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Nidialkova N. A. Isolation and purification of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis IMV B-7465 peptidase with specificity toward elastin and collagen // The Ukr. Biochem. J.. - 2016. - 88, № 3.

Chernyshenko V. O. Calix[4]arene C-145 effects on сellular haemostasis // Biotechnologia Acta. - 2016. - 9, № 3.

Chernyshenko VEpigallocatechingallate influence on resting and carbon-filtered platelets // Вісн. Львів. ун-ту. Сер. біол.. - 2016. - Вип. 73.

Dziuba O. S. Blood coagulation and aortic wall integrity in rats with obesity-induced insulin resistance // The Ukr. Biochem. J.. - 2018. - 90, № 2.

Savchuk O. V. Haemostasis modulation by calix[4]arene methylenebisphosphonic acid C-145 and its sulfur-containing analogue // The Ukr. Biochem. J.. - 2018. - 90, № 6.

Musiychuk V. V. Evaluation of biochemical indicators in blood plasma of rats with tetracycline-induced hepatosis and their correction by milk phospholipids // The Ukr. Biochem. J.. - 2019. - 91, № 1.

Sakovich V. V. Metalloprotease from the cultural liquid of Pleurotus osreatus // Biotechnologia Acta. - 2019. - 12, № 6.

Chernyshenko VPreparation of highly-concentrated autologous platelet-rich plasma for biomedical use // The Ukr. Biochem. J.. - 2019. - 91, № 2.

Chernyshenko VBlood coagulation parameters in rats with acute radiation syndrome receiving activated carbon as a preventive remedy // The Ukr. Biochem. J.. - 2019. - 91, № 2.

Grigorieva M. Joining the global scientific community - UBJ on its way // The Ukr. Biochem. J.. - 2019. - 91, № 5.

Tkachenko O. S. Protective action of N-stearoylethanolamine on blood coagulation and arterial changes in spontaneously hypertensive rats fed cholesterol-rich diet // The Ukr. Biochem. J.. - 2020. - 92, № 2.

Stohnii Y. M. Aggregation of platelets, proliferation of endothelial cells and motility of cancer cells are mediated by the B beta 1(15)-42 residue of fibrin(ogen) // The Ukr. Biochem. J.. - 2020. - 92, № 2.

Chernyshenko V. O. Molecular mechanisms of inhibition of intravascular, and activation of extravascular thrombus formation : (a rev.) // Biotechnologia Acta. - 2021. - 14, № 6.

Stohnii Ye. M. Directed proteolysis of fibrinogen by protease of Gloydius halys halys venom // Biotechnologia Acta. - 2021. - 14, № 6.

Marunych R. Yu. Chelidonium majus water extract initiates platelet aggregation and inhibits fibrin polymerization in blood plasma // Biotechnologia Acta. - 2022. - 15, № 3.

Korolova D. S. Optimization of the evaluation method of the performance of therapy using indirect action anticoagulants // Biotechnologia Acta. - 2022. - 15, № 3.
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