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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 226
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Chernatska O. M. 10-year risk estimation of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in hypertensive patients // Eastern Ukr. Med. J. - 2021. - 9, № 2.

Duzhyi I. D. A rare foreign body in the chest under COVID-19 epidemic conditions // Eastern Ukr. Med. J. - 2021. - 9, № 3.

Zaliavska O. V. A rehabilitation effect of water with low surface tension on the functional condition of the kidneys // Eastern Ukr. Med. J. - 2021. - 9, № 1.

Romero-Reveron R. A Venezuelan anatomist cited in the human anatomy treatise Testut-Latarjet // Eastern Ukr. Med. J. - 2020. - 8, № 4.

Fedorchenko V. I. Analysis of microbiology online teaching in quarantine conditions // Eastern Ukr. Med. J. - 2021. - 9, № 1.

Holubnycha V. M. Antibacterial influence of silver nanoparticles on multi-resistant strains of K. pneumoniae isolated at hospitals // Eastern Ukr. Med. J. - 2021. - 9, № 4.

Popov S. V. Antibiotic-associated blood changes in newborns // Eastern Ukr. Med. J. - 2021. - 9, № 4.

Ojetunde A. O. Antidiabetic effects of medicinal plants : (a lit. rev.) // Eastern Ukr. Med. J. - 2021. - 9, № 1.

Gancho O. V. Antimicrobial effect of citrate buffer with antibiotic // Eastern Ukr. Med. J. - 2022. - 10, № 1.

Radko A. Assessment of the risk of skin lesions associated with Demodex mites in students with acne vulgaris // Eastern Ukr. Med. J. - 2020. - 8, № 2.

Lukavenko I. M. Association between the rs801460-polymorphism in the SRA1 gene and thyroid nodules among Ukrainian women with proliferative type of benign breast dysplasia without atypia // Eastern Ukr. Med. J. - 2020. - 8, № 4.

Volkogon A. Association of MALAT1 rs3200401 gene polymorphism with kidney cancer in Ukrainian population // Eastern Ukr. Med. J. - 2019. - 7, № 2.

Volkogon A. Association of MALAT1 rs3200401 gene polymorphism with kidney cancer in Ukrainian population // Eastern Ukr. Med. J. - 2019. - 7, № 2.

Bodnarchuk J. A. Biochemical and biomechanical substantiation of reparative regeneration of intervertebral discs in patients with degenerative disc diseases : (a rev.) // Eastern Ukr. Med. J. - 2020. - 8, № 3.

Lychko V. Cerebrovascular complications of COVID-19 (systemic review) // Eastern Ukr. Med. J. - 2021. - 9, № 3.

Lutai I. V. Clinical and epidemiological features of Lyme borreliosis // Eastern Ukr. Med. J. - 2021. - 9, № 1.

Zaikina Ju. A. Clinical and functional indicators over time in overweight patients with bronchial asthma receiving standard therapy vs. standard therapy with a complex of rehabilitation measures // Eastern Ukr. Med. J. - 2021. - 9, № 3.

Tsyndrenko N. L. Clinical, morphological, and epidemiological characteristics of endometrial hyperplastic processes in Sumy region // Eastern Ukr. Med. J. - 2021. - 9, № 4.

Lihonenko O. V. Combined estrogenoliposomal therapy in complex treatment of pyoinflammatory soft tissue lesions in elderly and senile patients // Eastern Ukr. Med. J. - 2020. - 8, № 4.

Kovalev V. Comparative features of open source software products for the development of an automated breast cancer diagnostic program // Eastern Ukr. Med. J. - 2019. - 7, № 4.
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