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Представлено документи з 1 до 20

Gerashchenko G. V. A role of expression level of reference and investigated genes in prostate tumors for qPCR analysis // Biopolymers and Cell. - 2018. - 34, № 2.

Rymar V. I. Aberrant expression of metallothioneins in clear cell renal cell carcinomas // Biopolymers and Cell. - 2015. - 31, № 6.

Minchenko D. O. Acute L-glutamine deprivation affects the expression of TP53-related protein genes in U87 glioma cells // Фізіол. журн.. - 2014. - 60, № 4.

Kapustian L. M. Analysis of eEF1B gamma interactome in the nuclear fraction of A549 human lung adenocarcinoma cells // Biopolymers and Cell. - 2019. - 35, № 4.

Ugryn D. D. Authentication of epigenetic changes in genes which are potentially associated with epithelial tumors // Біополімери і клітина. - 2007. - 23, № 4.

Egorova A. G. Cell membrane blebbing is related to the CD38 redistribution in NG108-15 hybrid cells. — 2000 // Нейрофизиология.

Massade L. Characterization and vectorization of siRNA targeting RET/PTC1 in human papillary thyroid carcinoma cells // Biopolymers and Cell. - 2011. - 27, № 5.

Арешков П. О. CHI3L1 і CHІ3L2 як антагоністичні ефектори життєздатності клітин та активатори сигнальних каскадів : автореф. дис. ... канд. біол. наук : 03.00.03. — Київ, 2014

Areshkov P. A. Chitinase 3-like protein 2 (CHI3L2, YKL-39) activates phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases ERK1/ERK2 in human embryonic kidney (HEK293) and human glioblastoma (U87 MG) cells. — 2010 // Цитология и генетика.

Basaraba O. I. Comparative analysis of Ruk/CIN85 isoforms expression profiles in normal and transformed human tissues // Укр. біохім. журн.. - 2008. - 80, № 4.

Babichev S. A. Computational analysis of microarray gene expression profiles of lung cancer // Biopolymers and Cell. - 2016. - 32, № 1.

Minchenko O. H. Effect of hypoxia on the expression of genes that encode some IGFBP and CCN proteins in U87 glioma cells depends on IRE1 signaling // The Ukr. Biochem. J.. - 2015. - 87, № 6.

Minchenko O. H. Effect of hypoxia on the expression of nuclear genes encoding mitochondrial proteins in U87 glioma cells // The Ukr. Biochem. J.. - 2016. - 88, № 3.

Minchenko D. O. Effect of hypoxia, glutamine and glucose deprivation on the expression of mRNA of the retinoblastoma binding proteins in glioma cells // Біол. студії. - 2011. - 5, № 1.

Minchenko O. H. ERN1 modifies the effect of glutamine deprivation on tumor growth related factors expression in U87 glioma cells // The Ukr. Biochem. J.. - 2018. - 90, № 3.

Харькова А. П. ERN1-залежна регуляція експресії генів системи IGF у клітинах гліоми : автореф. дис. ... канд. біол. наук : 03.00.04. — Київ, 2017. — 20, [1]: a-рис.

Mayevska O.  Expression of adaptor protein Ruk/CIN85 isoforms in cell lines of various tissue origins and human melanoma. — 2006 // Эксперим. онкология.

Gerashchenko G. V. Expression of cancer-associated genes in prostate tumors at mRNA and protein levels // Biopolymers and Cell. - 2019. - 35, № 1.

Dmitrenko V. V. Expression of genes belonging to the IGF-system in glial tumors. — 2011 // Цитология и генетика.

Minchenko O. H. Expression of IGFBP6, IGFBP7, NOV, CYR61, WISP1 and WISP2 genes in U87 glioma cells in glutamine deprivation condition // The Ukr. Biochem. J.. - 2016. - 88, № 3.
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