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Пошуковий запит: (<.>TJ=Progress in Physics of Metals<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 117
Представлено документи з 1 до 20

Bahfie F. Kinetic properties of nickel leaching by ANOVA metod // Progress in Physics of Metals. - 2022. - 23, № 3.

Babanli M. B. Formation and growth of cracks in 7075-T6 aluminium matrix hybrid FML nanocomposite materials // Progress in Physics of Metals. - 2022. - 23, № 3.

Matysina Z. A. Iron in endometallofullerenes // Progress in Physics of Metals. - 2022. - 23, № 3.

Markovsky P. E. Mechanical behaviour of Ti - 15Mo alloy produced with electron-beam cold hearth melting depending on deformation rate and in comparison with other titanium alloys // Progress in Physics of Metals. - 2022. - 23, № 3.

Vasylyev M. O. Microstructure of Co - Cr dental alloys manufactured by casting and 3D selective laser melting // Progress in Physics of Metals. - 2022. - 23, № 2.

Bobyr S. V. Shear transformation of austenite in steels considering stresses' effects // Progress in Physics of Metals. - 2022. - 23, № 3.

Volokitin A. V. Thermomechanical treatment of stainless steel piston rings // Progress in Physics of Metals. - 2022. - 23, № 3.

Latypova M. A. Localization of deformation in the process of large plastic deformations // Progress in Physics of Metals. - 2022. - 23, № 4.

Volokitina I. E. Martensitic transformations in stainless steels // Progress in Physics of Metals. - 2022. - 23, № 4.

Bahfie F. Heat treatment technology for stainless steel 316(L) // Progress in Physics of Metals. - 2022. - 23, № 4.

Naizabekov A. B. Current trends to obtain metals and alloys with ultrafine-grained structure // Progress in Physics of Metals. - 2022. - 23, № 4.

Matysina Z. A. Electric arc methods to synthesize carbon nanostructures // Progress in Physics of Metals. - 2022. - 23, № 3.

Chabak Yu. G. Current functional materials for wear-resistant casting: from multicomponent cast irons to hybrid high-boron alloys // Progress in Physics of Metals. - 2022. - 23, № 4.

Pazukha I. M. Crystal structure, phase state, and magnetoresistive properties of nanostructured thin-film systems based on permalloy and noble metals // Progress in Physics of Metals. - 2022. - 23, № 4.

Danilchenko V. Yu. Phase and structural transformations in the Fe-based alloys under the combined high-energy treatment // Progress in Physics of Metals. - 2022. - 23, № 2.

Romanov D. A. Fundamental research on the structure and properties of electroerosion-resistant coatings on copper // Progress in Physics of Metals. - 2021. - 22, № 2.

Savchuk M. I. Physical regularities for cellular precipitation of Co-, Cu-, and Pb-based supersaturated solid solutions // Progress in Physics of Metals. - 2021. - 22, № 2.

Akhmetova G. Е. On the issue of alloying and modification of alloys: using the waste products for creation of novel materials // Progress in Physics of Metals. - 2021. - 22, № 2.

Hafarov A. E. Nanoscale materials for state-of-the-art magnetic memory technologies // Progress in Physics of Metals. - 2021. - 22, № 2.

Kostyk K. O. Strengthening the surface layer of tools with state-of-the-art technologies // Progress in Physics of Metals. - 2021. - 22, № 1.
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