Marshall Cavendish Business, 2010. - 272 p.
Переклад назви: Уроки історії: що бізнес і менеджмент може дізнатися від найвизначніших історичних лідерів


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History Lessons starts from the assumption that management, at any level, has a lot to do with leadership. An effective manager needs a whole array of talents, and now that we have begun to take on board the concept that people should not be managed at all, rather that managers should ideally lead their teams to the successful fulfilment of their tasks, so leadership skills for managers have come to the fore. This book is based on the premise that there is no one kind of perfect manager or leader and that a search for the set of characteristics and skills that represent the ideal leader is doomed (happily) to failure. Leaders, like the rest of us, come in all different shapes and sizes: meticulous and visionary; outgoing and retiring; impulsive and cautious; subtle and direct. This book sets out to look at what the great leaders from history have actually done—to see how they behaved; to learn what we can from their actions. History Lessons attempts to give readers enough history to provide some sort of insight into the real issues faced by each of the leaders, and the context in which they made their decisions. There is also, I hope, enough detail about these leaders’ lives to give some idea of the kind of people that they were; of the personal background and historical context that helped to shape their personalities and influence the decisions that they took and the plans of action that they devised. Leadership and management are intensely human activities—the leaders of the past were essentially no different from the leaders and managers of today. It is from their entirely recognisable human qualities that we can learn the most useful lessons.

управління -- лідерство

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

O’Sullivan, Dan.
Wikipedia [Electronic resource] : a new community of practice? / Dan O’Sullivan. - Farnham : Ashgate, 2009. - 200 p
Переклад назви: Вікіпедія: нова практична спільнота?


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These days we look to Wikipedia for the truth. A neat illustration of this occurred not long before I sent up the manuscript of this book to the publishers. A pparently Gordon Brownhad claimed in a speech that he had much in common with the artist Titian, who did his best work in his dotage and reached the age of 90. A few days later, at 12.34 p.m. on 12 February 2009, someone at Conservative Central Office altered the Wikipedia article on Titian so as to reduce his age at death. This allowed David Cameron to go on the offensive at prime minister’s question time the same day. ‘The prime minister never gets his facts right,’ said Cameron. ‘You told us the other day you were like Titian aged 90. The fact is Titian died at 86.’ Two simple, yet potentially significant, propositions lie behind the themes of this book. The first, which I suppose as a historian I have always had in the back of my mind, is that the new – novel institutions, original ideas – usually turns out to be a lot older than we thought. The second, to which I have more recently come, is that, in cultural matters at least, working with one’s peers can get one further than trying to go it alone. I attempt here to illustrate and combine these two points of view by looking at certain historical group projects, and comparing them with another project that was born in the present century – Wikipedia. What sparked off my interest in these particular ‘communities of practice’ in history and on the Internet was the fact that I have myself for several years been a member of just such a community. In our village there is a flourishing archaeology/local history group whose members share the fruits of their efforts and collaborate in joint publications much as wikipedians do, though admittedly the international dimension is somewhat lacking. Recently we too have set up a ‘wiki’ site, www.greatayton.wikidot.com, to which anyone in the group may make a contribution. From these experiences it has been brought home to me that sharing and participation, while immensely enjoyable in themselves, are also just as efficient and productive a way to operate as is the more usual path of the solitary researcher. I want to thank Simon and Tom O’Sullivan and Janus Olsen for reading drafts of the book and making numerous useful suggestions. I should also like to thank my wife Hazel for her patience and moral support during the writing of it.

інформація -- енциклопедія -- віртуальна спільнота -- соціальне співробітництво

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